
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 307: parting ways

"There are a few other Eras that existed before The Ages of Cruelty." Aditya talked about the other eras which existed before the Age of Cruelty while they had breakfast. When Aditya spoke the whole dining table was silent. No one interrupted Aditya when he spoke.

When Aditya was done, everyone long had finished their breakfast. Everyone was very focused on hearing his words.

"There are so many things that we still don't know about our history." Sophia sighed. Aditya's words seem to have given Sophia a new motive. Out of everyone, she looked the most excited about learning more about history.

"In the future, I might even conduct research to learn more about the Age of Cruelty." Sophia looked like a little child when she spoke of conducting research.

Adam who was sitting beside Sophia sighed. He wasn't going to stop his wife. In fact, he would fund her research and help her in every way possible. He was happy that his wife had found something that would keep her busy.

"Aditya, I think it's time for us to part ways. I have been gone for 34 days. I have to go back. There must be a lot of work waiting for me." Originally Adam and his family came here for a small vacation and also to see how their daughter was living here. Who would have thought that their small vacation would last more than a month?

Aditya felt a little sad and was a little bit reluctant to part ways with Adam. With Adam and his family's presence, the Dragon Palace felt even more lively. If possible Aditya would like Adam to stay with them forever. Adam can go to work using the teleportation array.

But Aditya knew that wouldn't be possible. As the Duke, Adam has to stay in his territory.

"Alright. What about little Zak?" In Adam's absence, Sophia had Zak attend the same school as Clara and Leo.

"Yesterday, Sophia and I talked about this. I have decided that Zak will continue to attend your school. The education level is not only better but also studying here Zak can spend his youth while making real friends." The school that Zak previously attended was in Adam's territory.

Although Sophia made Zak attend a normal school so that Zak can experience the life of a commoner, many nobles knew about this and sent their children to the very same school so that their children can approach Zak and befriend him for their selfish reasons. Adam and Sophia didn't want Zak to stay around noble children. This might change Zak's character and make him arrogant. This isn't something that Sophia wanted her son to become.

"Zak will use the teleportation array to come here every single day and attend school."

"Alright. I will tighten the security around the school." Adam nodded his head with a satisfied look.

Meanwhile, Zak was very happy about the news. Zak loved the schools of the Istarin empire. Studying had become fun for him and also a lot easier. Not only that but compared to the schools in Adam's territory, the school that Zak attended had more than 3 thousand students. What Zak liked the most was the fact that there was no difference between noble and commoner. Everyone was given the same treatment.

"Aditya, in the future, I might need your help." After saying these words, Adam realized just how far Aditya has come. There was a time that just by selling 1/4th of the total pieces of jewelry that his wife had, Adam could buy the entire Istarin Dynasty 5 times. With the Istarin empire now having grown to such an impressive size both in terms of its military abilities and in terms of its economic capabilities, Aditya had gained the power to purchase Adam's entire territory with just one year's worth of Adam's taxable income.

"Sure, Father. Whatever help you need. Please don't hesitate to ask." Adam nodded his head with a satisfied nod. There was a feeling in Adam's head that something big was going to happen in the future. Especially with the sudden rise of the Istarin Empire. In just 9 and half months, Aditya had taken the empire to an unprecedented height.

The whole royal family went to send off the Onard Family. Using the teleportation Array, Adam, Sophia, and Zak, all three soon teleported back to Apogale city located in Echo Dominion Empire.

After Julia's family left, it was time to work.

"You all are dismissed." The seven generals bowed their heads before taking their leave.

"Big brother, I will talk to you later. Today I am going to take out Clara to learn archery." Aditya nodded. Clara said goodbye to Aditya before going with Leo. This only left Aditya with his wives.

"Sister Lara, please come with us. I want to check your body." Julia wanted to make a cure for Lara's mysterious illness as soon as possible.

"Before that, Lara needs to drink my blood." Alicia, Julia, and Riya then remembered that Lara is a vampire and her real source of nutrition was food.

"Alright. We will wait for you at the laboratory." Saying that Julia, Alicia, and Riya began to head toward her Laboratory. It has been almost a month since Julia last went there. Now that she has recovered from her depression, it was time to work and also relieve some burden from Sister Paige's shoulders.

In Julia's absence, Sister Paige has been working very hard. Paige almost stopped coming out of the laboratory. She even started sleeping there.

"Let's go." Aditya took Lara's hand and then teleported to Lara's bedroom. As the Dragon Monarch, Aditya had the power to teleport anywhere within the Dragon Palace and also anywhere within 25 km range of the Dragon Palace. As long as Aditya was inside the dragon palace, he was invincible.

Lara was surprised when she found herself in her bedroom. Rose had cleaned Lara's bedroom.

Aditya sat on the edge of her bed and then revealed his neck to Lara. Seeing his neck, Lara's eyes turned red as her vampire fangs started elongating. The desire to suck blood started becoming stronger and stronger.

"Come here." Aditya said with a smile.

Immediately, Lara walked up to him. She sat on his lap while facing him. After making herself comfortable, without any hesitation, the Vampire Princess sunk her fangs into the Dragon Monarch's neck and started drinking blood from his neck.

As soon as her fangs started drinking his blood, Aditya once again felt his entire body shivering from the intense pleasure. He nearly moaned from the pleasure. His pants also became tight.

Without not being able to hold himself back, he wrapped his hands around her waist and hugged her. He made sure to not exert too much strength otherwise he can end up hurting her. This is because Princess Lara was still weak. She was still weaker than an average human girl of her age.

While Lara drank Aditya's blood, he check her body. Despite being around 15 or 16 years old, Lara's chest was pretty big. Almost big as Julia's breasts. Though Aditya would never say it out loud as he knew that comparing these kinds of things might trigger Julia.

For a few minutes, Lara continued to drink his blood. But compared to the first time, Lara sucked his blood much slower and more gently. Occasionally, she would even pat the back of his head which Aditya liked.

3 and a half minutes later, Lara finally stopped. She didn't forget to lick the last few remaining drops of his blood as the bite marks healed.

huff! huff!

Lara was breathing heavily. There was a healthy blush on her face which only made her look cuter.

"How was it?" Hearing this, she did not reply. She instead wrapped her arms around his neck and then buried her face in his right shoulder.

Aditya could feel that Lara's Aura had slightly improved after drinking his blood. His blood was like a charge that she needs to function. If she doesn't drink his blood, she will fall asleep just like it used to happen back in the day.

"Do you want to drink more?" Aditya asked to which Lara shook her head.

"Husband, please don't leave Lara." Lara said in a low tone.


Aditya couldn't hold himself anymore. He kissed Lara's right cheek. This made her blush. Her cheeks turned red as she shyly lowered her head.

"Husband, you bully" Lara said in a low embarrassed tone. But Aditya was able to hear it with his enhanced senses.

"What did you say?" Aditya pretended to not hear what she said and then gave her another kiss on her left cheek.


Lara felt very embarrassed. This was the first time she was experiencing something like this.

"Husband, please don't bully Lara" Although Lara loved it when her husband kissed her, she didn't have the courage to say it.

Aditya bought his mouth near her right ear. He then gently bit her right ear making Lara moan.


"What are you talking about? I still haven't started bullying you. From now on, I will bully you to my heart's content." His words sent made Lara slightly shiver from a strange kind of excitement.

Aditya then pulled Lara even closer to his body. This made her chest press against his body. "Now give your husband a kiss on the cheek." Aditya found more and more similarities between Lara and Julia. Both of them were very shy. Both of them liked it when they were kissed but wouldn't admit it. In a way, Lara was also acting tsundere like Julia.

Although Lara found it very embarrassing, she still did what Aditya told her to do. She quickly kissed Aditya's right cheek before burying her face in his chest as if trying to hide away from all the shame and embarrassment.

"Haha!" Aditya laughed a little.

Sadly, he had to end this here only. As he needs to send Lara to the laboratory. As for Aditya, he was going to have a meeting with his Prime minister and know about the changes that took place in his absence.

Carrying Lara in his arms, Aditya teleported to Julia's laboratory where the three goddesses were waiting for him.

"I hope you had a nice time with, Sister Lara. Hmph!" Folding her arms under her chest, Alicia snorted while staring at Aditya.

Riya did not speak but her gaze carried the message to Aditya.

Aditya put Lara down and then walked up to Alicia with a smile. "I didn't think the goddess of wealth could act as a Tsundere?" Aditya asked.

"I am not a Tsundere. Don't call me that." Aditya just laughed before pulling Alicia into his embrace.

Alicia did not struggle as she accepted his hug. Both of them soon shared a long french kiss.

"I am such a fool for falling for someone like you." Alicia sighed while hugging her beloved.

"You better make it up to me." Alicia was ready to take their relationship to the next level.

"I will. Just give me some time to finish my work and then I am all yours." Saying that he kissed her both cheeks.

"What about me?" Riya asked as she walked behind Aditya.

"That also includes you, Julia, and Lara." Aditya and Riya shared a hug and Riya took the initiative to kiss him.

Lara just stood there watching as Aditya kissed Riya. Although Alicia sounded kind of angry, looking into her eyes, Lara saw no anger in them. Instead, there was a small smile on her face. The same could be said for Julia. Neither of them looked jealous of the other.

Growing up, Lara has known the competition that existed in her father's harem. Lara's mother who was also the Vampire Empress was the main wife and others were given the title of concubine. Lara's mother made sure to keep Jonah under control. The amount of attention that Jonah could give to his concubines was controlled by her mother.

Also, the children of the concubines were not eligible to become the Emperor's successor.

Growing up, Lara has seen her mother dislike and hate the concubines. She thought her sisters would be the same as her. But to her surprise, Julia, Alicia, and Riya, of them looked very happy with Aditya. In fact, neither of them looks jealous or anything. Even when Aditya wasn't there, the three of them worked together like real sisters. Each of them respected the other like real blood sisters.

'Husband is really different from the rest.' Lara was proud that such a man was her husband and also her fated one.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!