
The company town of Axelsen & Nielsen Corporation had undergone significant improvements, bringing about a more organized and connected environment. One notable change was the division of the town into distinct sections, each serving a specific purpose.

In the northern part of the town, the Air Brake Company was located, with its headquarters at the center. This section focused on the production of air brake systems, and workers could be seen going about their tasks with precision and expertise.

Heading towards the western part of the town, there was a separate factory dedicated to manufacturing electrical equipment and steam turbines.

To ensure efficient transportation and connectivity, the town had implemented a network of bus automobiles and trams that linked the different sections. This infrastructure facilitated the movement of workers and residents throughout the town, making it easier for them to commute and access various facilities.

Now, the newly established enterprise of the corporation, the Aegis Tactical Service, a private military company, is located in the eastern part of the company town, about ten kilometers west of the main office. Now instead of factories dominating the landscape, it was like a military fortress, encompassing training facilities, armories, and administrative buildings.

Poul and Sara arrived at its headquarters via bus and were escorted promptly by one of the soldiers hired in the company. Just like any other soldier in the area, the soldier escorting them is dressed impeccably in a World War 2 German army uniform.

Sara nudged him gently on the arm, getting his attention.

"What?" Poul leaned his ears closer to her.

"The soldier's uniform, it's quite similar to what the Nazis wore in world war 2, did you perhaps copy it?"

Poul simply nodded. "Despite what it did to our country Denmark, you can't deny the style of their uniform. Not that I'm supporting the vision of the Nazis or anything. I just want to make our troops fashionable. After all, we are businessmen, and the soldiers here around us are our product."

Sara understood what Poul meant and so she accepted it. It's not a big deal in this world, after all, it's a different universe.

After minutes of walking, they were now inside the hangar, where former Lieutenant Colonel Richards are briefing his team that will join him in the Joseon Kingdom.

Richards immediately noticed Poul's arrival and paused what he was doing.

"Sir!" Richards saluted, followed by the rest of the soldiers.

Poul chuckled nervously. "Guys, you don't have to do that, I'm not a military officer that needs to be acknowledged by a salute."

"But sir, you are our employer, therefore that makes you like our commander-in-chief, and therefore it is only proper of us to show respect and salute," Richards replied firmly, maintaining his salute.

"Can't help it then," Sara interjected. "Just let it, Poul. After all, one day you might become their actual commander-in-chief, that is to say, if you win the election," she teased.

"Fine fine…" Poul waved his hand dismissively, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "So anyway Richards, we are simply making a visit. Please, continue your briefing, we'll just watch."

Richards nodded resolutely before turning his attention to his men and resuming briefing. Poul and Sara listened to the briefings attentively from behind as if they are part of the troops he'll be leading.

"So the first contract was to repel the Japanese presence in the capital Hanseong?" Sara asked, looking up at Poul.

"That's right," Poul confirmed. "Just as Mr. Richards said, the Japanese illegally placed troops near the capital without the approval of the Joseon king. Now, the Joseon army is primitive, to say the least, they can't repel the Japanese on their own as the Japanese are technologically more advanced than Joseon. There's not even a single country in the West that is willing to help Joseon as they see no merit to it. Japan has become a trading partner of almost all of Europe, and even the United States. So they'll try not to ruin those relationships. But we, Axelsen & Nielsen Corporation, are different. We are not a nation but a company, so we can intervene without causing diplomatic incidents."

Poul then continued. "You see those rifles by the wooden crate?" he pointed.

Sara looked to where Poul was pointing and saw an assault rifle.

"That's an StG 44. An assault rifle. Each of our soldiers would be equipped with that weapon. Alongside the pistol that we copied from the Colt in our world. Combined, you have the most modern troops in this world. I'm thinking of introducing bulletproof vests as well, to enhance their protection."

"Do you even know how to build one?" Sara asked teasingly.

"Of course, I know, who do you think I am? Since Jonathan and I started the company, we have been building miracle after miracle, advancing this world years or decades ahead of our original world…A bulletproof vest is easy."

Now, saying those words would cause confusion to those who will hear it, but Poul and Sara were at a safe distance where they could talk about their original world.

"I'm just asking you know, why do you have to be so serious?" Sara said, averting her gaze and pouting.

"Oh come on now," Poul wrapped his arms around Sara's shoulders, pulling her close. "I didn't mean it okay, forgive me."

He then started planting soft kisses on her neck, savoring the sweet taste that lingered on her skin.

"Wha…Oi…Poul…what do you think you are doing..!" Sara tried to protest but she couldn't help but feel aroused from his lips that were smooching her neck. She struggled to maintain her composure as his kisses sent shivers down her spine.

"Uhm…Mr. Nielsen."

Richards called, snapping Poul and Sara back to reality. Startled, they quickly pulled away from each other, their faces flushing with embarrassment. They turned to face Richards, who had a bemused yet slightly awkward expression on his face.

"Sorry for the interruption, Mr. Nielsen but my men and I couldn't focus when you two were doing a couple things…May I suggest my office which is located over there?" He pointed to a room inside the hangar.

"No need for that, Mr. Richards," Poul cleared his throat, still blushing. "We got carried away for a moment. Please continue with your briefing. We'll try not to distract you further."

Richards nodded understandingly, a small smile playing on his lips. "We appreciate that sir but we have already finished our briefing. We were just watching you…"

"Oh no…" Poul exclaimed, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Richards waved off Poul's worry, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "No harm done, sir. We understand that these things happen. As soldiers, we are trained to adapt and maintain focus even in unexpected circumstances."

"I don't think that this is part of those unexpected circumstances," Sara chimed in and rose to her feet. "Poul, I need to return back to the hospital, I'm still on duty remember?"

"Oh, of course," Poul said, snapping out of his momentary daze. "Apologies for the distraction, Richards. We'll leave you and your team to prepare for the mission, and have a safe voyage to Hanseong."

Poul and Sara bid farewell to Richards and his team.

"I almost got carried away there," Poul commented. "I have to be careful from now on. Sorry, Sara for that.."

"Well…it's not that I didn't like it, Poul," Sara said bashfully while twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. "Do you want to continue it somewhere else?"

Poul's expression faded when Sara suggesting that they should continue their intimate moment somewhere else, and it is tempting him.

"I'll pick you up after your duty."