
After meeting with the Crown Prince, Poul let out a sigh.

"This is going to be problematic," he muttered under his breath. He pushed a desk bell resting atop a table next to his bed, and a man entered his room.

"What do you need, sir?" the guard asked.

"I want to speak with the Ambassador, is he available?" Poul asked.

"One moment sir," the guard said and stepped out of the room.

Alone in the room, Poul contemplated for a moment. The conversation that he had just now with the Crown Prince brought circumstantial evidence that he may be behind the failed assassination attempt. He held his life so dearly, wanting to return with his team and Sara so desperately. Therefore, the goal is to leave the British alive, and not be caught in any attempt that may happen sooner or later.

Moments later, the guard returned to his room and spoke.

"Sir, it's going to take a while as the Ambassador is currently talking with the Crown Prince of the British Empire. He'll be able to accommodate your request in the next fifteen minutes."

"Thank you," Poul replied to the guard, his mind still occupied with thoughts of the potential danger he was in.

Fifteen minutes later, Poul was escorted to the office of the Ambassador.

"Good evening, Mr. Nielsen. I heard that you wanted to speak with me."

The ambassador sitting behind the mahogany desk is the Ambassador to the British Empire, Ethan Smith. He has a brother who happens to be an Ambassador to the Republic of France. The Ambassador helped his partner and Morgan to settle an arrangement between them and the President of the United States.

"Yes, Mr. Smith. I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," Poul began cautiously, eyeing the seriousness etched on the Ambassador's face.

"No, no not at all, Mr. Nielsen. My schedule for this hour is pretty much me sifting through documents. So, how can I help you? Oh, before that, how are you feeling?"

"Well, if not for the doctors stationed in your embassy, my situation might get worse," Poul said with a chuckle. "Anyways, have they found the bomber yet? I get a feeling that they are nearby, wanting to finish an unfinished job."

Smith shook his head. "Unfortunately, those men remain at large. But rest assured, Mr. Nielsen, the place is secured. There's no way that those men could ever get into our embassy. The president ordered it, and we are doing our best to uphold the order."

"That's reassuring, Mr. Smith. Thank you for that," Poul said.

"Is that all, Mr. Nielsen? A reassurance? I'm sure there's something more that you want to share," Smith paused, his gaze unwavering. Poul knew that he couldn't hold back any longer.

Taking a deep breath, Poul leaned forward, his voice lowered. "Mr. Smith, you are coordinating with the British Government about the routes which my transportation is going to take right?"

"That's right, Mr. Nielsen."

"Well, do me a favor, Mr. Smith. Suspend it immediately," Poul pleaded urgently, his eyes fixed on the Ambassador's face.

"Suspend coordination with the British?" Ethan Smith's brows furrowed in confusion. "Why is there a problem?"

"I have a reason to believe that the British may be behind the assassination attempt. This is based on a deduction based on the available facts. Facts that the government and the people hate me for what I have done. Therefore, it's our best bet that only the United States of Avalonia should take care of my transportation, the route it'll be taking, and the ship that we will be boarding," Poul explained, his voice filled with urgency.

Ambassador Smith's expression shifted from confusion to concern. He leaned back in his chair, absorbing Poul's words and the weight they carried. After a moment of silence, he nodded slowly.

"I understand the gravity of your request, Mr. Nielsen," Smith replied, his voice steady. "Given the circumstances and the potential involvement of the British, it would be wise to prioritize your safety and rely on our own resources."

Poul felt a glimmer of relief wash over him, knowing that the Ambassador understood the urgency of the situation. "Thank you, Mr. Smith," he expressed sincerely. "I know this is a lot to ask, but it's crucial that we take every precaution to ensure my safe passage out of this country."

The Ambassador reached for his telephone, his fingers dialing a familiar number. Poul watched as Smith engaged in a brief conversation, his tone hushed and determined. After hanging up, Smith turned his attention back to Poul.

"I've just informed the appropriate authorities to suspend the coordination with the British government," Smith confirmed. "From this point forward, we will handle your transportation and security arrangements internally, with the utmost discretion."

Poul breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the swift action taken by Ambassador Smith. He knew that the stakes were high, and every decision could mean the difference between life and death.

"Thank you, Mr. Smith," Poul said again, his voice filled with gratitude. "I trust in your ability to ensure my safe departure from this country. My team and I are relying on you."

Ambassador Ethan Smith nodded, his gaze steady. "You have my word, Mr. Nielsen. We will do everything in our power to ensure your safety. You are our important asset after all, one that we are willing to go to war with,"

Poul rose to his feet and extended his hand toward the Ambassador. Smith stood up as well, accepting the gesture and firmly shaking Poul's hand.

"It's an honor to have your support, Ambassador Smith," Poul said. "And it is a pleasure meeting you in person. I am grateful for the actions you have taken to prioritize my safety and the commitment of your government to stand behind us."

Ambassador Smith smiled warmly and clasped Poul's hand firmly. "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Nielsen. Now if you need something else, please don't hesitate to let me know. We have a dedicated team working on your security arrangements, and we will keep you updated on the progress."

After that, Poul left the Ambassador's office and retreated to his room.


A day later, in Paris, Sara's life had been turned upside down since the scandal involving Poul Nielsen was revealed. Not only were the British people scrutinizing her every move, but the citizens of France and Avalonia as well. The once-vibrant world she knew had become suffocating, and she couldn't venture out into the streets without a guard accompanying her.

Jonathan and Morgan, realizing the gravity of the situation, advised Sara to go into hiding until the storm blew over. Coming from the modern world, she understood that allowing the controversy to fade away naturally was the best path to reclaiming her freedom gradually.

However, for the time being, Sara had to prioritize her safety and conceal herself from the public eye. She found solace in a small, secluded apartment in the heart of Paris, provided by Ambassador Ethan Smith and his connections. The place offered her a respite from the constant scrutiny and allowed her to regain some semblance of normalcy.

As she sat by the window, gazing out at the bustling city below, memories of her past life as a British princess flooded her mind. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, betraying the pain she felt deep within.

"It's as if my life never changed," she whispered, her voice barely audible. The weight of her circumstances pressed upon her, and she longed for the freedom she once had. She yearned to walk the streets without guards, to experience the simple joys of life without the burden of public judgment.

But she knew that patience was her ally now. She had to trust that time would heal the wounds caused by the scandal, and eventually, she would regain her autonomy.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Sara asked.

"It's Caroline, I came here to deliver your food," Caroline

answered from the other side of the door.

Sara quickly composed herself, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. She approached the door and unlocked it, revealing Caroline carrying a tray of food.

"I got your favorites," Caroline said with a warm smile, holding the tray out to Sara. The aroma of freshly baked croissants and a steaming cup of coffee filled the air, momentarily distracting Sara from her troubled thoughts.

"Thank you, Caroline," Sara replied, grateful for the small gesture of kindness. She invited Caroline inside and placed the tray on a small dining table by the window.

Caroline's eyes softened as she observed Sara's pensive expression. "You seem lost in your thoughts, Sara. Is everything alright?"

Sara sighed and took a seat at the table, gesturing for Caroline to join her.

"Truth be told, everything feels overwhelming right now. I never imagined my life would take such a drastic turn."

Caroline sat down across from Sara, her genuine concern evident. "I can only imagine what you're going through, Sara. The media frenzy, the public judgment—it must be incredibly challenging."

Sara nodded, her fingers absentmindedly tracing the rim of the coffee cup. "It's been a whirlwind. I feel trapped, confined by the actions of others. Sometimes, I wonder if I'll ever regain a sense of normalcy."

Caroline reached across the table and gently placed her hand on Sara's. "It may not seem like it now, but this storm will pass. People's attention spans are short, and soon enough, they'll move on to the next scandal. You're strong, Sara, and you'll get through this."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Sara's eyes as she listened to Caroline's comforting words. "Thank you for believing in me, Caroline. Your support means more to me than you know."

Caroline smiled warmly. "You're not alone in this, Sara. Jonathan, Morgan, and I are here for you. We'll do everything we can to help you. Poul is doing alright as well."

"Oh…Poul, I haven't received any news about him since the time when you informed me that they are moving him out of the country. What happened?"

Caroline's expression turned somber upon the mention of the topic. She wished she could tell Sara right now but should she do so will only make her worry.

"Everything is going smoothly, though I don't know the specifics. Bureaucracy is complicated and things are being kept confidential for security reasons," Caroline replied carefully, choosing her words wisely. "But rest assured, Poul is in good hands. The United States of Avalonia is taking every measure to ensure his safety."

"That's great to hear…"

"Oh, also Sara, I didn't only come here to give you your food, there is someone outside wishing to see you…"

"Who is it?"

Upon asking that, two figures entered the room. Sara flickered her gaze to the two and instantly recognized them.

"Mom? Dad?"