
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 466: mystical treasures auction [i]

"Today, Aditya," Alicia began, her tone laced with an undercurrent of playful determination, "your time is ours." Her lips curled into a teasing smile, reflecting the glint in her eyes. "You won't be allowed to wander off, nor bury yourself in your emperor duties or anything else. Today, it's all about us." She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in, and then continued, "We, as your fiances, are entitled to share your time equally. And considering the holidays ahead, you should be spending most of your free time with us."

There was a gentle assertiveness to Alicia's tone, a lovely charm in her demand that Aditya found endearing. Her words, her expectation, warmed his heart, for it was a testament to their bond, a proof of their affection, a declaration of their commitment.

He grinned, his eyes twinkling with indulgence and amusement. "Alright, Alicia. I am all yours today," he conceded, spreading his arms in a grand gesture of surrender. He loved their little negotiations, the playful banter, the subtle exchanges of feelings, the profound moments of understanding that fortified their bonds. "Carry on, my love."

As the Emperor of the vast Istarin Empire, Aditya was perpetually caught in the vortex of endless responsibilities and commitments. His free time was a scarce treasure, a precious commodity, a fleeting miracle. And yet, he had always strived to give as much of this time as he could to his beloved fiances. Every moment he spent with them was a moment of love, a moment of joy, a moment of pure bliss.

In his heart, he carried a hint of guilt, a touch of remorse for not being able to devote more of his time to them. Each of his fiances was a gem, a unique and exquisite gem of immeasurable value. Their love, their devotion, their unwavering faith in him were the most beautiful gifts he had ever received. They were the most precious beings in his world, their worth incomparable to anything else.

Just the sight of a single goddess was a dream for countless men. They were divine, ethereal beings, their sublime beauty enchanting, a surreal fusion of human and celestial allure. Yet, Aditya found himself betrothed not to one, but three of these divine goddesses. To add to that, he was engaged to a Princess too, a being so delicately precious and pure, she had the power to make the most formidable weapon of the world yield to her gentle nature.

The goddesses could have opted for someone else, someone who would devote his entire self to one woman, not share his heart among multiple wives and concubines. They had the choice to choose a partner who would be theirs and theirs alone. Yet, they had chosen him, Aditya, a man who was torn between his love for four women.

Regardless of this unconventional arrangement, Aditya always felt that no amount of appreciation or praise could ever be enough for Julia, Riya, Alicia, and Lara. They were his guiding stars, his constant companions, the radiant sunbeams that illuminated his life with warmth and joy. Their mere presence was like a melody that played in the symphony of his life, a rhythm that echoed in his heart, painting his world in vibrant colors.

Aditya knew he was selfish. He had four official fiances and was fully aware that this number might well increase in the future, considering how things were evolving. Despite this, his priority had always been, and would always be, his fiances. He wanted to offer them the best of himself, every moment of his time, every beat of his heart, every fragment of his soul.

"It's almost nine now," Alicia began, shifting a little in her seat, her voice commanding their attention. "My proposal is that each of us gets three hours of Aditya's time today. In these three hours, we can do whatever we like, go wherever we want. And Aditya, darling, you simply have to come along, no arguments." Her voice was playful, her eyes sparkling with mischief. The idea of a mini-date was enticing, and she relished the prospect of it.

Her suggestion met with an echo of approval from the other women. "That's not a bad idea at all," Julia chimed in, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She shared a glance with Riya and Lara, who both gave her nods of agreement, their faces also lighting up at the thought.

Aditya, caught in their shared excitement, couldn't help but grin. "So, who gets to claim the first slot?" He leaned back, his eyes scanning the group of women before him.

Alicia crossed one leg over the other, settling back into the plush sofa. She lifted a delicate china cup to her lips, the steam from the herbal tea fogging her glasses momentarily. She took a small sip, her eyes fluttering shut as the warm liquid trickled down her throat, refreshing her, grounding her in the moment.

A small smile played on her lips as she slowly opened her eyes, meeting Aditya's inquiring gaze. "Before anyone else speaks up, I'm putting my foot down. Since this was my idea, I'm claiming the last slot. I want to keep Aditya all to myself during the twilight hours." As the words left her mouth, a soft blush tinged her cheeks, betraying her calm facade. She tried to maintain a confident front, but the very thought of a romantic evening alone with Aditya sent a thrill through her, making her heart flutter with anticipation.

At Alicia's words, Julia couldn't help but smirk, a twinkle lighting up her eyes. She had a fair idea of what Alicia was intending, yet she made no attempt to call her out. In fact, inwardly, she was cheering her on, applauding her bold move. Lara too seemed to accept the situation with good grace, her expression revealing no hint of discontent.

However, Riya was another story altogether. A hint of a frown appeared on her face, a clear sign of her dissatisfaction. "I disagree. I was planning on taking the last spot," she announced, her words clipped. She fixed Alicia with a glare, a spark of defiance in her eyes.

Unruffled by Riya's protest, Alicia simply opened her captivating emerald eyes and shot a calm look in Riya's direction. "Considering I was the one to come up with this plan, having the last spot is a privilege I think I deserve," she replied. Then, with a nonchalant shrug, she added, "However, if you're really insistent about it, I could consider giving up my slot... But only if you're willing to part with two hours from your own time with Aditya."

Riya was quick to react to that. "Why would I do that?" she questioned, a hint of exasperation coloring her voice. She could clearly see through Alicia's maneuver. If Alicia managed to keep the last slot, she would undoubtedly have more than three hours alone with Aditya, courtesy of the romantic evening setting.

Sylvie, who had been quietly observing the unfolding drama, chose that moment to intervene. Positioned next to Alicia, she quickly stepped into the role of the peacemaker. "Now, now, ladies...let's keep things civil, shall we?" Her words were designed to diffuse the tension, even though secretly, she found herself relishing the tinge of excitement a cat-fight between Alicia and Riya would bring. Yet, as if by some unspoken agreement, Riya decided not to fuel the situation further, reluctantly conceding defeat.

Amidst the quiet that followed, Julia suddenly chimed in. "Well then, I suppose I should go first."

A small pause followed her declaration, Aditya breaking the silence with a simple question. "Sounds good. Where would you like to go?" His words were met with apparent disinterest, the other women seeming to pay no attention. However, behind their casual demeanor, they were all ears, ready to make adjustments to their own plans based on Julia's response.

Julia didn't keep them waiting for long. "Today, there's a unique auction scheduled to take place on the continent of Westnia. Known as the 'Mystical Treasures Auction', it's an exclusive event held only once every year. It's something of a magnet for the elite, attracting the wealthy and influential from across all six continents."

Intrigued by the auction's distinctive title and the allure of its exclusive clientele, Aditya found himself questioning the specifics. "What's so extraordinary about this Mystical Treasures Auction that it's able to command the attention of influential figures from all six continents?" He was no stranger to the concept of auctions, having presided over several in his empire. Yet, those auctions never managed to pique his interest, with items on offer often feeling lackluster or uninspiring.

In response, Sylvie took up the reins of the conversation, her knowledge about the event quite extensive due to her role as the leader of the White Lotus guild, a guild that was dispersed across the continent of Westnia. "The Mystical Treasures Auction isn't just an auction," she began, "It's an extravaganza, a celebration of rarity and opulence. They deal in 4-star and 5-star items, each an epitome of exceptional value and rarity."

Her hands danced in the air as she continued, her eyes reflecting the grandeur she was trying to convey. "One doesn't just stroll into the auction; it requires an admission ticket, each pegged at a staggering 100,000 gold coins. The price is a testament to the exclusivity of the event and the extraordinary items on offer. You see, they curate the most unique, the most elusive treasures from around the globe."

"The auction also prides itself on providing a secure and safe environment for its patrons, a place where they can bid without worries, indulge without apprehension. It's this steadfast commitment to customer loyalty that has built the reputation of the auction."

Alicia, despite her silence, was no stranger to this grand event either. Having attended the auction several times in the past, she was familiar with its elaborate proceedings and exclusive nature, silently nodding along as Sylvie painted the grand picture of the Mystical Treasures Auction.

A crease formed between Julia's brows, signaling a hitch in her plan. Aditya, always attuned to his fiances' emotions, instantly recognized the shift in her demeanor. "What seems to be the problem, Julia?" he inquired, concern seeping into his voice.

"The auction... it's not a short event," Julia admitted, her tone a mix of disappointment and worry. "It runs for approximately five hours. The item I'm interested in might be presented at any time during that period."

Her words hung in the air like a gloomy cloud, casting a shadow over the otherwise happy occasion. The shared time slots allocated for each fiance were three hours each. Venturing to the auction would mean encroaching on someone else's precious time with Aditya, a thought that made Julia uncomfortable.

As the uneasy silence continued to creep through the room, Lara, the youngest of the group, broke it. "Big sister Julia," she started, her words cutting through the tension like a knife. All eyes turned towards her, the surprise evident on each face.

"Lara...?" Aditya began, but she held her hand up, silencing him before he could question her further.

Wearing a warm smile, she looked straight into Julia's worried eyes. "How about I join you for the auction?" The room went silent again, this time out of shock. "If I accompany you, our combined time will account for six hours, enough to cover the entire duration of the auction."

"But that would mean sacrificing your time with Aditya," Riya interjected, her tone reflecting a mix of shock and disbelief.

Lara nodded, her smile unwavering. "Yes, I understand. But we're all sisters here, married to the same man. I want to support Julia in her endeavor. Of course, if you're uncomfortable with this arrangement, Julia, I would understand."

Julia was at a loss for words. Lara's selfless offer had touched her, showcasing the deep bond they shared as future wives of the same man. It was a moment that spoke volumes of their mutual understanding and sisterly affection.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!