
Affinity:Chaoschapter 999: what if i was marked by mistake?


"Damn it! How did they find me so fast?"

Grey complained as he tried to escape from the pursuit of the person chasing after him.

It hadn't been more than twenty-four hours since he entered the secret realm, but he had already encountered the first person from the Dark Gnome race. It was a young lady at the Peak of the Sage Plane. She was surprisingly very strong.

Since he was just recovering from excessively using the Fusion State, he didn't want to carelessly use it.

"You're marked, remember?" Void mocked.

It was obvious he was enjoying Grey's plight.

At the moment, if the duo decided to go all-out without Grey using the Fusion State, they stood a small chance of winning. Void had already gotten to the Late stages of being a Rank Six Magical Beast, and his strength was by no means any weaker than an Eighth or even a Ninth stage Sage Plane human Elementalists. With Grey helping out, they stood a good chance of fighting against this young lady.

Unfortunately, they could tell that since this young lady found them so fast, others would not be far behind.

'I hate this.' Grey couldn't help but complain.

What was worse at the moment was that no matter how he ran, the young lady would still be able to track him down. His only hope right now was getting into another dimension. He could only do that if there was a small space in this place.

'That's it!'

Grey's eyes lit up. He recalled that when Sylvia was talking about this place, she spoke of some hidden spaces that had special treasures in them. Some of these places are like buildings, once an Elementalist enters the place, they would be cut off from the rest of the world and there would be almost no way to contact them.

He told Void of his plan. Luckily for him, during the past twenty-four hours, he had been scouting the place, trying to get a general idea of the place, so he had naturally encountered a few buildings. His only prayer now was that one of them was like such buildings that could cut him off from the world.

Without wasting any more time, he bolted straight for the closest building. It was around six to ten thousand kilometers away from where he was currently located.

As he ran through the forest, he encountered some beasts, but he didn't even bat an eye for them, going past them in a flash.

As he was running, something caught the side of his eyes.

'Is that… Damn it!'

He didn't even get the time to think before sensing an attack coming from behind him. He hurriedly dodged it and used the Great Void technique to escape into the void, appearing a thousand kilometers away. This had been the reason he hadn't been entangled with the young lady from the Gnome race by now. Whenever she gets too close, he would use it and escape a far distance away.

"Stop running you shrimp!" The young lady from the Gnome race gnawed her teeth angrily.

She had been chasing Grey for almost thirty minutes now. Some people would have given up since they knew they couldn't outrun her, but Grey was different, he was running, and he was doing it in a somewhat carefree manner.

Unknown to her, Grey was already very used to running away. While he was in the Trial Land, he did it often. Even after coming out, he still continued running for his life, so he could be said to be a pro when it came to running away from people.

While the young lady angrily chased after Grey, others from the Gnome race were also headed in his direction.


Thousands of kilometers away.

Scott was still with those who followed him into the secret realm.

"Strange, I thought we would encounter the Gnome race right after we entered, but even after an entire day, we haven't seen a glimpse of them. Do you think they are here?" Scott looked around curiously.

The main reason the group stayed together without each heading out for a fortuitous encounter of their own was because of the danger of being ganged up on by those from the Gnome race. But apparently, not a single person from the Gnome race had been spotted which was quite surprising.

"Maybe they are busy searching for treasures." Someone commented.

Forgetting their rivalry, one of the main reasons this place was created was so that youths from each race would get the chance to encounter a great opportunity to boost their strength. Even after so many years, this secret realm still held treasures that could not be seen in the Aurora Continent or the world of the Gnome race.

"Probably, we'll travel together for a while longer, if we still don't encounter any of them then we can go different ways." Scott said.

The others agreed to his words and continued venturing further into the secret realm.

While those from the Burchard Family were still searching for the people of the Gnome race, another figure had joined the pursuit.

A young man and the previous young lady were chasing after Grey now. Luckily, the new person was only in the Eighth stage of the Sage Plane, but the figure felt he had a good chance against Grey who was only in the Sixth stage.

'The number of your fans will continuously increase, it's been a while since I saw you in such a state.' Void gloated when he saw that someone else had joined in on the chase.

'I get the fact that I'm marked, but does having this mark mean that they would only try to kill me? I mean, what if I was marked by mistake, do they even think about this possibility?' Grey asked, a little annoyed.

'Why don't you stop and ask them?' Void said with a grin.

'No need, a building is already in sight.'

In front of the duo, a large building could be seen.