
Complete Martial Arts Attributeschapter 1161: they wouldn't have to worry about carrying a warrior!

Chapter 1161: They Wouldn’t Have To Worry About Carrying A Warrior!

At 6 am on the No. 29 Defense Planet, a major general suddenly appeared on the platform and looked at the people below.

The people who were chatting in low voices in the field shut up and looked at the major general in front.

“Everyone, this mission is extremely important. We called you guys back because this matter is urgent.” The calm voice of the major general echoed in the field.

The listeners tensed up a little.

“I’ll not waste your time. I’ve already sent your missions to you. Please check it and don’t leak it to anyone.

“Then, bring your subordinates and head to the frontline. Do you understand?”

“Yes!” the people below yelled loudly.

This major general was indeed fast and furious. He didn’t speak much. In fact, his speech was so short that it surprised Wang Teng.

Wang Teng and Di Qi glanced at their wristwatches and read through their mission.

“Our missions are different.” Di Qi shook his head in disappointment.

“The missions are assigned to us by the higher authorities. We can’t choose them.” Wang Teng didn’t mind. He had many methods that he couldn’t show in front of others. Going alone was better for him.

However, he had subordinates too as a major. That was a little troublesome.

Wang Teng felt that being a lone ranger was more suitable for him.

“What a pity. Let’s compete and see who will win more military exploits,” Di Qi put on a smile and said.

“Troublesome!” Wang Teng glanced at him and sighed.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})How did that cold and distant Di Qi become like this?

Compete in military exploits?

Wasn’t he forcing him to boast?

I don’t want to boast around. I just want to accumulate military exploits and rise in rank silently.

“It’s decided then.” Di Qi didn’t wait for Wang Teng’s reply and agreed for him. Waving his hand, he walked toward one of the parking spaces. “Let’s go!”


Why did he have to force him?

Wang Teng shook his head speechlessly. He walked towards the No. 18 parking space.

The subordinates sent by the higher authorities were already waiting for him there. He just needed to go and report.

There were 20 martial warriors waiting for him in an orderly manner at the No.18 parking space. They recognized him the instant he walked over.

“Major Wang Teng!”

The martial warriors greeted him in unison. They moved as one body and wore stern expressions as they looked ahead.

Wang Teng sized up the 20 martial warriors and silently studied their abilities.

Firstly, they were all celestial-stage martial warriors.

They were in the same realm as Wang Teng. They were all at the seventh level and above. None of them was lower than him.

Based on their auras, these were all formidable warriors who roamed the battlefield. They couldn’t be compared to ordinary martial warriors.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})It wouldn’t be easy to lead this team if he couldn’t convince them.

Wang Teng suddenly remembered what General Cameron had said.

Since he was a major, he didn’t need to start as a normal soldier.

But why did they give him a bunch of subordinates at the same stage? Were they testing his ability or giving him an opening gambit?

Wang Teng shook his head with a smile.

“Let’s go.” He saluted and gave his order without wasting any time.


A tall female martial warrior with a stern expression stepped forward and raised her hand to lead the way.

Wang Teng looked at her.

This lady was from the fox race. He could see the characteristics of a fox on her. She was a white fox and looked seductive and beautiful.

However, her cold face made her distant and fierce.

“I’m your adjutant, Adjutant Peggy,” the female martial warrior said calmly.

“Adjutant?” Wang Teng was surprised.

Wasn’t that like a secretary?

When there’s trouble, give it to the adjutant. When there’s no trouble, go for the…

“This is your first time on No. 29 Defense Planet, so you might not understand this place well enough. Hence, the higher authorities sent me to be your adjutant. I’ll provide you with the information you need and explain whatever is necessary.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"})“I’m not just an intelligence personnel. I’m a strong enough martial warrior as well and have been on the battlefield 137 times. As for my military exploits, you can check on the internal military network later. It’s recorded in detail.

“Thus, I’ll be assisting you on the battlefield for all your missions on No. 29 Defense Planet,” Peggy did a self-introduction.

Wang Teng kept his wild thoughts and spoke to her with a serious expression, “Alright, Adjutant Peggy, I’ll have to trouble you in the future.”

“Let’s board the battlecraft first. I’ll introduce the members of this unit later,” Peggy said.

Wang Teng nodded. He followed her onto the mid-sized military battlecraft.

“This is the Eagle Seven Model battlecraft used by the military. It’s known for its speed and agility. Its attacking power isn’t that good,” Peggy introduced. “Of course, it doesn’t have any problems dealing with devil lords.”

The remaining martial warriors also boarded the battlecraft. They sat down on the seats at the side.

Peggy sat beside Wang Teng.

As someone who was used to traveling in large spacecraft, this battlecraft was a little squeezy.

However, there was ample space. It could fit 30 people. They only had 21 people in this unit.

The members of the unit remained quiet after boarding the battlecraft. However, they would secretly glance at Wang Teng with a hint of hostility and unwillingness in their gaze.

This was normal.

If their direct superior was a familiar and powerful martial warrior, they wouldn’t have any grudges. However, Wang Teng was airdropped into this position. He had no military exploits and hadn’t even been on the battlefield before.

It would be strange if they were convinced by such a superior.

The battlefield was a dangerous place. If their superior wasn’t good enough, there was a high chance that they wouldn’t return alive.

Wang Teng was a sharp and sensitive person, so he caught their emotions. However, he didn’t take it to heart.

The battlecraft rose slowly and headed towards their destination, the third frontline defense base.

The spacecraft was controlled by the battlecraft’s subsystem. They didn’t have to worry about it.

Wang Teng blinked and spoke in his mind, “Round Ball, I’ll leave it to you.”

“No problem. I’ll handle it.” Round Ball chuckled and invaded the battlecraft’s subsystem.

This was to prevent any accidents from happening. It was better to have personal control over this spacecraft.

With Round Ball in control, he would be able to detect dangers instantly and make quick judgments.

This was the military’s communal intelligence system, but the one on this spacecraft was just a subsystem. Its defense ability wasn’t as powerful as the main system. Round Ball hacked it without being detected.

Peggy and the others wouldn’t know that this battlecraft was in Wang Teng’s control.

“Major Wang Teng, let me introduce the members of this small unit.” Peggy waited for Wang Teng’s response. After receiving approval, she started introducing the members.

“This is Flight Sergeant Arwen. He has been on the battlefield 87 times and made…”

Wang Teng was surprised that Peggy understood this unit like the back of her hand. She knew all their stages, military exploits, the number of times they went on the battlefield, etc.

Wang Teng had a brief understanding of his unit.

“Thank you, Adjutant Peggy, thank you for your introduction.” Wang Teng smiled at Peggy before looking at the others.

“I’m glad to know all of you. Since you’re on my team, let’s take care of each other.

“The battlefield is a place of life and death. The only promise I can give is that I won’t take your lives as a joke, that’s all.”

The hostility in everyone’s eyes died down a little.

This major wasn’t like the normal descendant of an elite family they knew. He seemed easy to interact with.

Normally, people from elite families didn’t think much about the lives of normal martial warriors. They had heard of many instances where their comrades suffered terribly under the leadership of such people.

Some martial warriors who came back alive had experienced it personally, so they weren’t just groundless rumors.

Wang Teng didn’t say much. He closed his eyes and started resting.

They were still some distance away from the third frontline. Their journey wasn’t safe either.

Their environment became even more dangerous after they left the safety radius of the military base. Dark apparitions could appear at any moment.

Some dark apparitions would attack immediately when they saw human battlecraft.

That was why the battlecraft couldn’t travel at high speed, allowing enough reaction time for an accident.

Peggy and the others were familiar with this situation. They didn’t dare let down their guards throughout the journey. All of them held their weapons in case of any emergencies.

They felt a little helpless when they saw Wang Teng’s nonchalant attitude.

Their leader seemed to be a newbie without any experience!

However, they were all in the same boat, and Wang Teng seemed nice. Besides, they had no other choice. They could only accept him and work even harder to stay alert.

20 Mythics could carry a Warrior.1

The 20 martial warriors exchanged glances with one another and saw resolution in each other’s eyes.

Good, with this resolution, they could achieve anything… They wouldn’t have to worry about carrying a Warrior.

The battlecraft flew for 50 kilometers. Suddenly, a red alert appeared on the main control screen. Peggy stood up and walked over.

The other martial warriors clutched their weapons tightly. Their auras changed.

However, they didn’t know that Wang Teng had already detected the appearance of dark Force before the alert blinked on the screen.

“Major Wang Teng, there’s a group of dark apparitions in front. Based on the Force fluctuation detected, there are at least 13 devil kings,” Peggy said in a low voice.