
Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel Worldchapter 197: demonstration of electric locomotive

A few minutes later, Sara entered the electric locomotive along with Caroline. She led her to Poul, who was having a chat with his engineers.

"Poul…" Caroline called softly. "Your girl…I mean, Sara is here."

Poul turned to face the two beautiful ladies and smiled. "Sara, I'm sorry if you were not on the VIP list, I was not the one handling the papers, it was my executive secretary."

Sara fumbled her hands bashfully. "No, you don't have to apologize. I'm not a person you should consider as a VIP as I contributed nothing to the project."

"Why are you saying that? You contributed to a project in another way."

"What do you mean?" Sara asked.

"By another way, I meant you being here is enough. Like you are my motivation and strength. Your presence is making me confident that I can pull this demonstration off smoothly."

Caroline watched the two of them with a soft smile. She can't believe that Poul has the guts to flirt with Sara before the demonstration. But nevertheless, she found it cute and excused herself to give the two some privacy.

"You are so silly, Poul," Sara said, her cheeks blushing a light pink. "But thank you. I'm glad I could be here to support you."

Poul chuckled, taking Sara's hand in his. "You always know how to make me smile, Sara. Now why don't you join the others? We will start in a minute."

Sara nodded her head and retreated.

Jonathan, who was watching the two from afar, approached Poul.

"Poul, they are settled now. We can now start the demonstration."

"Very well," Poul straightened his tie. "Let's go and meet them."

The two of them walked down the aisle, heading to the VIP who was seated in the third passenger car. There, he saw prominent figures in the industry and the councilors from the New York Board of Transportation.

"Good afternoon esteemed guests, it is my pleasure to welcome you to witness our demonstration of electric locomotives, the future of rail transport. As you have undoubtedly observed, this locomotive is a marvel of modern engineering, incorporating a multitude of cutting-edge features. In order to provide you with an optimal riding experience, the cabin is sealed to prevent any discomfort from external factors, while a heat pump guarantees a comfortable temperature regardless of the weather conditions outside.

"The spacious interior is capable of accommodating up to sixty passengers per car, ensuring ample room for all. Furthermore, this electric locomotive boasts a state-of-the-art regenerative braking system, which recovers energy during braking, as well as draft gears to provide a smooth and efficient ride. We are proud to present to you the epitome of modern rail technology…"

As Poul was speaking facts about the electric locomotive, Morgan, Wanderbilt, Caroline, and the Councilors were nodding in agreement, impressed with the technical details of the electric locomotive. Meanwhile, Sara, who was sitting with them, listened intently to Poul's presentation with a smile spreading across her face.

She couldn't help but feel proud of the coolness Poul was displaying to the VIPs, as expected from her boyfriend.

Poul continued. "It is important to note that our electric locomotive is distinct from the traditional steam locomotive, in that it does not have an engine car containing a boiler to generate steam, which was traditionally used for propulsion. Instead, our locomotive employs electricity as its propulsion system, with a single overhead line above the train carrying electrical power. To tap into this power source, we utilize a specialized apparatus known as a pantograph, which is mounted on the roof of the locomotive. This pantograph enables the transfer of electricity to the electric motor, which is responsible for driving the locomotive's wheels."

"We will drive this locomotive, covering a distance of five kilometers on a rail track that we have built solely for this. As for the speed of the electric locomotive, it can reach up to 50 miles per hour, a lot faster than the steam locomotive, which in order to get to that speed would need a lot of coal and steam. Any questions before we start?"

Wanderbilt raised his hand. "I have a question. Well, it sounded like you were aiming to replace the steam locomotives with your electric locomotive. In your words, you always mention its advantages over the steam locomotive. The question is, are you going to replace it?"

Poul understood the nature of Wanderbilt's question. After all, he is a railway magnate whose business empire was built on steam locomotives. He had come here to see whether the electric locomotive is a threat to his railway business, and judging from the technical details, it seems that his worries were confirmed.

"Just like in lighting, electricity is the future of transportation. But it doesn't mean that traditional transportation is going to be replaced overnight. The railway infrastructure of the steam locomotives in the United States of Avalonia is massive and replacing them with electric locomotives would require a huge amount of money. So, I'd say that it won't be replaced as of now but in the proceeding decades, it might," Poul explained.

"That doesn't make me feel better, to be honest," Wanderbilt chuckled.

"Well, it does if you adapt Mr. Wanderbilt. You see, the reason why some companies were forced out of business is because they are afraid of the inevitable phenomenon called progress. The world is constantly evolving and our choice is to adapt to it."

Caroline interjected, "And the ones who adapt, they thrive and stay ahead of the game. You have a strong business empire, Mr. Wanderbilt, and I am sure you can adapt to the changes in the industry. Who knows, you might even be at the forefront of the electric locomotive revolution."

Wanderbilt smiled at Caroline's words.

"Any more questions?" Poul asked.

"Why not use your air brake technology in this electric locomotive?" The Councilor asked.

"Ah, great question Mr. Councilor," Poul replied. "While our air brake technology is one of the most efficient braking systems out there, it is not suitable for this particular locomotive. As I mentioned earlier, our electric locomotive has a regenerative braking system, which recovers energy during braking. This means that when the locomotive brakes, it converts the kinetic energy into electrical energy, which is then stored in the locomotive's battery or fed back into the overhead electrical line. This makes our locomotives more energy-efficient and cheaper."

The Councilor nodded in understanding. "That makes sense. Thanks for explaining."

Poul smiled. "No problem. Any more questions before we get started?"

The group shook their heads, and Poul gave the signal to start the locomotive. The electric motor whirred to life, and the pantograph rose up to connect with the overhead electrical line. With a gentle lurch, the locomotive began to move forward, its wheels rolling smoothly along the tracks. As they picked up speed, the onlookers outside cheered, waving their hands and whistling.

As they traveled along the five-kilometer track, Poul continued chatting with the Councilors.

"So, I assume that you are liking the demonstration of the electric locomotive? One that would be used in the New York Metro Station?"

The Councilor nodded. "We are impressed, Mr. Nielsen. You have delivered what you have promised. Therefore, we will continue to support the construction project by going public where the people can buy stocks."

Poul smiled, pleased with the Councilor's response. "Thank you, Councilor, gentleman. There'd be no doubt that there will be a rush in the stock market in New York once this project is made public."

"Are you going to invest as well, Mr. Nielsen?"

"I don't see the reason why not. We are confident in the project, therefore expect a considerable investment from our company," Poul replied.

As they reached the end of the track, the locomotive came to a smooth stop. The Councilors and the VIPs disembarked, their faces still filled with excitement from the demonstration.

Wanderbilt turned to Poul and said, "I must say, Mr. Nielsen, you have truly impressed me. I might consider overhauling my Central Station with your electric locomotive."

"It will cost you a ton, Mr. Wanderbilt," Poul said.

Wanderbilt smirked. "That ton you are talking about is just a gram to me. I'll see you and your partner at the party later?"
