
Affinity:Chaoschapter 937: battle credits score board

Void licked his paws and walked away to the side, the man stayed outside the tent since he was still trying to figure out what brought out the aura some minutes ago.

The aura was very faint, and it only radiated for only a quarter of a second. Even though it belonged to someone in the Sage Plane, the fact that a Sage Plane Elementalist could get this close to him before he sensed it was shocking, hence he was a little alert to it.

After standing outside the tent for around a minute or so, he walked back inside. However, he froze mid-step and his pupils constricted.

"Where's it?"

He looked at the table where the crystal was previously laying but it was empty. He moved closer to it and looked around, trying to see if it fell to the ground. But it wasn't there.

He picked the table up and looked below it, but the crystal was not there.

"This… who took it?" He was short of words.

He was standing right outside, how could someone take it away under his nose? It was impossible.

Unless… it was the doing of an Elemental Sovereign.

There was no way the aura he felt the first time belonged to a Sage Plane Elementalist, it was an Elemental Sovereign's doing.

Without any words, he vanished. He had to tell the others that the crystal was gone.

When he left the place, Void walked out from the side of the tent where he was hiding.

He was afraid to use the space element to escape since it might give him away. He could hide his aura completely, but the moment he used an elemental skill, the man would most definitely sense it and that would give him away.

The crystal was still in his hands, but he was able to hide its aura from the man, so the man didn't sense it.

'Looks like it's quite valuable, I'll keep it for them.' He thought with a snicker before disappearing.

The man was gone so there was no need for him to be afraid any more.

'Grey, I'm done.' He reported while leaving the place.

On his way, he saw the troops returning.

He couldn't help but laugh when he thought about their reactions when they find out that their weaponry was empty. Making so many weapons costs a lot, so they would feel depressed when they notice that it's gone.

Back in the city.

Grey was still resting when Void appeared beside him.

He opened his eyes to look at Void.

"What did you get?" He asked nonchalantly.

He wasn't too concerned with the crystal since he knew it was Void's item. Unless it was very important, he wouldn't want to take it from him.

"Just a shiny antique." Void replied protectively, "When are we leaving?"

Grey looked at him for some time when he saw his reaction, "Tomorrow, I still have some things I'd like to take from them."

His contribution in the battle was huge, he wanted to take as many books on inscriptions as he could. If he didn't, it would be a waste of his time.

Void nodded and went to sleep on the side, not wanting to bother with Grey who was researching the technique.

"Oh, I also got around ten people." He said.

"I have around twenty."

The room fell silent and time went on. Before long, night fell.

It was time to head to the City Lord's manor. The general invited him over, so he would naturally go. The reward was very important to him.

He left his place and headed there in no time.

On getting to the City Lord's manor, he was ushered in by the guards who were already told of his arrival. The moment he mentioned his name, they brought him in.

When he made his appearance, the others in the area all turned to look at him. Some of them even got up from their seats to look at him.

Grey didn't like too much attention, but he was already used to it since he had participated in multiple tournaments.

The general walked over to him with a glass of wine in his hand. He took him over to where the Elemental Venerables were. Although he was a junior, these experts in the Elemental Venerable Plane didn't look down on him. They already heard of his battle credits and knew he would grow up to become someone that even them might have to respect.

The City Lord was an old man whose hairs had turned gray. He looked at Grey with a soft smile.

"Thank you all for your help today..." The City addressed those who came to help them.

Grey was currently seated with those in the Elemental Venerable Plane, he didn't say much, only conversing with them whenever they spoke to him.

When the City Lord was done talking, he told them to head to army camp for their rewards.

Grey only waited till the event was finished before he walked over to the army camp.

'Do they do this every time people help them out?' He couldn't help but wonder.

Even though these battles were not frequent, it was quite odd that the City Lord would have to host everyone who helped them out every time. Grey would've preferred to take his rewards and leave.

Heading to the army camp, he met with the general once again since he was in charge of this as well.

"What would you like to take, young friend?" He asked Grey with a smile.

"What can I get?" Grey asked.

He didn't know his battle credits nor did he know how the exchange takes place.

"For every Sage Plane expert you take down, you have two hundred battle credits. Since you took out twelve Sage Plane Elementalists, you have two thousand four hundred battle credits." The general explained.

When the warriors around heard this, they sucked in a cold breath. They walked over to a board that was hung on the side. Multiple names were hung on it, and their battle credits were written on it.

Since the start of the battle, the number one person on the Sage Plane board only had around fifteen thousand battle credits, one has to know that this battle has been ongoing for years now. And the number one person on the Sage Plane had been fighting since he was in the Early stages of the Sage Plane.