
Outside the church, the factory workers waved their hats in welcoming gestures, some cheered, others whistled, and a few even shed happy tears. The atmosphere was contagious with joy as the news of Jonathan and Caroline's marriage spread throughout the company town.

In the midst of the celebration, the factory workers formed a makeshift parade, eager to show their support for the newlyweds. Led by the factory foreman, they marched through the streets with banners and flags, their footsteps synchronized and their voices raised in unison.

The townspeople, drawn by the lively spectacle, poured out of their homes and shops to join the procession. Children skipped alongside, their laughter echoing through the air. The townsfolk clapped and cheered, caught up in the infectious merriment.

As the parade reached the main office of Axelsen & Nielsen Corporation, the employees inside caught sight of the jubilant crowd. They hurried to the windows, their faces lighting up with smiles as they watched the procession pass by.

Meanwhile, the ballroom of the main office building was transformed into a grand reception venue, adorned with elegant decorations and sparkling chandeliers. The sound of laughter and cheerful conversations filled the air as guests entered, marveling at the beautifully arranged tables and the tantalizing aroma of a sumptuous feast.

As a token of appreciation for the efforts of their employees and workers, Poul and Jonathan had decided to make the wedding day a paid holiday. So right now, no one was working in the factories, and productions were paused to give way to this celebration. Even though this decision would cost them millions, they believed it was a small price to pay for the dedication and hard work their employees had put into building the company.

Jonathan and Caroline, now officially married, entered the reception hand in hand, smiles radiant and their hearts filled with gratitude. They made their way to the center of the ballroom, where a grand stage had been set up for the evening's festivities.

Poul, Sara, Morgan, and Amelia made their way towards the couple. Upon arriving in front of them, they shook hands and exchanged warm congratulations.

"Congratulations again to both of you," Poul said. "So when's the honeymoon, huh?" he teased.

Jonathan laughed, glancing at Caroline affectionately. "We're actually leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow morning in Newport."

"Ah, Newport. Isn't that where you are living, Caroline?"

"That is correct Poul," Caroline confirmed, her gaze flickering to Amelia.

When Amelia noticed her gaze on her, she immediately walked forward and gave her a warm embrace.

"Oh… Lady Dupont, I'm so happy that you've found someone who brings you so much joy," Amelia said, her voice filled with genuine happiness. "Jonathan is a wonderful man, and I have no doubt that the two of you will have a beautiful life together."

"Thank you, Amelia. Your support and friendship mean the world to me," Caroline said.

"I wouldn't raise your salary even if you said that, Amelia," Jonathan said jokingly.

Amelia chuckled, playfully swatting Jonathan's arm. "Oh, don't worry, Jonathan. I won't hold you to that. Take care of Lady Dupont for me okay? She is like a big sister to me…"

Jonathan nodded affectionately. "I will…Amelia…I will."

"That's touching," Morgan finally chimed in. "Now that you are husband and wife, does that mean we are going to see a child soon?"

Jonathan and Caroline exchanged a knowing glance, their faces lighting up with excitement. The question about starting a family was one they had contemplated and discussed in private, and now it seemed like the perfect moment to share their hopes with their closest friends.

Caroline smiled warmly at Morgan. "We've certainly talked about it, Mr. Morgan, though, is that really the question you wanted to ask us?"

"Well, I'm just saying, you're both old enough to have children don't you think? Actually, you are way too late."

"What can I say, Mr. Morgan, we are running a corporation here," Jonathan said in a lighthearted tone, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "We've been a bit busy with our responsibilities, but rest assured, we do have plans for a family."

"Oh, I can't wait to be the godfather of your child!" Morgan exclaimed. "Anyways, now that your wedding has been sealed and concluded, I want to know when will be the wedding of Poul and Sara. Is it next week?"

Poul chuckled, exchanging a knowing glance with Sara. "Well, Morgan, we appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm afraid our wedding might not be as grand as Jonathan's. We've been facing some unexpected challenges lately which I'm sure you know who I am referring to."

"Ah, that King of the British Empirehuh? Well why bother, you two have a private military company now? Equipped with the latest technology more advanced than what the United States Army is using. If King Alexander dares to attack you indirectly or directly, you can retaliate with that."

Poul chuckled. "That may be true but we can't say that for certain. We have to test the troops first. Speaking of which, a country by the name of Joseon Kingdom is hiring our private military company to go fight against the Japanese that are threatening their sovereignty."

"Hmm…wouldn't that implicate our country by helping that Joseon country?" Morgan asked. "Not to mention, this could affect your ratings as a running president."

"Morgan, I'm no fool. I have seen the recent polls, I have no chance of winning against the giants of the Republican and Democrat Party. As for your concern in implication, I don't think so. Private military companies operate in a gray area, and our involvement with the Joseon Kingdom will be under contractual terms."

"But Poul, the company is still an Avalonian, I don't think the Japanese will see it that way," Morgan interjected, concern etched on his face.

"It is Avalonian, Mr. Morgan but the troops are under the private company, not a country. There is a huge difference. Anyways, we shouldn't be talking about business, we should be celebrating! Come on, let's drink and toast Jonathan and Caroline's happiness!" Poul exclaimed, trying to steer the conversation back to the joyful occasion.

The group laughed and enjoyed the day.

A day after the wedding ceremony, the company town of the corporation returned to its usual hustle and bustle as operations resumed at Axelsen & Nielsen Corporation. The factories hummed with activity once again, as workers donned their uniforms and got back to their daily tasks. The celebration had been a brief respite from their responsibilities, and now they were ready to tackle their work with their usual vigor.

"Poul, the commander of the troops that will lead our forces in Joseon has arrived," Amelia informed.

"Good, let him in."