
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 433: the veiled conspiracy

Aditya's keen senses alerted him to the growing number of onlookers, their curious gazes fixed upon him and Laura. The situation felt increasingly precarious, urging Aditya to seek refuge within the safety of the mansion's walls.

"Laura, there's something important I need to discuss with you," Aditya spoke, his eyes scanning their surroundings, searching for any signs of Sasha's presence. Yet, her aura seemed to have mysteriously vanished, leaving him on edge. He knew they had to retreat before the crowd grew larger and their vulnerability increased. Sasha's warning about her intent to pursue indirect methods of assassination lingered in his mind.

"Of course, let's go inside," Laura replied, understanding the urgency of their conversation. Together, they made their way toward the mansion, seeking solace and privacy within its familiar embrace.

Kate, Laura's loyal maid, swiftly took charge of the situation, barking orders to the remaining guards. "Clean up the area and repair the damages," she commanded with authority. The guards followed her instructions, removing the lifeless bodies and setting about the task of restoring order. Kate hastened to join Aditya and Laura, ensuring their safety within the sanctuary of the mansion's walls.

As they retreated indoors, the frantic tumult of the outside world seemed to momentarily cease, the tranquility of their surroundings providing a welcome contrast. In the serenity of the living room, Aditya took a seat, a furrow of concern etched deeply into his brow. There was a question that had been gnawing at him, an enigma he could no longer ignore, ever since the initial clash had commenced.

"Laura," Aditya began, each word carefully measured, his tone betraying the gravity of his query, "ordinarily, were someone of your stature to come under attack within the city, or if there were an outbreak of violence, an attempt on someone's life right in public view, there would be immediate intervention."

His gaze bore into Laura's, seeking answers. "The guards entrusted with the safety of the city and its citizens would swiftly step in to halt the conflict, and apprehend the perpetrators. Yet, today was different. You were brazenly assailed by Sasha and her minions. This was not some remote outpost, but the Capital. It's supposed to be the epitome of security and safety within the entire expanse of the Deep Sea Palace Empire."

Aditya's frown deepened as he continued, "What I find peculiar and unsettling is the lack of any intervention. There was no attempt to stop the altercation, no cavalry charging in to rescue you. The guards seemed to be mere spectators, casually disinterested observers, who left when the spectacle was over."

What puzzled him the most was the blatant disregard for a potential future ruler's safety. "It's disconcerting that a key contender for the upcoming tournament, a potential ruler of the Deep Sea Palace in a mere week, should she prove victorious, was afforded no protection from the very soldiers of the Deep Sea Palace Empire," he concluded, his voice thick with concern.

A sigh echoed through the room, drawn from the depths of Laura's weary spirit. Aditya's questions were far from unexpected. She knew his astute mind would eventually stumble upon this stark anomaly. With the onslaught orchestrated by Sasha, this inconvenient fact had slipped through the cracks of her conversation with William. In the midst of enhancing security measures and bracing for Sasha's imminent arrival, Laura had found herself preoccupied and had neglected to mention this particularly troubling piece of the puzzle.

Aditya could feel the heavy, pensive silence hanging in the air as Laura stopped talking. Her voice, though calm and measured, was tinged with a certain kind of exhaustion. A faint, wistful smile played on her lips, a stark contrast to the gravity of the words she was about to say. Laura turned towards Aditya, a determined glint in her eyes. She took a deep breath, steadying herself before she began to speak.

"Aditya," she began, her voice filled with a mix of resignation and defiance, "As I've painstakingly tried to make clear before, my opinions and beliefs are, well, not particularly favored among the circles of nobility, particularly the elder members."

Aditya nodded slowly, understanding the importance of her confession. He had thrown his lot in with Laura, not despite her unique ideals, but because of them. In the Deep Sea Palace Empire, and indeed, in the surrounding oceanic Empires, discrimination and racism were deep-seated and far too common. The majority of the populace had their thoughts mired in prejudice against other races, viewing their own as superior.

Laura, however, was a breath of fresh air in this sea of stagnancy. She didn't resist the established norms just for the sake of rebellion, but because she truly saw all races as equals. She had dreams of bridging the gaping chasm between the land Empires and their oceanic counterparts. Laura's clarity of thought, vision, and her staunch refusal to bow to bigotry were what had drawn Aditya to her cause.

Looking out into the distance, she began to elaborate. "The nobility in our Deep Sea Palace Empire is essentially split into two distinct groups. The new generation of nobles, like myself, and the old, venerable nobility that hails from ancient and influential families."

Laura paused, a grimace of distaste marring her features as she continued. "These elder nobles are essentially phantoms, haunting our empire with their presence. Each one of them is over five centuries old, brimming with ambition, cunning, and a keen mind. They saw their rise to power during the era predating King Lewis's reign, during the ascension of the previous Emperor."

She sighed, her words painting a vivid picture of an era gone by. "At that critical juncture, they pledged their allegiance to the new Emperor. They poured in their vast resources, bolstering the emperor's position and ultimately securing his victory in the brutal struggle for the throne."

Laura's eyes held a spark of anger as she continued. "In return for their support, these ancient, crafty nobles were allowed to prosper unchecked. Their already substantial influence was allowed to grow exponentially. Now, they've solidified their positions as the figurative pillars of our Empire, their power unquestioned and pervasive."

"The old nobility is set in their ways," Laura stated, her voice hardened with determination. "They are looking for someone they can control, a ruler who will not resist their influence, much like the last two Emperors of the Deep Sea Palace. But I aim to shift that balance of power."

Her gaze became distant, her mind occupied with her vision for the future. "Once I claim the throne, my first order of business will be to dismantle the ironclad grip these old nobles have on our Empire. When the tournament was announced, I knew it was inevitable that they would try to remove me from the equation. But even I couldn't anticipate they would stoop so low as to bring the deadliest assassin in all the lands into play."

Laura then turned her attention back to Aditya, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. She graced him with a soft, appreciative smile. "If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be here to tell the tale."

Aditya returned her smile with one of his own, a warmth spread across his face. "Well, we are allies, after all. Today, it was my turn to lend a hand; tomorrow, you might be the one coming to my aid. That's how alliances work."

However, his affable demeanor soon gave way to a more serious one, the gravity of the situation asserting itself once more. "Do you have any leads on who might have hired Sasha?" He asked, his brow furrowing in concern. Laura could only shake her head in response.

"Unfortunately, I cannot pinpoint anyone specific," she admitted, a hint of frustration edging into her voice. "As I've mentioned before, the old nobles are uniformly against me. Each of them is supporting different contenders in this tournament, supplying them with resources, weapons, armor, precious pills, and even skill books. Anything to bolster their chances and ensure the ascension of a ruler they can control."

All of a sudden, Aditya's keen eyes picked up a disturbance. A shadow was darting toward Laura at a breakneck speed, almost imperceptible. Having crossed swords with Dark Element users in the past, Aditya was familiar with their ability to blend with shadows, effectively erasing their presence. The Emperor of Echo Nexus Empire, Lucas, possessed a similar ability when he metamorphosed into his Hybrid Hell demon form.

Sensing the imminent danger, Aditya's instincts kicked in with the speed of a thunderbolt. Within a fraction of a heartbeat, he called upon all of his passive abilities. He knew he needed every edge he could summon to match her astounding speed.

"[Storm Flight!]" he intoned, feeling the burst of speed the skill conferred.

"[Lightning Armor!]" he added, his body enveloped in a protective sheath of crackling energy.

Finally, "[Crimson Lightning Dash!]" he exclaimed, moving with the swiftness and deadly intent of a lightning strike.

Like a dark specter emerging from the abyss, Sasha sprang from the shadow, dagger raised menacingly. The blade was aimed with deadly precision at Laura's unsuspecting neck. Just as the sharp point of the weapon was about to make contact with her flesh, a hand intercepted its deadly trajectory. The dagger's tip buried itself into Aditya's palm, the sudden jolt of pain a mere distraction in the unfolding chaos. Sasha, recognizing the intervention, halted abruptly.

A solitary drop of blood fell from Aditya's wound, tracing a crimson path down his hand, his life essence seeping out onto the floor below. Sasha quickly withdrew her dagger, her shock written plainly across her face as she processed the unexpected turn of events.

"Sasha...." Aditya managed to breathe out, his eyes locked onto hers, conveying a mix of disappointment and resolve.

The assassin's voice faltered as she regarded Aditya, an unsettling tremor weaving its way through her words. "Why...? Are you truly ready to inflict harm upon yourself just to safeguard this woman?" Sasha directed her question towards Aditya, her surprise at his actions evident in her tone. She never intended him any harm.

Aditya turned the question back onto her, his gaze steady and unflinching. "I could throw that question right back at you, Sasha. Can't you lay aside your pride and just let this go?"

However, his plea fell on deaf ears. Sasha's response was resolute, a single word hanging in the chilling silence between them: "Impossible."

With that, she vanished into her shadow, retreating into the darkness from whence she emerged. But before her disappearance, her gaze was fixed on Laura, her eyes burning with a venomous hatred that promised this encounter would not be their last.

The entirety of the tense interaction barely registered as a surprise to Laura. Maintaining her composed demeanor, she wore an unruffled smile as she rose to her feet. With a playful glint in her eyes, she turned to Aditya, her voice teasing, "Are you certain you don't harbor any affection for her?"

Aditya was taken aback by the question, his brows furrowing in confusion. "What are you implying?" He queried. He had no romantic feelings for Sasha. Yet, he couldn't help but question whether she reciprocated his indifference. When he had masqueraded as William, Sasha's behavior had suggested more than mere friendship. Her interactions with him bore signs of romantic interest.

But his response was filled with melancholy rather than passion. "If anything, I feel a sense of sorrow for her," he confessed. Sasha was, after all, one of the potential wives listed in his contract. Although he had never intended to fulfill that part of the agreement, primarily because Sasha herself had claimed she had no interest in him. As soon as he possessed sufficient power, he planned on severing the contract.

Yet, even though their future did not entail matrimony, Aditya couldn't help but feel an undercurrent of regret and sympathy for Sasha. He couldn't shake the impression that she was adrift, aimlessly navigating through life. It was as though she was trapped in a relentless cycle of assassination and bloodshed, and had forgotten there were other paths to tread. It was a bleak reality, a life utterly devoid of a sense of purpose beyond killing, and it filled Aditya with sorrow he couldn't fully express.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

One chapter for today. Check out my new book called "The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero". Just read the first few chapters and you will love it.