
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 469: mystical treasures auction [iv]

"Noah!" Aditya exclaimed with genuine warmth, taking strides toward his unexpected acquaintance. But Noah wasn't there by himself. Right beside him stood a woman exuding grace and beauty, casting an ethereal aura around her. She was Lily Osburn, the first princess from the famed Edrinia Dynasty, nestled at the southern fringes of Westnia's central region.

A cascade of deep crimson hair flowed down to Lily's waist, swaying gently with each step she took. Though she stood at a modest height of 5 feet 4 inches, her presence was regal. Her red pupils, a perfect match for her hair, held depth and secrets within. But what truly captivated most was her attire. Dressed in a traditional Kimono, an Osburn family trademark, she had a veil concealing her face. This mysterious tradition was a hallmark of the Osburn women, sparking curiosity among many about the beauty they hid behind the fabric.

Their marriage was fresh, just a tender six months old. And within that short period, they had become the talk of many territories. Their love story was something out of a fairy tale.

Aditya, noticing the way Noah looked at Lily with soft, adoring eyes, couldn't help but feel the romance in the air. "It seems married life suits you both." he said, his tone light and friendly.

As they moved forward, Aditya gently nudged Lara to come closer, presenting her to Noah with a beaming smile. "Noah, I'd like to introduce someone special," he began, his tone warm and filled with pride. "This is Lara Murphy, my fourth fiancée." The soft glint in Aditya's eyes as he mentioned Lara showed his deep affection for her. Noah and most of the others had only known of her existence through Alicia.

Noah's eyes widened in pleasant surprise, "Sister Lara! Alicia has told us so much about you in her letters." It was evident from his tone how closely knit their families were, bridged by Alicia's affectionate letters and regular visits. Alicia, despite her new life, always found time to maintain the bonds with her family, ensuring they were always a part of her journey. Similarly, Julia too had woven a tapestry of relationships, bridging her old and new worlds.

Lily, draped in her delicate Kimono, stepped forward with a warm smile, revealing just a hint of her crimson lips. "Sister Lara," she began, her voice gentle, "it's truly wonderful to meet you."

Lara, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the welcoming vibe and perhaps a tad shy amidst all the royalty and grandeur, replied softly, "Hello... It's an honor."

Aditya, observing the exchange, leaned closer to Lara, whispering in her ear, "You light up the room, you know?" Lara blushed, feeling her heart flutter at Aditya's romantic gesture amidst the formalities. The subtle yet profound romantic moments amidst the introductions made the entire scene heartwarming.

The bunny receptionist, with her tall, light purple ears slightly drooping in shock, stared wide-eyed at Aditya. A flurry of thoughts raced through her mind. How had she missed it? The very man standing before her was none other than the legendary Dragon Monarch, Aditya, the mighty Emperor of the Great Istarin Empire. The tales of his prowess and charm had traveled across continents, and here he was, right in front of her.

"Could it really be him? The Emperor?" she whispered to herself. She had heard about the auction house extending an invitation to the Istarin Empire, but there hadn't been any response. Most had assumed the Emperor wouldn't grace the event with his presence, and yet here he was, standing just a few feet away from her.

Her gaze shifted to the lovely purple-haired woman beside Aditya, and her heart skipped a beat. 'Could she be...?' The realization sent a chill down her spine. That ethereal beauty beside Aditya was likely the famed Goddess of Alchemy. Their presence filled the room with a tangible aura of power and grace.

Around 3 months back, during the war with the Oracle Alliance, it was revealed to the whole world that Daughter of Duke Adam was secretly engaged to the Emperor of the Istarin Empire. Around 10 months back, When the news of Julia's engagement reached everyone's ears who has been especially wanting to marry the Goddess of Alchemy was furious. Many tried to know the mysterious person named Aditya who suddenly appeared with the Goddess; before appearing, the goddess had disappeared for about 2 and half years. At that time, no one would have assumed even in their wildest dreams that Aditya is none-other than the King of the Istarin Kingdom which now had grown into a 5-tier Empire and is called the Istarin Emperor. - rewrite this scene with more words. Keep the conversation. Keep the conversations informal tone and use simpler vocabulary.


'He is the man who defeated the strongest Peak 5th-order cultivator of the Dying Isle continent. Meaning, now he is the strongest cultivator of the Istarin Empire. And the Emperor still hasn't reached anywhere close to 5th-order. He defeated someone who is two orders higher than his own order in battle.' The more the bunny receptionist tried to think, more nervous she became. Sweat started rolling down her neck due to nervousness and in fear.

Aditya was considered a myth and a living legend among many people. Just after the war with the Oracle Alliance, Aditya revealed that he was engaged to not just one, not just two, but three of the seven Goddesses in this world. This itself was a huge shocking thing for everyone around the world.

He is the type of person who almost never appears out in the public. Whenever he does appears in the public, he causes chaos. Whenever he does appears in the public, Someone is always destined to die. Whenever he does appears in the public, Someone is always destined to lose power. The Istarin Empire is called 'The Graveyard of Empires' for a reason. And that sole reason is Aditya.

'This matter is too much of a big news. I have to let the manager know about this.' The Bunny receptionist thought in the back of her mind.

In this auction it is very common for Emperors and Kings of various Kingdoms and Empires from all over the world to come here. But the arrival of Aditya is really special mainly because the man himself is a walking Calamity. 'I don't even 100 5th-order cultivators in this island could stop this man.'

"Aditya, what are you doing here?" Noah asked.

"I am on date with Julia and Lara." Aditya responded with a smile. "What about you?"

"Actually, we are currently enjoying our honeymoon." Noah replied with a small blush. He was little bit embarrassed talking about it. He has been enjoying his honeymoon for over a week now. He planned to continue till the end of this week. Before new year started, he planned on heading back home with his wife and spent the new year with his family.

Hearing this Aditya gave him a knowing smile. "No wonder why you're look so fulfilled and happy." Aditya jokingly said.

"What can I do? Back home, my grandmother and the rest of my family has been asking me for a child. Especially my Grandmother. She says she wants to play with her great grandchild."

Meanwhile, the ladies, Julia, Lara, and Lily were also having a separate conversation among themselves.

"Sister Julia, it seems you have become even more beautiful now than before." Lily said. Lily wasn't just being polite. She has met Julia back when she just got married. After 6 months later, it appears as if Julia has become even more beautiful.

"No at all. Sister Lily, you have become even more beautiful." Julia gave her knowing wink. This made Lily blush

"Sister Lara, I have heard so much about you from Sister Alicia." Lily held Lara's hands. "Sister, please come to the Ethereal Empire for a visit. I would definitely like to have a cup of tea with you." Lily has heard about Lara's tragic backstory from Alicia.

"Since we were enjoying our honeymoon in one of the islands nearby, we decided to come here to see if there is anything special in this auction." Noah replied. Noah came here with the intention of buying something memorial of their first honeymoon and also to buy something that he can gift his wife.

"In that case, We won't hold you two any longer. Enjoy your honeymoon."

"Goodbye, Sister Lara, Sister Julia. Please come to the Ethereal Empire if you have time."

"Of course. When you have time, come to the Istarin Empire for a few days. We will have fun together."

Noah and Lily then parted ways with Aditya, Lara, and Julia. The trio went to their VIP room. And just then the auction started. Meanwhile, the bunny receptionist respectfully excused herself and then went to the manager to tell him that the Dragon Monarch along with two of his fiances has come to this auciton.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!