
Affinity:Chaoschapter 988: help from outside

"He can go even further?"

Everyone was shocked by Grey's sudden increase in strength. Of course they could see the price he was paying, but the fact that he could actually increase his strength above what they already assumed from his previous battles was shocking.

"Why's he risking his life for people that are not related to him?"

Those from the Nether Faction felt anger and hatred for Grey. At the rate Grey was currently going, he was going to single-handedly defeat them. If even after this battle he doesn't fight any longer, it doesn't matter, he has already taken out all the strong people from their group. Scott and the other two should be able to deal with the remaining two people.

From being the clear favorites to being the ones that are very likely to lose.

'It doesn't matter, his body can't last any longer than five minutes, as long as Bill can struggle for that time, then he would win.'

Those powerhouses in the place could already tell that the energy was too much for Grey's body and it was already wreaking havoc in his body. Some of them could even tell that Grey's core was also being damaged by this excess energy.

On the side of the Burchard Family.

"Is this kid stupid? He wants to damage his future for something like this?" An Elder couldn't help but ask.

They all felt that Grey seemed to have taken things overboard. Instead of being happy, some of them were infuriated at the fact that Grey was going to destroy himself because of this.

"He should give up while he still has the chance. Anything more than this and I'm afraid he'll become crippled." Another Elder said.

He didn't seem to be happy with Grey's performance so far. For some reason, he didn't like Grey. Seeing Grey's current situation, he felt a bit happy.

Sylvia wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say. Grey did seem to have taken things way too far. All she felt at the moment was remorse. If she knew he was this crazy, she wouldn't have invited him over for the competition.

Well, technically, he didn't come because of her invite, rather, he came because of revenge. Even after getting his revenge, he still didn't want to lose.

She clenched her fists as she watched on.

Back on the platform.

Bill was going from one place to another, not of his own will. Grey had completely suppressed him and he couldn't even counter any longer. He could barely block any of Grey's attacks. He was bleeding from all seven orifices while his clothes were a wreck.


His figure slammed into the platform. Even before he could regain himself, Grey was already standing close to him, with his foot raised, he tried to step on his chest.

Bill threw a punch out that was covered with lightning.

His punch collided with Grey's foot, but Grey didn't shake while he felt the bones on his hand wanting to fall apart.

'Is he still human?' Bill freaked out even more.

He knew he was fighting a race against time with Grey, but from how things had gone within a minute, he knew it was actually impossible for him to win this.

Grey kicked out, but Bill crossed his hands in front of his body to block Grey's kick. The force of the kick sent him sliding on the ground.

His body stopped at the edge of the platform.


Lightning crackled in the sky and a large bolt fell from the sky, covering Grey.

In the lightning bolt, a large figure formed attacking Grey.

Bill had finally managed to force out his Summon once again.

He used his domain to increase the strength of his lightning attack as well as the strength of his Summon.

Bang! Bam! Boom!

Grey started to fight against the Summon with his fists while inscriptions started to attack Bill who was by the side.

The large figure of the Summon was sent to the stands by Grey's punch. A whole opened on the head of the Summon as it crashed on the ground.

With the old man as well as the leaders of both groups present, dealing with the Summon was very easy.

The leader of the Nether Faction contained it and sent it back to the platform as fast as he could.

The leader of the Burchard Family sent him a glance but he pretended like he didn't see anything.

Grey was about to attack Bill when the Summon came back to the platform. It was all healed up and it seemed to have received some boost.

Grey tried to punch it, but the Summon dodged it and threw a kick at him. The Summon's kick went through Grey's body, and Grey attacked it once again.

A lightning arrow shot at Grey with breakneck speed from an unpredictable angle.

Grey noticed the attack very late, and after just using his space element to allow the Summon's attack to phase through, he couldn't use it again on such short notice.

He turned around, and blocked the attack of Bill, but the Summon which was under Bill's complete control attacked Grey's back at this moment.

A lightning sword formed on its hand and it swung it at Grey's undefended back.

The attack was about to hit Grey's back when a brownish glow appeared. The sword attack seemed to slow down considerably, giving Grey the time he needed to block the attack in front of him and behind him.

After blocking Bill's attack, he moved forward in a bid to dodge the attack behind him. He knew he couldn't slow down the attack any more.

Bill attacked once again. He could feel the increase in the strength of the Summon, so he wanted to take the initiative to attack. After all, to people like him, the best form of defense was attack. And against someone like Grey, if he allowed him to have all the chances he wanted, then he would punish him.