
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 636: - observation

"Lady Eleanor, is it over already?" Asked the secretary of Lady Eleanor. She wasn't expecting the battle between Harrison and the Dragon Monarch to end this soon. Lady Eleanor kept staring at the screen for a few minutes in silence before nodding her head. Just from watching all the crazy things that happened, she felt tired. Her body felt heavy. Now that everything was finally over, she felt slightly bit relieved. "Yeah....!!!" "It seems you were right about not joining The Beast King Alliance." Everyone who joined The Beast King Alliance was killed. Lady Eleanor did not reply. She could see on the screen that in place of Aditya, Watson had somehow magically appeared. It would be more accurate to say that it is as if they had switched places just when the battle ended. 'Still....!!! I did not expect Harrison to be defeated this easily.' Lady Eleanor thought while rubbing her forehead.

She was obviously very happy that the Dragon Monarch won the battle. If Harrison had won then her life and the entire clan's future would have been in danger. Compared to Harrison, Aditya was much better. The fact that Aditya managed to defeat Harrison who had bonded with the World Treasure without losing a single drop of blood was enough for Lady Eleanor to have a basic understanding of his strength. 'If he were to go to the Main continent, then he would surely shake the entire Main Continent.' Lady Eleanor thought in her mind. 'He is already this powerful. Maybe once he reaches Peak 4th-order, then he can help me out.' Lady Eleanor decided to keep a watch on Aditya till then. "Lady Eleanor, now that all of the 5 Beast Kings have died, what should we do?" Asked the secretary. While saying that she couldn't help but feel slightly bit excited because of the new opportunities that have opened up with the death of the 5 Beast Kings. Even the strongest Beast King had died. So now Lady Eleanor was the strongest Beast King. This is a perfect opportunity for their clan to grow even stronger. What Lady Eleanor said next made the secretary extremely happy. It seems the rise of their clan was inevitable. -

Scene change_____

Back to the Istarin empire,

Lara was watching over Aditya. Once when she woke up, she briefly learned about everything that happened while trying to get the Dragon Grass. After knowing everything that her husband and her sisters had gone through just to get the Dragon Grass for her sake, she was moved to tears. She was very touched. In the end, she decided to stay in his room and watch over him while others were in Julia's lab. While sitting by his bed, she was reading a book. From time to time, she would raise her head and glance at her husband. Around a few hours later, Aditya finally opened his eyes. He found himself in his bedroom. "Husband, how are you feeling?" Lara asked while trying to control he emotions. Aditya just nodded his head with a smile. "I am completely fine. There is no need to look so worried, Silly....!!!" He said while rubbing her head. He fell unconscious was of the side effect of using 'Dragon Monarch's Domain'. "What book are you reading?" Aditya curiously asked. "It's a book about a Heroine who is obsessed with Tea." Hearing this Aditya nodded his head. Lara closed the book and then looked at Aditya. "Husband, Lara has caused you so much trob...!!!" He just shuts her mouth by hugging her. With his strength, he easily picked up her small body and made her sit on his lap. "For you going through all of that was totally worth it."

"I did this for our future." Lara slightly blushed upon hearing these words.

"I want you to live." "Whether you like it or not, from now on you're stuck with me." He said in an assertive tone. But Lara did not hate it. She just tightly hugged Aditya in response. No words weren't needed to be said at that moment. Both of their lips met. Both of them passionately kissed each other for a long time. When they stopped, Lara was leaning against his chest and was panting heavily. She was no match against Aditya. "Where are others?" He gently asked. "Laboratory.....!!!" The next second, they teleported to the laboratory. As soon as they arrived at the Laboratory, they saw Alicia, Julia, Riya, Sasha, Amelia, and Lilith. But for some reason, it looked as if Amelia and Lilith were glaring at each other. 'What's wrong with them?' Aditya wondered in his mind. "You have arrived here at the perfect time." Julia removed the white gloves that she was wearing. "What time?" Lara looked confused. "The cure to your diseases is finally ready. As long as we returned, Julia has been working on making the cure for you." Alicia knew this as she had been with Julia this entire time. Meanwhile, others kept quiet. Since this moment was about Lara. But Aditya could see that from time to time Lilith and Amelia would glare at each other and then snort silently before looking away.

'Just what happened between them?' He wondered in his mind. "Just drink this...!!!" Lara sat down and took the mysterious dark purple glowing liquid in a test tube. Lara took the test tube from Julia.

Aditya gave her a courageous nod. Lara nodded her head back with a small smile before she opened her mouth and drank everything from the test tube. The next second, Lara's eyes rolled back before she passed out. Fortunately, Aditya was quick enough to hold her. "What happened to her?" Aditya worriedly asked.

"Let me explain everything in simple terms so that everyone here can understand what is the source of Lara's illness." "It's nothing but a strange fungus. Unlike normal fungus that feeds on organic matter, including molds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools, this fungus is very unique and also very powerful. The reason why I called this fungus strange is because I have never seen anything like this in my whole life."

"While researching Lara's illness, I have read countless ancient medical records from various parts of the world. I have found six strange medical cases that match Lara's condition. But unfortunately, there wasn't simply enough information about the six victims. Because none of the victims ever lived past the age of 10 or 11 at most." Julia then looked at Lara who looked as if she was sleeping peacefully. "Honestly, it's truly a miracle that Lara managed to survive so far. But given how things were going, if she hadn't been put to Eternal Sleep in that small world, then she would have died in a few years at most." "While Lara began living with us, I monitored and recorded her sleeping time and patterns. Over the period of six months, I have obtained some interesting data." "Lara told me that when she was in her time, she used to sleep almost for the whole day. And even when she was awake, she would always feel really sleepy." "Because Aditya's divine blood is filled with so much vitality, Lara was able to get much more vitality in her blood by consuming his blood. This resulted in her being able to stay awake for around 6 and a half hours."

"During the time when she stayed with us, she slept close to 18 hours and stayed awake for 6 and half hours. Now the interesting part is that, recently I have observed that her sleeping pattern has been slowly changing."

Julia grabbed some papers and gave them to Aditya. She let him do the reading while she continued to explain. "She's been able to stay awake for fewer hours lately. Over six months, her awake time has fallen to 6 hours, dropping by half an hour." Hearing this fact, everyone was shocked. "If things keep going this way, three years from now, she won't wake up at all. This is happening all because of the strange Fungus in her Mana Heart."

"Unlike the other six victims, Lara was the Princess of the Great Starry Sky Empire. Being a Princess meant that she had access to the best treatment out there. Since she was taken care of from a very young age, the fungus in her body developed a lot slower compared to the other six victims."

"I was able to learn about the six victims from an alchemist who lived around 11,700 years ago. He spent almost his whole life researching this strange fungus. He first discovered this strange fungus when a small boy in his village was affected by this strange fungus."

"Although he was unsuccessful in saving that small boy's life, he spent his whole life researching the strange fungus and studying other similar cases."

"In the end what limited his research was his poor status and his poor cultivation talent. So he gathered all of his researched materials including the things that he was able to learn about the other five cases and left everything in the hands of The Alchemical Society. He hoped that in the future someone from The Alchemical Society would complete this lifelong research."

"From his work, I was able to verify that this strange fungus can only be found in Vampires. The probability of this fungus affecting a Vampire is one in 50,000,000 or maybe even more; this probability is not fully accurate because of lack of data. But you all the get the general idea."

"Lara was one of those unfortunate ones who were affected by this strange fungus. I am still not sure what gives birth to this strange fungus. But I do know that this fungus has been living by consuming Lara's vitality. And recently, I have observed that this fungus has been getting stronger because of Aditya's divine blood. It absorbs almost all of the vitality from Aditya's blood and by doing this, it has been getting stronger. As a result, it is draining even more vitality from Lara. This cycle will keep repeating for 3 years at most and then...!!!" She did not need to say the rest. ----------------