
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 490: new year [ii]

Lilith's eyes lingered on her daughter, Sasha, who sat quietly next to her, lost in a distant world of her own thoughts. The warm glow of the lamp cast a soft light on the room, illuminating Sasha's downcast expression and making her look even more distant. The book Lilith had been engrossed in no longer held her attention; her maternal instincts sensed something amiss.

"Why don't we go to the Dragon Palace to join Aditya today?" Lilith suggested gently, her voice imbued with a warmth meant to coax Sasha from her reverie. For Lilith, the new year had never been a significant occasion. Her memories were void of any grand celebrations; at most, she would grill some 5th-order monster meat or prepare some comfort food for a quiet evening at home.

"Not interested," Sasha responded, her voice flat and devoid of emotion. She didn't even glance at her mother, her gaze fixed on some invisible point in the distance.

With a heavy sigh, Lilith reached out and placed her hand on Sasha's arm, her touch gentle yet firm. "Are you sure?" she asked again, her voice softer this time, filled with a mother's understanding and concern.

"Yeah. I am sure," Sasha replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She closed her eyes and reclined against the couch. As Sasha closed her eyes, her breathing slowing into the rhythmic pattern of peaceful slumber,

The quiet ambiance of the room was suddenly broken by a series of knocks at the door. It was a familiar sound, one that Lilith instantly recognized, and it brought a knowing smile to her face.

Knock! Knock!

Sasha's eyes snapped open, her attempt at sleep thwarted by the unexpected interruption. She frowned, her face reflecting her annoyance at being disturbed. "Sasha, please go and open the door for me," Lilith requested, her tone gentle but firm, eyes still on her book but her attention now divided.

"Fine," Sasha muttered, her voice tinged with reluctance. She pushed herself off the couch, her movements slow and weighed down by a mixture of fatigue and curiosity.

The floor creaked softly under her feet as she made her way to the door, the sound seeming to echo in the stillness of the house. She reached for the handle, her hand hovering for just a moment as she wondered who could be visiting at this hour.


The door swung open, and Sasha's eyes widened in surprise as she found herself face-to-face with Aditya. His presence was both unexpected and yet somehow not entirely surprising. He stood there in the doorway, his eyes sparkling with warmth and his face wearing a friendly smile that seemed to radiate energy.

"Hey!" Aditya greeted her enthusiastically, his voice filled with genuine happiness to see her.

Sasha's surprise quickly gave way to a mixture of emotions. There was a flutter of excitement, a hint of annoyance, and a touch of embarrassment all mingled together. She stood there for a moment, taking in Aditya's appearance, noticing how he looked both regal and down-to-earth at the same time.

Behind her, Lilith looked up from her book, her eyes meeting Aditya's. She knew why he was here, and she couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude towards him. While she could offer her daughter love and understanding, Aditya had a way of reaching Sasha that was uniquely his own.

Sasha finally found her voice, her initial shock fading as she stepped aside to let Aditya in. "What brings you here?" she asked, her tone more curious than accusing.

Aditya's expression softened as he regarded Sasha's defiant stance, her arms crossed and her gaze turned away. He knew her well enough to understand that her resistance was a shield, a way to protect herself from the emotions that were surely roiling beneath the surface.

"Come with me. We're going to the Dragon Palace," he said gently, his voice filled with an invitation, not a command. It was a simple request, yet one that carried a weight of significance. He was asking her to join him, to be part of the joyous occasion, to allow herself to be enveloped by the warmth of family and friendship.

"Hmph! I am not going," Sasha retorted, her voice carrying a hint of petulance. She snorted derisively, keeping her eyes averted, as if refusing to meet Aditya's gaze would strengthen her resolve.

Aditya's eyes twinkled with amusement, but he didn't press further. He turned to look at Lilith, who was observing the exchange with an indulgent smile. Their eyes met, and they shared a knowing grin. Both understood Sasha's nature, her inclination to resist before eventually relenting. They knew that her stubbornness.

Scene change________

As the fiery orb of the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the Azure city, an enchanting transformation swept through the streets. The city seemed to come alive, its streets awash with a gentle radiance as a thousand twinkling lights danced to life. It was a night of celebration, and the heart of the Empire pulsed with an electric energy.

Within the charming capital, a symphony of laughter, clinking glasses, and animated conversations echoed through the air. The city's finest restaurants had thrown open their doors, welcoming couples sharing stolen glances, families relishing in the joy of togetherness, and friends sharing tales of old at cozy bars, taverns, and pubs.

At the Living room.

Adam, the Onard House's head and the Duke of Echo Dominion Empire, engaged in an earnest conversation with the Prime Minister, Spencer. Their topic of discussion were about politics and the current ongoing conflict at the Northern Frost Dragon Empire in the southern region.

Meanwhile, the younger generation were lost in their own delights. Amber's mischievous little brother, Zak, and the endearing Clara, were engrossed in playful exchanges, their laughter echoing like sweet music.

Leo, Aditya's younger sibling, was listening to stories of General Henry. As he dreams of becoming the best General of the Istarin Empire, he is learning from General Henry. Henry was telling about his experiences of being a General. He was telling the young leo what things he did within this year.

A spirited debate unfolded between the lively trio of Generals—Josh, Tyler, and Scott. Tyler, an amused observer, savored his drink while Josh and Scott argued, their topic revolving around alcohol.

A gentler competition took place between Nathan and Eleanor, as they engaged in a game of chess.

Watson was still working at the kitchen. He was doing a few small chores.

On the other side of the living room, a circle of captivating women gathered. The formidable General Amber, radiant Julia, Sophia, Aria, and the trio of Alicia, Lara, Riya, and Sylvie, Alicia's trusted friend. Their conversations spanned life experiences, beauty products, and the tantalizing intrigues of noble circles.

"Where is Aditya?" Sophia, Julia's mother asked.

"I sent him to get two more persons." Julia said with a mysterious smile.

"Two more person?" Alicia realized who were the two persons that Julia was being so mysterious about.

"Who are they?" Seeing the knowing smiles on Julia and Alicia's faces, Sophia asked. Sophie also noticed that the bond between Alicia and her daughter has deepened. Both of them looked a lot closer than they were in the past. Both of them sometimes would look at each other giggle.

As an experience woman, Sophie also noticed that the Aura around Alicia has changed. From this change, she guessed that Alicia had a major breakthrough in her relationship with Aditya. She suspected that Alicia has given herself to Aditya. This also explains why both Julia and Alicia has gotten so closer to each other.

"The two women joining us are the Goddess of Lust herself, the Succubus Empress, and her mother, the former Succubus Empress," Julia revealed their identities, stunning Sophie, Sylvie, Amber, Aria, and even surprising Riya, who was not aware of this development.

Julia's revelation triggered a range of reactions and thoughts among those present.

Sophie found herself simultaneously shocked and surprised. Her mind raced, considering the implications. "Another Goddess... At this rate, I'm beginning to wonder if Aditya is collecting all seven Goddesses. With Julia, Alicia, Riya, and now the Goddess of Lust, it's quite a handful," she thought with a touch of concern for her daughter. She couldn't help but envision the constant chaos that might reign within the Dragon Palace.

Sylvie's lips curled into a mischievous smirk as she realized that the already dynamic situation at the Dragon Palace was about to escalate. She mused to herself, "I came here to be with my best friend Alicia, but three months later, and I've been swimming in a sea of entertainment and amusement. Adding the Goddess of Lust and her mother into this mix... Well, that's bound to take things up a notch, hehe!" If Aditya were privy to Sylvie's inner thoughts, he might have second thoughts about having her around. He might even consider shipping her back to the Westnia Continent to avoid further drama.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!