
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 429: beneath the surface: revelations

"I don't care about your money, your riches, or having a harem," Aditya declared firmly, his tone unwavering. He had no interest in succumbing to the allure of material possessions that Sasha was so fervently offering.

Sasha did not like the fact that she was rejected. As a result, the coldness in her eyes increased. She tightened her grip.

"I am not letting you leave. Whether you like it or not, I am not letting you leave." How can Sasha let go of this man? She had finally found a man who doesn't activate her disease on contact. Letting Aditya go was the worse mistake that she could make.

Hearing this Aditya frowned. But he remained silent.

Sasha's hand then moved with deliberate purpose to retrieve a pendant, it was wrought from obsidian black metal, an opaque jewel that seemed to suck in the light. With a sudden swift motion, she fastened it around Aditya's neck, a relentless grip in her fingers that brooked no argument. Aditya did not resist, rather he remained passive, his curiosity piqued as to what she intended to do.

"You will not leave this city without me," she intoned, her voice reverberating with a finality that left no room for debate. As the words left her lips, the pendant began to pulsate, its glow intensifying until it bathed Aditya's face in a sable luminescence. A sudden weight fell upon him, a metaphysical restraint that seized his movement, chaining him to Sasha's will.

Then, Sasha's gaze fell on him, her eyes as cold and remorseless as the deepest abyss of the ocean. "I am here to extinguish Laura's existence," she declared with an eeriness that sent a chill down Aditya's spine. "Once I have fulfilled my mission, we will abandon this place, heading back to the surface. And you are bound to me."

Aditya's heart pounded in his chest at her words. Laura's life was not a commodity that could be snuffed out at Sasha's whim. Laura was a valuable ally of his, an important piece in the complex web he had woven. He had invested a significant amount in Laura, and her ascension to the helm of the Deep Sea Palace would ensure a substantial return on his investment. Permitting her demise was a luxury he simply couldn't afford.

Sasha, however, did not pause for his response. In a swift movement, she vanished, her form dissolving into the ether as though it was never there. Her plans had changed. Originally, she intended to linger, to explore the expanse of this underwater kingdom. But now that she had located Aditya, expediency was her ally. She was determined to achieve her goal swiftly and return to the realm above the water's surface without delay.

This artifact is known as "The Obsidian Obedience Orb."

The Obsidian Obedience Orb is a captivating pendant known for its enchanting ability to bind the will of the wearer to the holder's commands. It is an ancient artifact steeped in mystery and lore, often a centerpiece in tales of control, authority, and power dynamics.

As for its appearance, the Obsidian Obedience Orb is as mesmerizing as it is powerful. The pendant is sculpted from a single, glossy piece of black obsidian, polished to a smooth, mirror-like finish. It is roughly the size of a robin's egg, and at its center is a lustrous sphere of onyx, capturing the tiniest flecks of light and reflecting them back in an eerie, ghostly glow.

The pendant is suspended from a chain of intertwining blackened silver links, giving it an air of dark elegance. Intricate, faintly luminescent glyphs and sigils are engraved on its surface, encircling the central onyx. They shimmer faintly when observed, a testament to the latent power the artifact holds.

This pendant, while visually appealing, has a foreboding aura, emphasizing the powerful enchantment it holds.

A calculated plan began to formulate in Aditya's mind. "Breaking this artifact won't be a problem. It will, however, alert Sasha to my resistance. I'll need to wait until she departs the city before I make my move. There's no way I can let Sasha eliminate Laura." Aditya's strategy, like shifting sands, changed with the evolving situation. Laura's safety was now his paramount concern. Sasha, known as the most lethal assassin in this realm, had her in her sights, placing Laura in a perilous predicament.

To trace Nerida, he keyed into the unique resonance of her aura, a spiritual fingerprint distinctive to her alone. After locating her, he requested an additional loan, justifying it with the exorbitant expense of using the teleportation array.

Minutes later, with a brusque show of his latent strength, Aditya shattered the pendant, the artifact that bound him. A weight lifted from his shoulders, he was now free to step into the intricate web of runes and symbols comprising the teleportation array and disappear into the ether.

Simultaneously, in the opulent heart of the capital city, Sasha was huddled over a plethora of maps and scrolls, meticulously strategizing her assassination plot against Laura. However, her planning was abruptly interrupted when she sensed a jarring disconnection. The pendant she had attached to Aditya had been shattered. Her tether to him severed, she was engulfed by a surge of anger.

Without a moment's delay, she stormed towards the teleportation array, her sole intention to return to Atlantisia post-haste. As Sasha's figure dissipated in the incandescent glow of the teleportation array, Aditya materialized in the Capital. Knowing that every second counted, he swiftly set off in search of Laura.

Laura's personal maid, Kate, was the one who addressed Aditya. She was a woman of 37 years, her light blue hair a stark contrast against the ethereal underwater environment. Kate belonged to the undersea populace who held a strong animosity towards surface dwellers, particularly humans. Her prejudice was palpable, though not entirely unjustified given the historical frictions between the two races.

Kate scrutinized Aditya, her gaze fixated on his transformed appearance. The last time they'd interacted, he hadn't altered his looks. It was a bit of a puzzle to her, Aditya being nearly unrecognizable. It was only when he revealed his true aura, a vibrant ripple of energy that surrounded him, that she could truly identify him.

"Where is she? Take me to her. I want to see her right now." Aditya's tone was urgent, and his words rushed. The jovial, laid-back demeanor he usually displayed was replaced with a grim intensity that had a disconcerting effect on Kate.

Taking note of his agitation, Kate couldn't help but feel a hint of worry tugging at the edges of her usually composed countenance. "Alright come with me." She acquiesced, her tone softened with concern. She then began to lead him, their bodies gracefully cutting through the water, navigating the labyrinth of expansive corridors, each leading toward Laura's private quarters.

A double knock echoed through the room, breaking the serene stillness that had enveloped it. "My Lady, you have a visitor." The words, though softly spoken by Kate, carried through the water, reaching Laura who was deeply engrossed in her cultivation practice.

Her eyes snapped open, her intense focus disrupted. With a flicker of her consciousness, her senses rapidly spread out, enveloping the surroundings, trying to identify the source of the unfamiliar aura. She didn't realize Aditya was shrouding his usual aura with an artifact, making it difficult for her to discern his identity.

"Who is it?" Laura asked, her voice laced with cautious curiosity. She didn't recognize the aura, hence she inquired as to who Kate had ushered into her palace.

"It's Aditya," Kate responded simply. At the mention of his name, a look of surprise flitted across Laura's features.

"I am coming," she stated after a moment of consideration. Despite her words, she didn't feel particularly at ease about inviting a man into her personal space. Aditya wasn't a close friend or a betrothed partner, he was essentially a business ally. Their partnership was founded on mutual benefits – with Laura's ascension to the throne, Aditya would gain a multitude of perks and, in turn, Laura would have a strong alliance, extending her sphere of influence even into the land above the sea.

They ventured into an area of Laura's underwater palace that had been designed to replicate the dry conditions found on land, complete with a full set of terrestrial furnishings. It was an unexpected, yet thoughtful accommodation, like an aquatic enclave mirroring the surface world.

"Please sit down," Laura cordially invited Aditya, indicating the plush couch settled in the center of the room. He nodded, taking a seat as Laura occupied the space directly opposite him, her trusted maid, Kate, hovering dutifully behind her.

Breaking the silence that had fallen between them, Laura smiled warmly at Aditya, her eyes twinkling with bemusement. "Should I start calling you the Grand Emperor now? Or perhaps the Dragon Monarch?" The news of Aditya's feats and his rapid ascension to power on land had not eluded her; she had her networks of informants spread across both domains.

Taken slightly aback by her awareness, Aditya returned her smile. "So, you've been keeping tabs on the happenings above the water?" He queried, mildly impressed.

"Kind of. I find it necessary to stay updated about the actions of my allies," Laura responded with an air of nonchalance. Her 'ally' in question was none other than Aditya and his swiftly expanding Istarin Empire.

Her gaze then settled on Aditya more seriously, curiosity seeping into her eyes. "What brings you here earlier than expected?" She prodded gently.

Aditya's face turned grave, his earlier smile replaced with a sterner expression. "I have some unfortunate news to share," he confessed.

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