
Three weeks after the demonstration of the dangers of the alternating current, the news spread like wildfire. Poul and Jonathan were reading the newspaper from their respective locations, each having their own reaction. Poul was visibly pissed and Jonathan was deep in thought.

As Poul slammed down his newspaper, startling Amelia who gave him the newspaper.

"That fucking Russell, he really has done it! Spreading lies about alternating current being dangerous even though both systems are dangerous if above 20 milliamps."

"This is the worst timing ever, next to the accident that happened in the factory. I mean seriously."

"You couldn't have worded it better, Poul. We have an upcoming meeting with representatives from Iowa and Texas for a possible acquisition of the alternating current system," Amelia said, her voice low.

"I'm sure Jonathan has received the news and will act accordingly, like confronting Russell."

Poul breathed deeply, calming himself down. "Well, there's nothing to be worried about, as long as there is no human casualty, Russell's claims are just baseless. We just need to continue to prove the effectiveness and safety of AC to the public and potential investors. But even though I'm saying this again and again, things can still happen in unexpecting ways."

"Should we issue a statement to the press? Like we did at Russell where he told everyone that your alternating current is dangerous?"

Poul pondered for a moment. "No, I don't think that's a good move. Let Russell bark, we have the best system, and that speaks the loudest. What I want you to do is to make some contingency should we face any accidents or safety concerns with AC. We need to be prepared to address them in a timely and effective manner."

"Understood," Amelia acknowledged the order, jotting it down on her notes.

Suddenly, the telephone on his desk rang. Poul promptly picked it up and answered the call. It was Beatrice, informing him that a representative from the state of Texas and Iowa had arrived and was in the lobby.

"Okay, escort them to my office, I'll wait for them," Poul said before hanging up the phone. He glanced at Amelia and beckoned her to prepare the presentation materials.

Jonathan, on the other hand, was deep in thought. He was in New York, still in the middle of his work. He got the news from one of his co-workers who gave him the newspaper revealing that James Russell has demonstrated the dangers of alternating current by killing a horse.

"That damn bastard," Jonathan cursed under his breath.

Since receiving the news from one of his coworkers, Jonathan has asked for an immediate meeting with James Russell. The good thing is that James Russell's office is near his workplace.

Jonathan arrived at James Russell's office building, his mind still reeling with anger over the false claims made by Russell about alternating current. He made his way up to the second floor and approached the reception desk.

"I'm here to see James Russell," Jonathan said to the receptionist.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Russell is currently in a meeting and cannot be disturbed," the receptionist replied.

"But I have scheduled an appointment with him," Jonathan replied and continued. "I don't have a letter but we had a verbal agreement."

"I'm sorry sir but without a letter, I can't confirm your appointment, with Mr. Russell?"

"That's ridiculous, didn't he even inform you?" Jonathan

paused, trying to think of a way to convince the receptionist to let him in.

Just then, he noticed a familiar face walking towards him. It was James Russell himself, accompanied by two other men.

"Jonathan, what a surprise to see you here," James said, his tone polite but guarded.

But just as Jonathan could reply, the two men walking alongside him offer a handshake. "It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Russell. We are excited to have our own direct current system in our state."

"The pleasure is mine," Russell replied with a smile, before turning his attention back to Jonathan. "Oh, I nearly forgot that we have an appointment. Sorry if I was not available the moment you arrive due to…" he paused, extending his hand to the men standing beside him. "Business."

"I can see that," Jonathan replied, his eyes narrowing. He watched the two men shake hands again and leave.

"Please, come inside my office. I'm sure you are eager to discuss something with me," Russell opened the door, beckoning him with a


Jonathan followed Russell into his office, his anger simmering just below the surface. Once inside, Russell motioned for him to take a seat. Jonathan sat down, his eyes fixed on Russell.

"I assume you've seen the news?" Jonathan asked, his voice low.

Russell nodded. "Yes, I have. I assume you're here to confront me about it?"

"You're damn right I am," Jonathan replied, his tone harsh. "How could you do something like that? I never knew that you would stoop so low as to kill a horse to prove your pathetic point."

Russell leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable. "I'm just spreading awareness."

"Spreading awareness? More like spreading lies and misinformation," Jonathan rebutted. "You knew more than I that any electricity above twenty milliamperes regardless of current type can be fatal to a human being, let alone an innocent animal."

"Then why don't you prove it? Buy a horse and have it strapped in direct current and see if it will die."

Jonathan stood up abruptly, his face turning red with anger. "I will not stoop to your level and commit such cruelty. Your actions are unethical. You care for the lives of human beings but for animals, you don't seem to care at all. What is life to you?"

"Look I don't have time to discuss with you the philosophical meaning of life, and based on our exchanges from now you have confirmed it for yourself that I demonstrated the dangers of your system to the masses. Now you get out of my sight."

Jonathan stared at Russell in disbelief. This man has lost it, he doesn't really care about it anymore as long as he wins. But the fight he is fighting for is futile as the alternating current will emerge victorious, that's a guarantee. He can't stop the inevitable problems of the limitation of direct current.

Without another word, Jonathan turned and walked towards the door. As he reached for the handle, Russell spoke again.

"Jonathan, I hope you understand that this is not personal. It's just business."

Jonathan paused, his hand still on the door handle. He turned to face Russell.

"Okay then, put it in a way that you see fit."

Russell said nothing, his expression remaining impassive. Jonathan shook his head in disgust before turning and walking out of the office.