
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 454: navigating diplomacy

Exhaling deeply, Spencer scanned the expansive room that served as his office. This space, which once bustled with activity, now sat eerily empty and silent. Initially, Spencer was assigned three assistants to help lighten his workload. Their help ensured that he had ample time for his beloved Aria, his future wife.

However, ever since Aditya, the ruler of the Istarin Empire, returned from his brief visit to the Deep Sea Palace, Spencer's workload had drastically increased. The work was so relentless that during the first week, he didn't sleep for a full seven days. As a cultivator, he didn't struggle with staying awake; it was the taxing mental effort the work required that was challenging.

What irked him more was how the overflow of work was starting to impinge on his personal life. He barely saw Aria during that week. Their only interactions were brief and business-like, occurring when she visited his office to serve him a quick snack or a warm cup of tea, or during meal times at the dining table. But those were becoming few and far between as well, as he often skipped meals to meet pressing deadlines.

Even as his assistants packed up and headed home for the day, Spencer would remain behind, working late into the night under the dim glow of his office lamp.

As if a blessing in disguise, within a week, the number of Spencer's assistants jumped from 3 to 30. The credit for this immense increase went to Alicia, Aditya's second fiancée, who had put in considerable effort to find 27 additional competent individuals to support Spencer and relieve him from his crippling workload. With this bolstered workforce, Spencer finally found himself with enough breathing space to enjoy a good night's sleep and carve out time for Aria.

However, a new challenge lay on the horizon. Starting today, a 10-day public holiday commenced across the Empire. As a result, half of Spencer's assistants had already packed up for a well-deserved break. This translated into a pile of pending tasks for Spencer as they needed to finish their work meant for the upcoming 10 days in advance. Spencer was well aware that once the holidays ended, an avalanche of work would come crashing down. But in his eyes, it was a price worth paying for the precious time he could spend with Aria.

Driven by this desire, he doubled down on his efforts to clear his table as swiftly as possible. As the Prime Minister, Spencer bore the responsibility of supervising various facets of the Empire's operations. He had to thoroughly review reports from a myriad of government departments such as finance, defense, agriculture, trade, and infrastructure to stay abreast of the Empire's state of affairs.

Apart from this, he was involved in the process of evaluating and considering proposals for new policies, laws, and regulations that could impact the Empire and its denizens. Additionally, he had to respond to an endless stream of letters, messages, and requests pouring in from citizens, nobles, and foreign dignitaries. The breadth of his responsibilities was staggering, but he navigated through them with steadfast determination, driven by the prospect of an upcoming breather and some cherished time with his beloved Aria.

Once Spencer had attended to his own looming pile of responsibilities, he found his path leading to Aditya's office, nestled conveniently in the adjacent room. Aditya was an Emperor who cherished his solitude, preferring to work in an isolated space away from the bustle of others. Over the past couple of months and an additional 15 days, the Emperor was a paragon of diligence, toiling from the crack of dawn till the cloak of night wrapped the world in its embrace.

Knock! Knock!

"Your Majesty, may I enter?" Spencer's respectful voice echoed through the heavy wooden door.

"Come in, Spencer." The invitation was immediate, echoing softly from the room within. Pushing open the imposing door, Spencer was greeted by the sight of Aditya, seated with an air of regal ease on a plush chair before a large rectangular table.

The table was a landscape of diverse documents and an assortment of books, a testament to the Emperor's wide range of responsibilities and interests. Tucked away in a cozy corner of the room, next to a window that offered a calming view of the world outside, lay an artist's haven - pots of ink, an assortment of brushes, and a pile of large, pristine white papers. Aditya often took advantage of his fleeting moments of leisure, attempting to craft new rune spells, nurturing his artistic side alongside his administrative duties.

Aditya, with his vibrant blue hair cascading to his shoulders and piercing blue eyes, was absorbed in scrutinizing a document. The dim light from the overhead chandelier danced in his hair, casting an ethereal glow around him. Aditya's attire was a reflection of his need for comfort during his long hours of work. He wore a simple, loose-fitting white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing the toned forearms of a ruler who was no stranger to physical exertion. His dark trousers were casual, yet well-tailored, completing his relaxed yet dignified look. The simplicity of his ensemble was a far cry from the extravagant robes often associated with royalty, but it suited Aditya, a monarch who embraced practicality over ostentation.

"Sit down, Spencer," Aditya encouraged, indicating a comfortable chair opposite him. Although they were now in an official setting, there was no need for the stiffness of formalities. Outside their professional roles, Aditya and Spencer enjoyed a warm friendship. They often engaged in deep conversations about their lives, their philosophies, their sources of inspiration, and the things and people they cherished and wished to protect.

Spencer acknowledged the invitation with a nod, lowering himself into the plush seat across from Aditya. He carefully placed the stack of parchment he carried onto the table, taking the top document and sliding it across the polished surface towards the Emperor.

"The expansion project for Azure City is nearing its completion," he began, pointing out details in the document. "The newly erected walls have surpassed the old ones in terms of strength and durability."

"That's encouraging news," Aditya's smile conveyed his satisfaction as he read through Spencer's succinct report. Around six weeks ago, it was resolved that the boundaries of Azure City, the capital of the Istarin Empire, needed to be stretched outwards. The Istarin Empire boasted the title of being the largest on the planet, an accolade earned not just due to its vast territory, but also its ability to attract a diverse population from across the continent.

The Azure City, being the Empire's heart, was a magnet for settlers seeking a safe and prosperous life. The Empire offered a refuge to individuals and families looking for stability and growth, providing an unparalleled environment for entrepreneurship. This was largely due to the favorable and inclusive policies laid out by the Empire's governance, which encouraged innovation and hard work.

Living in Azure City came with myriad benefits. The city's excellent transportation network facilitated easy movement around its expansive territory, a testament to the Empire's remarkable infrastructure. Moreover, the city prided itself on maintaining a zero-crime rate, an achievement that spoke volumes about the effective law enforcement and the harmonious cohabitation of its residents.

The safety and security promised by the city were complemented by the transparency and integrity of its governance, which ensured a corruption-free environment. Moreover, the legal framework was robust yet flexible, striking the perfect balance between law and liberty. This appealing amalgamation of safety, prosperity, and freedom was what made Azure City the desired destination for people far and wide.

"Your Majesty, with the population surge, we need to think about expanding our educational infrastructure," Spencer broached the topic, his brow furrowing slightly with the weight of the matter. "The Royal School you initiated in Azure City is receiving an influx of students from not just within our empire, but from the surrounding ones as well. Every noble family is eager to enroll their children in our esteemed institution."

It was a testament to the high standard of education the Istarin Empire provided. The academic quality of the Empire's schools, especially the Royal School, far exceeded those in other territories. It was more than just education, though; sending their children to study in Azure City had its own strategic advantages for the noble families.

Nobility from far and wide saw this as an opportunity to foster connections with other influential families, in a way sowing the seeds of alliances and mutually beneficial relations for the future. After all, these young students of today would become the decision-makers and leaders of tomorrow. By sending their children to the same school, they could weave a network of connections that could potentially extend their family's influence and opportunities.

Moreover, the allure of having their children befriend the Emperor's adopted siblings, who were also students at the Royal School, was a significant draw. These bonds formed in the early years could lead to substantial political and social advantages in the future. Being in the Emperor's good graces, or even being within his circle, was an opportunity no noble family wanted to miss.

"Indeed, the growth and reputation of our Royal School is something to be proud of," Spencer continued, a smile pulling at his lips, "but it also brings with it the responsibility to accommodate this increasing demand. We need to think about establishing more such institutions, providing equal opportunities for all."

Aditya leaned back in his chair, loosening his hold on the document. "We can revisit the expansion of educational facilities after the New Year. There's plenty of time to deliberate and plan," he agreed with Spencer, who gave a nod of assent. A rush to decision-making, especially in matters as substantial as this, could lead to missteps, and they had sufficient time to iron out a well-thought-out strategy.

Spencer, appreciating the Emperor's considered approach, moved on to the next matter of concern. He handed over another document, this one noticeably thinner yet carrying a graver tone. "This involves a smuggling incident, Your Majesty. A group has been apprehended for smuggling mana stones into our Southern territories. Their origins trace back to the Northern Frost Dragon Empire."

Aditya sighed audibly as he skimmed through the document. His hand moved up to massage his temples, the stress of the issue evident in his expression. The political instability and ongoing civil war in the Northern Frost Dragon Empire, their neighbors to the South, had started to seep into the tranquility of the Istarin Empire. It was an intricate matter that he had been trying to manage amidst his many responsibilities, and it had been giving him constant headaches.

The conflict and power struggles in the Northern Frost Dragon Empire were causing ripple effects that were beginning to disturb their Southern territories. Smuggling, illegal trade, and refuge crises were becoming increasingly common. Additionally, the uncertainty and tension were discouraging for trade relations and commerce, which were essential for the prosperity and development of the territories.

Aditya had already expressed his silent support for the 7th prince in the neighboring Empire, providing him with his own men and resources to quell the unrest. But progress was slow, and the 7th prince was taking longer than Aditya had anticipated to regain control and restore peace. The turmoil in the Northern Frost Dragon Empire needed to be addressed soon, or it threatened to escalate into a larger regional issue.

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