
With Thorgrym's spirit within Gareth's body, he stepped forward…


His every movement caused the earth to tremble. It was as if he still couldn't control the strength of his body.

Nonetheless, he raised his hand, and the ground responded, stone and soil rising to further destroyed the weakening barrier of the Mystic Arts Practitioners.

His voice then boomed across the field, a declaration of defiance against the Mystic Arts Practitioner…

"By the might of Thorgrym, I shall destroy all of you!" Gareth proclaimed, his words carrying the weight of mountains.

"Haa! Foolish Dark Magicians! You're the one who will perish today!" One of the Mystic Arts Practitioners roared as the two forces clashed!


The meadow, once a serene expanse of green, had further transformed into a tumultuous battlefield where the place could no longer be recognized.

Gareth, now a vessel for Thorgrym's indomitable spirit, stood at the forefront, his movements would send shockwaves through the ranks of the Illustrious Liquidators!

Lesley, her red hair billowing like a banner of war, channeled three or four Dark Magic at the same time to hold the Liquidators in place!

"This is interesting… Hey! You have to work harder so I can use my blessings to their limit!" Lesley shouted.

She was pressuring the enemies with her spells but wasn't doing this just to restrict their enemies' movement.

She was doing this to see how strong her blessing was! She won't be able to measure her real strength if the enemies are too scattered!

At this time, her hands wove intricate patterns in the air, summoning curses that darkened the sky and sapped the strength of their enemies.

"You witch!"

The Mystic Arts Practitioners, though weary, were not without their own formidable power.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})Among them stood Eldrin the Seer, his staff aglow with mystical light, and Mira of the Healing Winds, her chants, continued to help recover her comrades from their wounds and curses.

"All Liquidators! Hold on! Sir Clyde is coming! Do not be afraid and launch everything you've got! We can't let this witch escape!" Eldrin shouted…

"Channel your Mystic Energy to Sir Eldrin's staff!" Mira added.

The two of them rallied the Liquidators, their voices rising above the chaos of battle.

"Hahaha! These Vessels wouldn't last long by borrowing such power. Just hold on until Sir Clyde arrives!"Eldrin's voice echoed, his eyes ablaze with visions of possible method to win this battle.

He could already tell that aside from being possessed by mystical beings and using forbidden arts, the two Vessels were also blessed by a strange power.

He knew that this would not be an easy battle!

Nonetheless, he was thankful that they have a rare Shaman on their side that could heal wounds and break curses.

Mira's chants were a soothing balm, even as she braced herself against the oncoming Gareth…

"By the breath of the ancients, we shall not falter!"

Yet, as the barrier crumbled under Gareth's relentless assault, desperation took hold.

Two of the Vice Captains of the Order of the Illustrious Liquidators had to do something to stop Gareth…

'We just fought against a Demon Horde and a couple of Demon Saints… We're too weak right now. They can't kill Sir Eldrin!'

'Not good… We have to buy more time for Sir Clyde to arrive!'

The two Vice Captains, Kael and Lysa, the ones who sustained heavy injuries against Demon Saint, stepped forward.

Their determination was etched upon their faces. They knew the cost of their next act, but their resolve was unshaken.

"With our lives, we defend the Mystic Light!" Kael roared, his armor gleaming with the last of his protective spells.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})Lysa's voice was a whisper that carried the weight of sacrifice. "For the greater good, we give ourselves to the cause."

"You!!!" Eldrin and Mira noticed the two's actions but they were too late. They couldn't persuade their Vice Captains!

Together, they charged towards Gareth and clung to him tightly!

Then, they channeled their life force into a final, radiant burst of energy, a self-destructive act that would either turn the tide or be their last stand.

Boom! Boom!

The explosion was a blinding flash that lit the battlefield, a momentary sun that sought to cleanse the darkness.


Gareth, the vessel of Thorgrym's mighty spirit, was not immune to the cataclysmic force unleashed by the self-destruction of the Mystic Arts Practitioners' vice captains.

The explosion sent him hurtling through the air!

Bam! Bam! Bam!

His body was wracked with pain as he collided with several rocks and trees before being dragged to the unforgiving earth.

Luckily, it didn't remove his Spirit Possession!

The spirit of the Earthshaker within him roared in fury and anguish, its power struggling to mend the wounds inflicted by such potent magic.

As he lay amidst the debris, trying to regain his senses, Lesley seized the moment of chaos that followed the self-destruction.

Well, she noticed that the explosion had also disturbed the defenses of the Liquidators!

'Perfect!' Lesley thought as an evil smile curved on her lips.

The battlefield, clouded with dust, was now a stage for her to unveil the blessing bestowed upon her by the Deadly Sin of Wrath!

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"})'Let's see how good this is…'

Lesley took a deep breath as she channeled Wrath's aura, which was resting within her body.

She closed her eyes, focusing on the infernal pact she had made, and slowly, she called forth the power of Wrath.

Thud… Thud…

Soon, her body became a Vessel for the Sin's might, and as she opened her eyes, they blazed with a baleful crimson light.

A surge of energy rippled out from her…

"This is it… It's clouding my mind with anger, but this is it!" Lesley said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

The Mystics and Shamans, still reeling from the loss of their comrades, looked on in horror as Lesley unleashed the Wrath's blessing.

"This Aura!"

"This is the power of Wrath! I'm sure of it!"

"Deadly Sin?!"

"Not good!"

"Where is Sir Clyde?!"

Lesley released a torrent of chaotic energy that lashed out like a tempest, its touch corrupting and twisting the natural Order of magic around them.

Bang! Bang!

The ground cracked and split, giving birth to fissures that spewed forth a miasma of hatred and violence. The sky above darkened as if the sun itself cowered before the unleashed fury of the Deadly Sin.

"No way…" Eldrin watched in horror as Lesley showed a might close to that of Half-Immortals he had seen before!

"Mira… You must escape from this place… You're a unique healer of our Faction. You can't die here." Eldrin sent a message through telepathy.

"No, Sir Eldrin! We'll both hold on until Sir Clyde arrives!" Mira said as she felt Lesley's power spread towards them!


Lesley's curse spread across the field. It was like a wave of destruction that threatened to engulf all in its path!

The Shamans and Mystics scrambled to erect defenses… Their spells continued to protect themselves, but the power of Wrath was relentless, and it battered against their shields with the force of a relentless storm.

"This is Wrath's power… The power to create chaos… Normal Arcane Spells wouldn't work against it. A Fusion Spell or Immortal Spells must be used if we don't have a Sovereign Artifact with us." Eldrin said.

Unfortunately for them, the Demon Saints they fought with a while ago had destroyed their Sovereign Artifacts!

Because of that, they have no Artifacts of a similar level that could contend against Lesley!

Nonetheless, a few more Vice Captains of the Illustrious Liquidators acted.

Riza, a Mystic of renowned power, stepped forth, her staff raised high as she chanted an incantation of sealing.

"By the stars above, I bind this curse!" She cried, her voice a beacon amidst the darkness.

Thalion, one of the youngest Vice Captains, joined her. His own magic harmonized with Riza's efforts. "For the balance of all, we shall not yield!" He declared, his words a rallying cry for the fraught Practitioners.

Together, they managed to contain the worst of Lesley's onslaught, but it only lasted for a few seconds!

"This is the end… I'm sorry, children." Eldrin muttered as he still couldn't gather enough energy to fight against Lesley, he was too injured! If he at least had his strength recovered by at least another hour, he wouldn't be too helpless!

However, just as their defenses began to falter, a new presence swept across the field.

His arrival seemed to have purified the Arcane Energy in the whole area, surprising both two sides!

Then, when this figure emerged, his stride seemed so confident, and his aura was calm amidst the storm.

He was young, with raven-black hair that stood in stark contrast to his noble attire. His eyes held the depth of the night sky, and he held a cane in his left hand.

The Mystics and Shamans paused, their spells momentarily forgotten as they beheld the newcomer.

On the other hand, Lesley's heart skipped a beat, her curse wavering as recognition dawned upon her.

"Kyle Marshall? Impossible..." She uttered in disbelief, her voice a mix of shock and awe.