
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 319: power of rune monarch [i]

On Ashcour Island,

Before Aditya came to the Shadow Islands empire, Nathan, Amber, Josh, and Scott had already arrived in Zion City an hour ago. The four generals of the Istarin Empire were being an important task. Failure wasn't an option for them. If they failed, the enemy will be alerted and their chances of quickly conquering the Shadow islands Empire won't be successful.

The reason Aditya sent Josh, Scott, Nathan, And Amber for this mission was because of their abilities. Nathan was an assassin. This meant that he was an expert in hiding. By using his shadow Manipulation he can secretly move around Ashcour Island without making anyone suspicious.

Amber was an expert in illusion. She was the best illusion magic user that the Istarin Empire currently had. With her magic cultivation reaching beginner 4th-order, she now can use her illusion to hide from anyone except for 5th-order cultivators.

Scott, the dark elf was an expert in using a bow and arrow. Scott was blessed with powerful sight. He can see up to 5 kilometers even during the night time. During day night, Scott spot enemies even from 10 km away. After regaining his cultivation, his arrow-shooting powers only increased. Scott was undoubtfully the best archer that the Istarin Empire had. Scott can shoot arrows from many kilometers away. This made Scott perfect for this mission.

Aside from his amazing vision and archery, Scott was a beginner 4th-order cultivator. He was powerful enough to take down any Mid 4th-order in a fight.

And lastly Josh. Josh is a beast race. The lion tribe man had the power to tear a Peak 3rd-order cultivator with his bare hands. Aditya's divine bloodline has turned Josh into half Dragon. This has turned the captain of the 4th division even more powerful. Josh has managed to reach beginner 4th order.

Except for Amber who had a Royal fox Queen bloodline, the other six generals were Dragonians. Not only that but also the generals were allowed to live and cultivate inside the Dragon Palace. The dragon palace increased the cultivation speed of all Dragons, especially those who had Aditya's divine bloodline in them received maximum benefits.

Also adding, all the cultivation pills that Julia has been making for them, it's no wonder that within such a short period of time, all of the generals managed to become this strong. Normally it takes years for even a genius to reach Peak 3rd-order beginner 4th-order. For some Kingdoms, it takes from 10 to even 30 years to produce a Peak 3rd-order or beginner 4th-order general. But the Istarin Empire was able to do it within less than a year.

While walking on the streets of Zion city, Aditya was completely relaxed. He was sure that his generals wouldn't fail.

Scene change____

At the center of Zion City, there was a huge castle. From the castle, one can see the ends of Zion city. The Castle was the biggest man-made structure of the Shadow Islands Empire. The Royal family and the Emperor of the Shadow Islands Empire lived in that Castle.

More than 1000 soldiers guarded the Castle. The Emperor was a cautious man. So he built another wall within Zion city. The walls were 15 meters tall and very strong. The walls were made around the 5 km radius of the Castle. The walls were made up to prevent anyone from getting near the Castle. Within the walls, all the houses that were built around the Castle belonged to the Emperor. These houses were given to the Royal officials, to the high-ranked soldiers, and to the nobles. Only someone with high political power can live here.

Around two elite soldiers guarded the walls. The elite soldiers didn't let anyone without the Emperor's order get inside the wall. Those who try to enter without permission will be killed. Even if that person happens to be the Emperor's own son. No mercy will be shown.

Overall the security around the entire island was very strict. This is the reason why Aditya chose to send Scott, Amber, Josh, and Nathan for this mission. Aditya could have just openly attacked the Emperor but that would expose him. The plan was to end the Emperor's life as quietly as possible. Also, there is a chance that the Emperor might use the teleportation array to escape if Aditya openly attacks.

Within the Royal Castle of the Shadow Islands Empire, the Emperor was standing in front of a window and looking at Zion city. Whenever he looked at the Zion city, the Emperor's heart was filled with endless pride, arrogance, and satisfaction.

This city signified just how far he has come in his life. This city was a symbol that showed just how much Liam George has accomplished in his long reign as the Emperor of the Shadow Islands Empire.


Liam took a sip of the red wine as he stared at Zion city. Every night the Emperor would spend at least an hour watching Zion city from his bedroom's window.

"Oh dear father, I hope you're watching me from Heavens. Before you died you said that I am not fit to be the King. Father, you should look at the current Shadow islands Empire. I am the greatest Emperor that the Shadow islands Empire had. Under my rule, the Emperor has expanded in all directions. The economy of the Empire increased by 3 times. I suppressed any noble that would dare to question me." The voice of the Emperor was filled with endless pride and arrogance.

Liam George is the second son of Lux George. Around 141 years back, Lux' George wanted his first son Luke to become his successor. Liam was considered the most worthless prince. When Liam was young, unlike his brother Luke who was kind, hard-working, and a genius in cultivation, Liam spent all of his time lusting after women.

Liam slept with every beautiful woman in his sight. Unlike his big brother, Liam was lazy, arrogant, and had an average cultivation talent. As more time passed Lux became more displeased with Liam. At that time, the Shadow Islands as knowns as a Kingdom, not an Empire. It hadn't gained its status as an Emperor yet.

Before Luke could become the King, Liam killed his big brother. Liam did not stop there. He killed his father and mother. The people who were very close to his father and his big brother all were massacred within a single night. Liam did not let even the children escape. He killed them all. Before Lux died, he said that Liam wasn't fit to become the King. Since then, Liam has been working to prove his father wrong.

Liam killed all the nobles who opposed him. At that time the Entire Shadow islands Kingdom was in chaos. Over the years, using various underhanded means, Liam has managed to grow this Empire. "I have been ruling this Empire for over 141 years now. You said that I was a failure. Now look at me, do I look like a failure to you father? I have everything that I ever wanted. With each passing day and minute, I can feel my ambition keep expanding like this universe. Before I was satisfied with being the King but now I want to become the ruler of the entire Western region."

Liam had everything that he wanted. He had power, wealth, and women. Liam was enjoying every moment of his life. But somewhere while enjoying his life, Liam's attention came to the Southern region of the Dying Isle continent. It was one Particular Empire that had caught his attention. And that Empire was the Istarin Empire.

That Liam was interested in the Mana stone mines. If Liam is able to get all the Mana stone mines in the southern region, then he would be able to control the prices and the supply of Mana stones within the entire Dying Isle continent. When that happens, no one would be able to stop Liam from taking the Shadow Islands Empire to become the most Powerful Empire within the Dying Isle continent.

"I would need to think of another plan to end the Dragon Emperor's life. This guy has become a big obstacle in my path." As long as Aditya was dead, Liam can join hands with some other Empires and take control of the Entire Istarin Empire.

Little did Liam know how naively he was thinking. Unlike other Empires that like to show off their military strength to spread terror and threaten other Kingdoms or Empires, the Istarin Empire has never truly shown what its capable of.

"I was thinking that the Dragon Slayer guild would be able to do the task of killing Aditya. It seems I was wrong. I wasted my money." Liam filled the glass with wine.

The very glass that Liam was currently using was made by the Istarin empire. But he had no idea of it. This is because Aditya had left the distribution and supply of glass to the Goddess of wealth. Alicia sold glass in a way that no Empire was able to find where or how glass was made.

Nobles are attracted to fancy things. Noble women are attracted to sparkling things. When glass came to replace crystal in the market, it instantly became a hit within all six continents. Alicia had to work extra hard to make sure glass was available on all six continents. As for selling glass in the main continent, even though some merchants approached Alicia with offers, she politely rejected their offers.

While Liam was imagining himself becoming the Emperor of the entire Dying Isle continent, something big happened within Ashcour Island.

On four corners of Ashcour Island, four 1-meter big cubes were glowing in bright white light. The four cubes released a dense mana wave that instantly spread all over Ashcour Island. Very small runic words were drawn on the bodies of the cubes. Because of the intense glow, no one was able to see the runic words on the bodies of the cubes. The mana wave was felt by the Peak 4th-order and the 5th-order cultivators who were rising in Ashcour Island.

"There is an enemy attack" Shouted one of the beginner 5th-order generals.

In the next second, the four cubes rose in the air.

"What is that?" Liam widened his eyes seeing a glowing object in the distance. The next second, under his eyes, a light blue barrier started forming around the entire Ashcour Island.

"It's an enemy attack." The Panic grew over the entire Ashcour Island. No one knew what was happening.

A few seconds later, a light blue transparent barrier had formed around the entire island. At this moment, not even a Peak 4th-order cultivator would be able to exit or enter the island. Only a 5th-order cultivator can break the barrier. But Aditya wasn't going to let that happen.


"Your Majesty, it appears we are under attack." 3 beginner 5th-order cultivators entered Liam's bedroom.

Liam did not panic. He looked at the light blue barrier and just smiled. 'I wonder who is foolish enough to attack Ashcour Island? Don't they know that Ashcour Island is the base of the Shadow islands? Here, I am in control of everything. Even a bird has to take my permission if it wants to build its nest here.'

"Can you guys break this barrier?" Liam asked in a soft tone.

"Just one of us would be able to break this barrier." Answered the second general.

"Your Majesty, do you want us to break the barrier?" Asked another 5th-order general.

"There is no need for that." Liam turned to face his three generals.

"I want to see the faces of attackers. It doesn't really matter if you kill them or capture them."

"Understood." The three generals soon vanished from Liam's bedroom.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Sorry for not uploading all of these days. As I said before this whole week I have been sick. I didn't even had the strength to write a chapter.

But Now I am feeling well. I will try my best to release extra make up chapters in the upcoming days.