
'Ohh…' Even Vale was quite surprised since he had seen many old practitioners with a small number of Spell Lights.

Chad's number of empty Spell Lights was indeed impressive.

He knew this well since he always used his Divine Sense to tell the number of Spell Lights of the people around him.

Even some of the Professors in the Academy only have 9 or 10 Spell Lights.

Seeing that Chad had no questions, Professor Stella continued.

"Very well… Think about the path that you'll choose for this couple of weeks before submitting the form to the faculty."

With a nod, Professor Harrison concluded her remarks, leaving Vale and his classmates to ponder the Branch of Dark Arts that was recommended to them.

Soon, the students gathered around as they talked about their plans once again. Many of them didn't get recommended to the Branch they wanted, so they continued seeking the opinions of their classmates on whether they should follow the recommendation or continue with their planned Branch of Dark Arts.

Nevertheless, Vale and his friends seemed to be quite satisfied with the recommendations they had.

Vale didn't have to ponder his options for too long.

After all, he realized that he no longer had to join the Dark Magic Branch because he could easily extract Dark Spells using his Divine Extraction System, whether they were living or not.

Furthermore, the recommendation for the Rituals Branch intrigued him. The rituals, ceremonies, and advanced magic circles he would learn couldn't be easily extracted like spells.

After all, he knew it would be challenging to obtain such knowledge from Memory Fragments, so he knew this was the right decision.

He could only set aside the allure of Necromancy. The Necromancy Branch, with its focus on manipulating life and death, held a darkness that didn't align with his values… and aesthetics, so he just couldn't accept it.

'Well… It's probably not too bad if I learn the summoning method of the Abyssal Knight.' Vale mused. It's not like the Branch he takes could stop him from learning other Dark Spells.

During the next few days, Vale thought, reading a few things about the Ritualists.

He wanted to set his expectations about the things he would learn in the next few years or about his future once he graduated.

Every day after class, he would visit his club, which wasn't as lively as before. Since it would be the end of the year, the duels and other combat practices that required the Arena had lowered.

He would meet with Nadine and a few seniors in the club and ask about their opinion on the Rituals Branch.

"Right. Are you curious about what kind of jobs you'll get as a Ritualist after graduating?" Nadine suddenly asked, which made Vale lean with interest.

He was alone in the clubroom reading a book he borrowed from the Library. The book was about the Church of the Three Paragons, and he was getting bored with it already. Luckily, Nadine came in.

"I didn't think of that Senior Nadine. Tell me about it…" Vale replied as he closed his book.

"Hehe… I knew it. You did not even consider that. I guess your family is that rich, huh… Anyway, I know six possible jobs you can get. I know them because some of my friends in that Branch had already graduated and landed in some of those jobs. They earn about 500 to 800 zen monthly, so it wasn't that bad. "

"Six types of jobs? Mhmm… I guess that's already good." Vale muttered. Having many options for a job title was certainly a good start.

As for the monthly earnings, he knew from his father that the minimum wage workers earn about 30 to 40 zen per week. So the 500 to 800 zen per month was indeed not bad for an Arcane Arts Practitioner.

"Yes, they are Occult Consultants, Paranormal Investigators, Museum Curators or Artifact Experts, Ritual Designers or Event Planners, Arcane Historians or Researchers, and a maybe Teacher here in the Academy…" Nadine explained as she started brewing her tea in the clubroom.

"Interesting…" Vale muttered. "Thank you for informing me about them." He said in gratitude. He could certainly guess what kind of work they were with those job titles, but he couldn't help but be curious and wanted to visit the Library if he could find anything about these jobs.

"You don't have to visit the Library. I know about them. Just join me here." Nadine said as she served tea to Vale as well.

The two of them sat down and chatted about the jobs that Vale may take after graduating.

It was such an interesting conversation for Vale since he realized how he would actually get himself accustomed to the outside world once he finished studying.

If he became an Occult Consultant, he could assist individuals or organizations in performing rituals for specific purposes, providing guidance on magical practices, and helping them tap into the hidden powers of the supernatural realm or the Spirit World.

'Sounds like a low-paying job…' Vale mused.

On the other hand, the Paranormal Investigator was quite acceptable to him. With his knowledge of rituals and the Spirit World, he could be hired to explore haunted locations, conduct investigations into supernatural phenomena, and provide insights into the spiritual or mystical aspects of such occurrences.

'This shouldn't be such a difficult job. Furthermore, most of the people who would probably require my help are those nonpractitioners. It would feel great helping them.' He thought.

However, Nadine would actually like it if he became a Museum Curator or Artifact Expert. His understanding of ancient rituals and magical artifacts could make him a valuable asset in museums or historical institutions. He could specialize in curating exhibits related to dark magic, occult history, and ancient rituals. His expertise would also involve identifying and authenticating mystical artifacts while providing insights into their historical and magical significance.

It seemed such a very safe job that would rarely involve getting hurt unless the mystical artifacts he would deal with were dangerous.

"Ahhh… I'm wrong. I think being a Ritual Designer or Planner will suit you the best! You have a lot of Spirit Strands, right? With that many strands, I think you can even help with the rituals of other Arcane Arts Practitioners, not just the Darkness Path." Nadine suddenly said as she recalled the fourth job she had suggested.

Vale wryly smiled after hearing what this job would make him do. Apparently, his task on this job would involve creating unique and enchanting experiences for special occasions, incorporating elements of dark mysticism, magic, and ancient traditions into weddings, parties, or other ceremonial events.