
Xian Kun silently watched the expressions on Kreir and Liang Peng's frozen faces for a few seconds before finally narrowing his eyes and deciding to break the spell of silence that seemed to have descended upon the world.

"... I can tell by the expression on your faces that you two definitely know those two humans." The fourth prince Xian Kun's voice was soft and calm, like that of an adult speaking to two frightened children.

"Shit!!! That son of a bitch really didn't die!!!" Liang Peng finally took out all the anger and frustration he had been holding back, destroying the table in front of him with a kick that turned every shard of glass into dust.

Xian Kun finally couldn't help but frown as he asked still keeping the faint smile on his no longer soft face, "Human Leader Liang Peng, if you don't explain the situation to me I'm afraid we might have an internal problem from now on."

Everything that was happening was a very important process for the fourth prince of the sea race. If his plans succeeded, he would not only soon become the King of the East Sea but also conquer a vast expanse of land with hundreds of thousands and even millions of humans at his disposal, which he would later use to attack other sea areas and expand his territory and dominance.

Therefore, Xian Kun would not allow variables. He would eliminate them by any means necessary and using whatever methods had to be used. Pride? Honor? Although Xian Kun was a prince none of this mattered when it came to the battlefield; this was survival of the fittest where the strongest and smartest devoured the weakest and dumbest, simple as that.

Liang Peng was in no mood to listen to Xian Kun nor was he intimidated by that hidden threat. He knew that Xian Kun needed him and his faction, otherwise he wouldn't be in this room having a comfortable chat with everyone.

"Hey, Kreir! What the hell was that just now?!" Liang Peng looked at the goblin leader whose body was shaking with a rabid expression on his face and shouted.

Kreir's eyes were bloodshot as he slowly explained what had just happened, as well as the function of the treasure. Finally, he destroyed the armchair he had been sitting on all this time and said angrily, "Bai Zemin! That disgusting human was not content with the south but now he is aiming for the north as well!"

He was more than raging, he was simply mad with anger!

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})Even though the Mother Fortress was only one of the many bases Kreir controlled in this area, it was the strongest and most important fortress of his goblin race! Besides, with the fall of the Mother Fortress, the human troops would be a lot freer to advance towards Inner Mongolia!

The loss Kreir had just experienced was simply immense!

Xian Kun slowly sat down after listening to the goblin leader's explanation with a thoughtful expression on his face. Although that faint smile was still on his face, the coldness in his gaze turned it into a slightly murderous smile.

After a minute or two, Liang Peng muttered in confusion, "Who was that brat? She looked like Shangguan Bing Xue but she is definitely not. Besides, for Bai Zemin to take her to the battlefield against three Third Order soul evolvers it's highly probable that the strength of that little girl is not small."

Despite his appearance, Liang Peng was certainly very intelligent; enough to deduce a thing or two with the little information he currently had.

One meeting had ended but another began to take place immediately.

* * *

"With these three adding to the count, there are only 6 more left..."

Bai Zemin had no idea that his arrival in Inner Mongolia was already exposed to the enemy. However, even if he did know it was unlikely that he would care, let alone worry. If he wanted to remain anonymous then he would not have charged into the Mother Fortress as soon as he arrived and caused such a huge stir.

"Father, what do we do now?" Bai Shilin looked at him with shining eyes.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})The long-ago big girl's admiration and respect for her father had reached supreme levels this time.

Bai Shilin was so powerful that despite being at level 94 after killing so many enemies in this battle that she could fight Third Order soul evolvers without inconvenience. However, she certainly could not kill three goblins above level 140 fighting alone against all three at the same time.

At the end of the day, Bai Shilin lacked real combat experience and cunning; she simply overwhelmed her enemies from the start so she never learned practically anything from them, unlike Bai Zemin and the others who gradually grew with their lives on the line.

But seeing Bai Zemin literally overwhelm with such ease three soul evolvers that even Bai Shilin was a little afraid of made the innocent and pure-hearted girl feel that she had found her path to follow in life.

Bai Zemin searched the heads of the three goblins for Soul Stones and felt regret when he found none. He sent their bodies directly to his storage ring as in it the bodies and food would not go bad unlike letting them loose in the Collector's Pocket World; one of the reasons Bai Zemin was unwilling to part with his precious ring.

"Let's finish off all the goblins first." He said as he stood up and looked at the seemingly endless sea of goblins that still continued to attack despite seeing three of their most powerful leaders slaughtered. "Later on we're going to go for a walk around the base."



Wiping out so many millions of goblins was no easy task but it wasn't difficult relatively speaking either.

Bai Zemin did not dare to use the power of the Endless Blue Lotus Flame here. Although the distinctive feature of his blue flame would have made things infinitely easier since the Endless Blue Lotus Flame only needed a little Mana to theoretically extend to infinity, Bai Zemin could not control everything to decide what was burned and what was not; to reach such a perfect realm required years of training, time that he currently did not have.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"})Bai Shilin making use of her Ice Maker skill slowly began to become more adept in the use of magic, thus slowly opening a much bigger door for her aside from her terrifying physical attack power and inhuman endurance.

With her as support, Bai Zemin roamed all the streets of the base activating Blood Manipulation at all times.

The goblins writhed in pain and howled at the sky for an instant before swelling up like balloons and exploding into a lot of bloody mist; bloody mist that under Bai Zemin's control became a lethal weapon, spreading throughout the base, entering the lungs of the farthest goblins, and turning into blades that ended their lives from the inside.

Approximately 5 hours later, Bai Zemin and Bai Shilin finally managed to wipe out the more than 10,000,000 goblins after much searching and labor. However, he was generous this time.

"Phew..." Bai Shilin wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with surprise written all over her small face, "Father, those little green monsters really are numerous aren't they?"

"Well, most goblins don't have great physical power nor are they particularly genius when it comes to magic but their numbers certainly are terrifying." Bai Zemin nodded as he walked through the bloodied streets of the fallen fortress.

"I see." Bai Shilin nodded as she followed him taking his hand. She looked at him with shining eyes and said cheerfully, "But, no matter how many come those little green monsters are nothing compared to Father!"

Bai Zemin ruffled the girl's hair a little with a smile on his face before continuing on his way.

"Father, why don't you kill these goblins?" Bai Shilin asked curiously as she glanced over her shoulder and looked at the little goblins following them with their heads down.

Bai Zemin looked back for a moment before turning his head forward, "These goblins have just been born and haven't had time to do anything wrong after all... We'll see if we can turn them into our army later."

"I see..." Bai Shilin nodded understanding but not understanding at the same time.

Due to such a huge difference in levels, Bai Zemin didn't get as many skill scrolls or treasures compared to that time when he and his team were underground fighting for days against the weaver ant colony. However, he and Bai Shilin still managed to obtain around 30 treasure orbs of which 25 were red color Normal grade, 4 were orange color Rare grade, and finally 1 was yellow color Magic grade.

The Magic grade treasure was a medallion that increased stealth by 15% in addition to granting stats and having an attached active skill that increased stealth by another 15% for 5 minutes. This was undoubtedly a great treasure but Bai Zemin had no temporary use for it, still, he decided to save it for future uses as he didn't know what kind of situations he would run into.


After walking for about 10 minutes, Bai Zemin stopped and half-closed his eyes as he sensed about 5 auras inside a building.

"Shilin, wait here." He said in a serious voice.

"Uh...?" Bai Shilin wanted to say something but in the end ended up nodding as she saw the serious expression on her father's face, "Okay."

Bai Zemin stared at the building before walking towards it. However, when he opened the door and the rotten smell from inside hit his face, Bai Zemin felt his stomach churn even though he was used to the smell of blood and intestines given his fighting style.

Even though he knew he might encounter something like this, when Bai Zemin saw the scene inside the small building he felt a surge of anger so strong that it threatened to drive him to madness.

As if they were cattle, bodies of men and women alike hung from hooks falling from the ceiling. Heads with extruded eyes and no noses or peeled lips, half-eaten limbs, internal organs, layers of skin... The sight was at least 1000 times worse than the smell of rotting flesh.

There were young women, adult women, there were old people, there were small children, and even the fetus of what appeared to be a baby taken from its mother's womb before birth.

Bai Zemin gritted his teeth so hard that from inside his mouth blood began to spurt out like crazy but his red eyes were wide open as he looked at the scene in front of him as if he wanted to engrave it deeply into his heart.

"Since you have no mercy even towards children then don't blame me for being cruel from now on!!!"

Bai Shilin was startled and her beautiful face turned slightly pale when she saw her father's practically distorted expression as he turned to look at the small goblins behind her. However, she didn't have time to say anything.


Her voice was not different from a roar.

The nearest buildings shook and the atmosphere trembled.

The shockwave of his roar was enough to explode the bodies of over two hundred newborn goblins and that blood became the final executioner that ended the lives of thousands more.

The baby goblins cried out in pain with their bodies cut in half while the luckiest of them were directly killed after being cut into countless pieces.

Bai Shilin looked back with a bit of fear, but when she turned her face to the front and saw the expression of anger and pain on her father's face all that fear turned to worry. She was a very sensible girl, so instead of asking questions she just stood obediently with a sad expression on her face.

"You... human...?"

Bai Zemin clenched his fists as he heard a voice hoarse but as weak as a newborn cat's meow from inside hell at his back.

It took everything from him not to leave the place.

He walked into the house and closed the door so as not to let Bai Shilin see anything inside, and when he approached the deepest part he found the only five living beings that were in the house beside him.

However, despite being alive, the sight of them was not much better than the dead people hanging there.

All five were women, but they were no longer whole. One of them had had her legs torn off, one had had an eye and an arm taken off, one had all her fingers cut off, one had had her ears and a leg torn off, and one had lost her left eye as well as her left arm and leg.

Far from feeling disgusted at the sight of the white and yellow maggots writhing in the rotting flesh of the wounds, what Bai Zemin felt was anger and hatred towards the goblin race.

"Plea... se..."

It was the same voice as before, and it came from the woman whose fingers were missing.

Bai Zemin met a beautiful pair of brown eyes that despite having lost all light looked at him pleadingly. As to what it was that she was begging for... Bai Zemin knew without having to hear anything.