
Affinity:Chaoschapter 940: you wanted them alive?

"You're the one who has always wanted the crystal, stop pushing the blame away. I know you have it. Even if you don't, you must be involved in its disappearance."

"How many times will I tell you, I don't have it! If the beast is released, we will all suffer from its wrath. I'm one of the people it hates the most, do you think I'm that stupid?"

While the duo were arguing, Grey and Void exchange glances.

'Don't tell me it's the crystal you stole from them.' Dark lines appeared on Grey's head.

If what these people said was correct, then the crystal Void stole had a beast that even these people were afraid of. These were people that were possibly Elemental Sovereigns, yet, Grey could hear the fear in their voices. A single Magical beast being able to strike fear in them meant that it was at least a Rank Eight Magical beast, equivalent to an Elemental Sovereign.

'I think it is.' Void replied with a stunned look.

He didn't think the crystal he took just because it was shiny actually possessed such a thing inside. Now that he thought of it, he recalled hearing those people speaking of releasing their hidden weapon on the city. He didn't really attach too much importance to it since all that mattered to him was getting the crystal, now that he got it and overheard these people, he knew how valuable, and dangerous the item he had with him is.

'Throw it away.' Grey said straightforwardly.

They couldn't take the risk of having something like that with them. Yes, it was sealed in the crystal, but if it were the break out of it, just it's aura alone was enough to kill the duo. They wouldn't even have the time to pick up the crystal before it killed them.

It was just too risky.

'No, we'll release the beast and let it do as it wills. I'll keep the crystal.' Void refused.

After going through so much trouble to get it, how did Grey expect him to discard of it so easily. It was impossible.

'Are you nuts?! What do you think it will do once it's no longer trapped in the crystal?' Grey felt like skinning Void alive.

'Find us to thank us?' Void asked with a forced smile on his face.

'It'll find us to kill us! Do you think it doesn't know that we can keep it back into the crystal? Only when it holds the crystal is it truly free.' Grey knew Void was aware of all this, but he was being stubborn about it because of the crystal.

'Stop being so negative. Do you even know if it's a nice guy? It might even be related to Lord cat.' Void replied.

Grey couldn't help but furrow his brows. He tried to grab Void, but Void was quicker and he escaped quite easily.

Grey gritted his teeth and went after Void. He had to speak with him.

This cat was too much!

The ripples from the battle continued and spread to the area the duo were. It didn't take long before one of the experts fighting sensed the presence of some people in the forest.

Without saying anything, they went after the person.

Grey and Void were still running around when the experts appeared, seeing a young man and a cat seemingly chasing after each other, they lost interest in the duo.

They could tell that they were coming from the city, but they weren't in the mood to speak with them.

With a cold snort, one of the experts left without wasting any time.

Grey and Void sensed them, but they pretended like they didn't. First off, 5hese were people in the Elemental Venerable Plane or above, if they knew that these two Sage Plane Elementalists could sense their presence even when they didn't show themselves, then they might gain some interest in them.

The other man left as well, he couldn't be bothered with a kid and a cat.

Grey heaved a sigh of relief when they left.

'Void, seriously, we can't keep it.' Grey said with a serious expression.

'Fine, but we can't take it out now. These guys knows it's aura. The moment I bring it out of my spatial storage, they will sense it and we will be in trouble.' Void finally agreed.

Grey thought about it and knew Void was right. Since it was like this, then they would leave. Once they're no longer in this Region, they would throw the crystal away.

What he feared the most was that Void might not throw away the real crystal. Void had hundreds of crystals with him, and since Grey didn't see this particular crystal, he wouldn't know what it looked like.

They continued on their way. With the experts not blocking their way, they increased this speed. Knowing what they had with them put some pressure on Grey and he wanted to leave as soon as he could.

Three days later.

Grey and Void were already on the edge of the Laurel Region. They were safe here and didn't need to fear for their lives any longer.

Grey finally decided it was time to stop and try out his research.

When he spoke with Void after the battle, he didn't really have anyone in his storage ring. Humans couldn't be kept in his storage ring as long as they were alive. Void on the other hand was a different story.

Hiding in a cave hidden by a waterfall, he asked Void to bring out the people he caught.

Grey was stunned when the people appeared, they were all… dead.

'What the hell?! I thought you said they were alive?' Grey glared at Void.

'Oh, you wanted them alive? Sorry, I couldn't stay there for too long without attracting those in the Sage Plane.' Void apologized.

'I'll go out and bring you some Magical beasts around, they should be of use, right?' He asked with an apologetic tone.

'I don't know. Forget about it, we'll see how things go later.'