
Dragon Monarch Systemchapter 108: ending of goblin invasion

"What is he doing?" The goblin king did not have to wait long as the next moment intense bright red light penetrated the clouds and for a second made everyone unconsciously close their eyes.

Everyone did not have to wait long to find out what he was doing. In the next second millions of people saw something that they will never forget in their lives. A bright crimson flash of light for a second blinded everyone. What followed next was a thunderous roar from heaven.


Before anyone could understand what was going on, a thunderous sound almost broke their eardrums. Many 1st soldiers instantly lost their consciousness from the loud sound of the lightning strike.

The sound was so loud that even from 200 km away, people were still able to hear it. When the crimson light ended, Adam opened his eyes. When he looked at the battlefield, he and others only saw an endless mist of blood mixed with dust covering the entire battlefield.

Meanwhile, Aditya's face did not look good at all. This was the second time in a single day that he was completely exhausted his huge mana reserve. His face was white as a sheet of paper. Aditya's lips looked dry as if all the blood from his face has been drained. Beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead. He breathed heavily trying to take in as much as oxygen he can.

If one looked close enough then they would find a small smile that was barely visible on his pale white face. This smile was the smile of pure happiness and excitement. The reason behind this weak yet so happy-looking smile was because of the countless number of system notifications that was ringing in his head.

『Ding! You have killed a Mid 3rd-order Goblin warrior. Your experience points have been saved.』

『Ding! You have killed a Mid 3rd-order Goblin warrior. Your experience points have been saved.』

『Ding! You have killed a Mid 4th-order Goblin warrior. Your experience points have been saved.』

『Ding! You have killed a Mid 4th-order Goblin warrior. Your experience points have been saved.』

『Ding! You have killed a Mid 4th-order Goblin warrior. Your experience points have been saved.』

『Ding! You have killed a Mid 4th-order Goblin warrior. Your experience points have been saved.』

『Ding! You have killed a Mid-4th-order Goblin warrior....』

『Ding! Soul Blaze has reached 100%』

『Ding! For the next 10 seconds, all of the host stats will be increased by 40%.』

Soul Blaze was a passive skill that evolved from Aura of Soul Fire after Aditya reached beginner 3rd-order.

Aditya chose not to advance his cultivator for various reasons. The first and foremost reason was the people. The crowd would definitely get suspicious if he, the person who just had broken through 3rd-order suddenly reached Mid 3rd-order or even Peak 3rd-order. The second reason was that Aditya wanted to take some time to familiarize himself with his new powers and skills. Those saved-up experience points were like his ultimate life-saving trump cards.

Aditya was feeling very weak right now. He was having trouble even keeping himself standing in the air. He slowly began descending from the sky.

Meanwhile, Adam was the first one to recover from his shocked state. With the wave of his hand, all the dust and the mist of blood that was covering the battlefield like a blanket was pushed away.

What Adam and others saw next left them terrified. Especially the nobles and the people who were Adam's enemies felt as if they had seen their worst nightmares. It was as if what they were seeing right now was a silent threat to all of them. It was warning them to not mess with Adam otherwise this monster will definitely reduce them to dust.

Alicia, Julia, Sophie, the emperor, and other prominent figures of the continent who were secretly observing this battle using an artifact gasped as they looked at the mess that a mere beginner 3rd-order has created. This wasn't something that even a Peak 5th-order would be capable of doing.

The millions of goblins that once took most parts of the battlefield were nowhere to be seen anymore. The 500 meters gigantic dungeon gate that created fear in the hearts of millions was nowhere to be seen as well, it was as if the dungeon gate never existed in the first place.

As if this wasn't enough, there was a huge crater that covered more than 18km area of the battlefield. If Adam and other 4th-order had not used their mana to protect everyone, many would have been fired from the high temperature of the crimson lightning that descended from heaven.

Previously the battlefield was covered in a river of blood, flesh, bodies, soldiers' and adventurers' bodies. But right now, there wasn't even a trace of blood left. The crater that was 18 km in size was also 1500 meters deep.

While descending from the sky, Aditya widened his eyes in horror when his gaze landed on the figure that once looked very majestic and noble. Right now he looked like nothing but a beggar on the street. The previously calm and noble aura around him was long gone. Right now he only had that crazy expression on his face.

"How is he still alive?" Aditya couldn't help but sigh seeing that the goblin king was still alive. Even though the goblin king had lost one of his arms and was bleeding from many places, he still looked like he can continue this battle. Aditya noticed that all the armor and the weapon that the Goblin king had also was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his dark green-skinned body was now pitch black as if his skin had been roasted.

The goblin king had his eyes set on the figure with crimson wings. There was a trace of fear in his eyes that no one was able to notice. "If I had not sacrificed my battle armor and my 5-star weapon, I would have died there. I must kill that dragon before he comes after me."

Aditya saw the goblin king step out of the crater. 'I guess it's not easy to kill a 5th-order.' A 5th-order was completely different from a 4th-order cultivator. 'At my current state, I cannot fight him. I guess I will leave things to others. I already have done more than enough.'

In this long battle, Aditya's killing count was more than a few million. If not for him, the goblin would have overwhelmed the army of 1 million and the battle would have ended with the goblins winning. From time to time, Aditya kept on using his powers to kill and kept the goblin's number under check. Even though he could not save hundreds of thousands of soldiers and adventurers who died in this battle, because more than 800,000 soldiers and adventurers were able to survive. Aditya had saved the lives of millions of people. He was the hero of this battle.

Seeing Aditya leaving, the goblin king roared using his remaining strength. "Dragon, don't even think of running away. I swear I will kill you today no matter what happens." Everyone felt goosebumps hearing the loud voice of the goblin king.

"How the hell did that bastard even survive this kind of attack?" Adam and Tobias looked at each other in shock.

"He must have used a life-saving artifact. He looks seriously injured now. Even if he is a 5th-order, right now he had lost an arm, and he is seriously injured from the earlier attack, I think all of us combined should have the strength to kill him."

Just as all the 4th-orders were preparing to face the goblin king, they heard a voice. [There is no need. You all have fought very bravely today. I will take it from here.]

Aditya shivered hearing the voice. He could not even feel the presence of another being. When he turned his head, he found an old man with a long beard silently flying past him. While flying past Aditya, the old man gave him a small smile which only Aditya noticed.

The goblin king's face turned very ugly as if he was forced to eat rotten meat. "The other side has a 5th-order with him." Right now there is no way the goblin king could take on a 5th-order. He started thinking of a plan to escape. Now that the dungeon gate has been closed, he had no escape routes left.

"Elder Evan, just kill him." Once again Aditya was startled to hear another voice. When he turned his head to his right, he saw another old man. This old man was bald and was 5.7 meters tall in height. He silently stood in the air beside Aditya.

"Boy, I have watched your performance. You have a bright future ahead of you. If you keep hard-working, I am sure in a decade.....no maybe in a few years, you will be able to the main continent."

Meanwhile, the old man named Evan silently killed the goblin king, ending the invasion.

"Thank you for the kind words. I will do my best." Aditya had no interest in the main continent. The only reason he pursued power was that he needed it to protect his loved ones and his kingdom.

Once a cultivator reaches Peak 5th-order, that cultivator is allowed to go to the main continent. The mana density in the main continent was said to be very high compared to the other 6 continents. The main continent was like a heaven for the cultivators.

"Alright now that our work is done, we shall take our leave." In the next second both 5th-order cultivators disappeared.

Aditya landed on the ground. He was still shocked about everything. What an ending!

"Are you alright?" Adam walked up to Aditya and asked him. Aditya somehow nodded his pale face. With each passing second, he could feel his body getting heavier.

"I think I kind of over-pushed myself." Aditya replied while breathing heavily.

Adam put his hand on Aditya's right should and smiled. "I cannot thank you enough for what you did today."

Aditya gave a weak smile as he looked at the wild lion's eyes. "Uncle we're a family, there is no need to thank me. I was only looking out for my family member. Besides I can't make Julia sad by letting you die." Adam's right eye twitched uncontrollably.

Adam and Aditya smiled after a moment of silence. Adam knew that Aditya was only joking. "Boy, since you have saved my ass today, I won't say anything. You can take some rest."

"Uncle, I have one last question. If we had two powerful 5th-order cultivators, why we did not use them from the beginning?" This could have prevented all of those hundred thousand soldiers and adventurers from dying.


"Those old leaves are already nearing the end of their life. If they participated in a battle, their conditions only would have deteriorated. His majesty kept those two elders as a last resort."

"Aditya" Hearing the familiar voice that was filled with warmth, concern, care, and various deep emotions, Aditya felt help but smile from the bottom of his heart. Without being bothered about the hundred thousand soldiers and adventurers who had their eyes on one person, she ran at full speed.

The next second, Aditya, the Dragon Monarch, the King of the Istarin Kingdom found himself being hugged. His cold heart warmed up. This was the warmth that Aditya fought so hard to protect.

"You were so reckless today." Right now the goddess of alchemy did not care about being stared at by a hundred thousand soldiers and adventurers. To her, all these people did not matter at all. She did not care about her image nor about her reputation. The goddess only wanted to hug the person who had managed to curve his name in her heart.

Aditya ignored the cold glare that he was getting from Adam. He wrapped his hand around her waist as a warm and gentle smile bloomed on his face. "Princess, I am covered in blood right." Although all the blood of the goblins that were on his body already have been dried up, the dragon king did not want his woman to hug him while he was covered in blood.

Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!