
Back in New York, Rockefeller seethed with anger as he clenched his fist and smashed the table in front of him. He had just spoken to Poul Nielsen, and the revelation that the industrialist duo was behind the theft of his ledger came as a shock to him. Despite the fact that they had managed to infiltrate his office and steal his most valuable possession, he couldn't help but feel impressed by their cunning tactics.

Rockefeller knew that he had to act fast. He picked up the phone and dialed one of his associates, Senator Johnson, who had helped him in the past. Johnson answered the call, his voice laced with fury.

"What's the news, Rockefeller? Did you find who stole the ledger?" Johnson demanded.

"Calm down, Senator Johnson," Rockefeller replied. "We have located the ledger and we are retrieving it as soon as possible. You don't have to fear getting exposed in public."

"I nearly lost my career because of your carelessness! You need to be more careful with your sensitive information, Rockefeller. This is the last time I'm going to help you," Johnson said, his voice shaking with anger.

"No, Mr. Johnson, you are mistaken. You will continue to help me," Rockefeller said firmly. "I know how to persuade you with the right amount of money, so don't act like a child. Also, I am not in possession of the ledger as they demanded ransom for it."

"Ransom? Are they asking for money?"

"No, they are not asking for money, rather they are asking for something that only you and your friends can give. Which is granting licenses and permits to the Axelsen and Nielsen Oil Mining and Refining Company."

"Axelsen and Nielsen?" Are you saying that they are the ones behind the stolen ledger?"

"Yup, they are the ones, there's no mistaking it," Rockefeller confirmed. "However, we can't mess with them right now so I suggest that you give them whatever they want and this issue would be resolved without any further complications."

Johnson was silent for a moment, contemplating Rockefeller's proposal. Finally, he let out a deep sigh.

"Fine, as long as this matter won't blow up in our faces. I'll contact the officials responsible for distributing the licenses and permits."

Rockefeller hung up the phone, feeling relieved that he had managed to persuade Senator Johnson to help him once again. However, he knew that he couldn't let his guard down just yet. The Axelsen and Nielsen Oil Mining and Refining Company is going to interrupt his monopoly over oil mining…wait, a threat? He must have been joking when he thought of that.

He is Rockefeller, he had forced competitors out of business, and there's no way that a puny small oil mining company could compete with him.

He sneered, his hands clenching into a fist once more. "You industrialist duo really want to compete with me huh? Very well, I shall make you realize the error of your ways."


Back in Pittsburgh.

"Congratulations, Poul, that was great of you. Now that we will have the permits, we can start our operations in Texas, Wyoming, and in the Appalachian Mountains soon."

"Yeah, you are correct, Amelia but this is not the end of the fight. It is true that we got the permits and licenses but we will have to compete with the top companies when it comes to oil. The Standard Oil Company. It will involve a lot of marketing strategies and tactics to get the people of Avalonia to believe that the oil is synonymous with our name. As our executive secretary, I want you Amelia to come up with ways on how we are going to implement our strategy. Of course, Jonathan and I are going to help."

"I will go and brief the marketing department about it, Poul. In the meantime, I'll leave you to be in your office as I have more things to do. If you ever need me, please don't hesitate to call me."

Poul nodded. "Very well. Thank you, Amelia."

"Why are you thanking me, Mr. Nielsen? I'm simply doing my job."

"Is it illegal to say thank you to a colleague?" Poul chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Besides, it's always good to express gratitude for a job well done. I appreciate your hard work, Amelia. Keep it up."

Amelia smiled, feeling grateful for Poul's kind words. "There you go again with your sweet words."

"Don't worry, my intentions are pure. Expressing my gratitude is not me hitting on you, I thought we were clear on that…why are you bringing it up again?"

Amelia blushed slightly, feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Poul. I didn't mean to bring it up again. I just wanted to make sure that we're on the same page. I value our professional relationship and I don't want to give off the wrong impression."

Poul smiled understandingly. "No need to apologize, Amelia. I appreciate your honesty and professionalism. You're a valuable member of our team and I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize that. Now, go ahead and take care of your tasks for the day. We have a lot of work to do if we're going to compete with the big players in the oil industry."

Amelia nodded and made her way out of Poul's office, feeling a sense of relief that the awkward moment had passed. As she walked down the hallway, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. She had harbored a secret crush on Poul, but it seemed that he only saw her as a colleague and nothing more. She knew that she couldn't let her personal feelings get in the way of their professional relationship, but it was easier said than done.

"Oh? Ms. Weiss, fancy seeing you here?" A voice echoed to her ears like a bolt from the blue.

Amelia looked up and found herself face to face with Timothy, one of the first engineers working for the Axelsen and Nielsen Company.

"Mr. Anderson, a pleasure to see you," Amelia curtly bowed her head in respect. "Are you going to visit Mr. Nielsen?"

"Yes. I am consulting him for his expertise on the rectifiers that are going to be installed on an electric locomotive he was building. We have faced rather challenging technical issues that needed to be resolved to prevent delays. So is he there?"

Amelia nodded. "Yes, he is in his office as usual…You are free to visit him as he has nothing to do at the moment."

"Really? Perfect timing then. Well, I guess I'll see you soon Ms. Weiss. And maybe, just maybe I can take you out to dinner."

Amelia just looked at Jonathan.

"I figured, you will turn it down. You are the company's executive secretary so I assume your schedule isn't often available for such things. Forget what I said."

"No, we can have dinner if you want. On what day would you like to have dinner?"

"Really? I don't have a date yet as I didn't expect that you would agree to the idea. I will write you a letter Amelia smiled. "Sure, I'll be looking forward to it. Just let me know when you have a date in mind."

Timothy nodded, looking pleased. "I will, Ms. Weiss. Thank you for agreeing to go out with me. I'll see you soon." With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Amelia to continue on her way to the marketing department.

"Maybe this is the way for me to forget my feelings for Mr. Nielsen…"