
Affinity:Chaoschapter 986: continuous use of the fusion state

Bill moved closer to Grey, wanting to attack once again. However, this time, Grey didn't try to engage in hand t o hand combat with him, rather, he retreated and used his fire element to unleash an attack. Pm

Bill was forced to receive the attack since he never expected Grey to suddenly switch to elemental attacks. Blocking the attack, he was pushed back by the impact of the attack.

Grey used his fire and lightning domain simultaneously, while inscriptions lit up in the sky. He was done with playing, although he enjoyed the hand to hand combat, he couldn't keep up with it for too long.

When Bill noticed that Grey had switched to using elemental attacks, he felt a little downcast as he switched as well. He would've preferred fighting with their physical strength, but since Grey wanted to switch, then he would as well.

In a battle of physical strength, Grey was the strongest person he had fought against. No matter how he improved, Grey's strength seemed almost limitless. For someone like him who got stronger as time went on, he wanted to see how far he could go against someone like Grey.

Bill used a lightning blade, trying to cut Grey down with it.

Grey created an earth wall, but the lightning blade cut through it. But its power reduced, although not significantly, but it wasn't on the level it was at first. Grey used a fire blade to deflect the attack.

Bill rushed forward and used the lightning element once again to attack Grey.

Grey unleashed the inscription had he been preparing. He used the attack to block off the attack Bill sent his way.

Bill being the stronger person got the advantage as his attack burst through the inscription and its attack and shot at Grey.

Grey already used the opportunity the attack slowed down and moved away, dodging it by a hair's breadth.

He sent a stream of fire at Bill, the stream of fire had some spots that seemed to have a difference. Monitoring it closely, the Elders noticed those spots had icy flames hidden in them.

Bill tried to block the stream of flames coming his way, but the special parts managed to go through and hit him.

The icy flames soon started getting to work. Ice started to form across Bill's body, even with his strength, Grey's ice was too powerful.

He used lightning to coat himself as he tried to block the attack from getting to him.

The ice started to thaw almost immediately they touched Bill's body, but since it was not immediate, it meant Bill couldn't move for a very short time. This was all Grey needed to create the array he wanted.

He created the same inscription he used when fighting against his last opponent, the young man who was also at the Peak of the Sage Plane. From when he started his battle with Bill, he already thought of this, but he was only forced to use it early due to his situation.

Grey not only prepared this inscription, but also the array he would use to boost his strength, speed, and every other thing when fighting with Bill.

Bill wasn't fast enough, so even though the ice was thawing, he didn't have time to prepare for Grey's attack. The attack hit him head-on and sent him flying.

Grey used the opportunity to move closer to him as he tried to attack once again. However, the moment Grey was about to attack, something strange happened.


Grey felt a powerful force coming from where Bill was lying.

Bill raised his head to look at Grey, "Looks like I'll have to use it then."

The strong pressure Grey felt sent chills down his spine as he retreated from where Bill was lying. He threw an attack Bill's way, but it was useless.

"You can't defeat me." Bill stated confidently as he stood up.

Everyone on the side of the Burchard Family looked on with great interest. One has to know that Grey was currently their greatest asset in this competition, they couldn't afford to neglect anything regarding him. They all watched the battle going on with extreme focus, Sylvia was even prepared to intervene in case Grey was not Bill's match.

A figure soon seemed to tear open a portal and step on the platform.

'A summoner?' Grey was taken aback when he saw the figure.

The figure was big, made entirely of lightning. It wasn't hard for him to discern that it was not a human.

He never expected Bill would be a summoner. Although Reynolds' summon was superior to this, it didn't change the fact that Grey was in an extremely difficult situation now.

Either he upgrades to the Peak of the Sage Plane, or he risks losing against Bill.

Bill sent the summon after him while he still seemed distracted.

Grey quickly snapped out of his thoughts since he knew switching off at a time like this was deadly.

The summon rushed after Grey and attacked with a long spear.

Grey managed to move out of the way, but barely.

However, the spot Grey appeared on was soon covered by lightning. Bill, sensing Grey would appear there, utilized his domain.

The moment Grey appeared, he was hit by the lightning. Since he was not expecting it, it hurt him. Adding to his already cracked skin, his eyes turned red from the pain.

He quickly tried to block the lightning from touching him with the space element. Forcing everything close to him to leave the space opened the chance for him.

Bill attacked when he saw this. But Grey was prepared, using the help of his Fusion State, he increased his strength once more. He forgot about those watching. The time to show his strength had come. Even if he couldn't use all his elements he wanted to make sure he used the Fusion State to the peak, and make sure he was victorious.

The crowd watching were once again stunned. Grey had given them one more thing to be shocked about.

Even Bill, who was fighting Grey was dumbfounded.