
Affinity:Chaoschapter 935: you're not part of the army

In the blink of an eye, Grey had killed the two men. Grey's strength was well above them so he had no problems with quickly disposing of them.

The young man in the First stage of the Sage Plane was awed by Grey's strength. Even though he had seen his seniors who had the same ability, he still didn't expect Grey to be so powerful.

Grey looked around and decided to look for his next opponent. Although he wasn't really in need of too many things, he could ask for books on arrays as his reward for his service.

The young man didn't expect Grey to leave just like that.

Time went by slowly and before they knew it, it was already over two hours since the battle started. Grey had started to attract the attention of most of the people there. His fame in the battle grew when he defeated an opponent in the Fifth stage of the Sage Plane.

These people knew that there were geniuses who could easily fight above their stages, but Grey was doing it with such ease that they started to doubt their own strengths.

In the span of two hours, he had single-handedly taken down over ten Sage Plane Elementalists, and three of those ten Elementalists were in the Fifth stage!

The tide of the battle slowly started to change, not just on the Sage Plane side, but on the Overlord Plane side as well. A few of the youths who registered were geniuses, and their strength was almost comparable to two people in the same stage of these warriors. The only difference between them and these warriors was experience. As long as they had enough experience, they could easily fight against three to five of these warriors in the same stage as them without any fears.

When those from the other side saw how the battle was going, the Peak Sage Plane general from the other side locked his eyes on Grey.

Presently, even if they lost the battle of the Overlord Plane, they couldn't afford to lose the one for the Sage Plane Elementalists.

Grey was the main catalyst to the battle at the moment. He was the one making the momentum for those in the city increase, and if things continued in this manner, it was only a matter of them before they became undefeatable.

The general gave a loud roar and forced the Peak Sage Plane general fighting against him from the city. He shot after Grey. With his speed, sonic booms resonated in the air as he shot through the air trying to take out Grey.

Grey noticed the man coming from the start, he wasn't bothered since he could easily take care of himself.

However, those from the city freaked out when they saw this. They were scared out of their wits. Grey had been one of the standout fighters, and he had also helped a few of them from tough positions. Now, he was in danger.

A Sixth stage Sage Plane expert from the city he helped out some time ago rushed forward, blocking the path of the general.

When the general saw that a Sixth stage Sage Plane Elementalist was trying to block his path, he snorted coldly and threw a fist at him.

The fist turned into a large flame that engulfed the man.

The man's scream resonated across the battlefield, and he fell from the sky. He wasn't dead, it was almost impossible for a Peak Sage Plane Elementalist to kill an Elementalist in the Sixth stage with a single strike, but it was quite easy for them to injure them.

Grey shook his head when he saw this, he didn't want anyone to die a meaningless death trying to protect him. If he wanted to, he could easily kill this Sage Plane Elementalist coming his way. But since he wanted to keep his true strength hidden, he smiled and brought out a talisman.

The moment the Peak Sage Plane general saw this, he quickly retreated, not daring to get close to him. The talisman with Grey was an attack talisman of an Elemental Venerable.

If the general was foolish enough to stand in front of him, then he would die from the attack. The difference between a Sage Plane Elementalist and an Elemental Venerable was miles apart. If an Elemental Venerable were to step forward, then it was impossible for all those present to stop him.

Just as Grey predicted, the general wasn't the only one who stepped back, all those in the Sage Plane from the attacking army retreated as well.

With a blank expression, he flew down to help the man who was injured up.

"You're not part of this army, why take the risk of offending us?" The general of the opposing army asked coldly.

His eyes were on Grey. With the talisman in hand, Grey was presently the strongest individual there.

However, even though the general would want to kill Grey, he couldn't take the risk. If Grey were to fall in this battle, those from wherever he was from wouldn't hold them accountable since Grey was the one who registered for the battle.

"This is nothing, I only brought it out to help him." Grey activated the talisman, and to the surprise of the general, a blinding light shot out from it and shot into the body of the Sixth stage Elementalist he injured some moment ago.

"I know the rules which states that no Elemental Venerable should be involved, but I'm not an Elemental Venerable."

"Using a talisman that is made by an Elemental Venerable is the same." The general said.

"You don't expect him to watch and die. You're a Peak Sage Plane expert, yet you want to attack a Third stage Sage Plane youth, don't you have any shame?" The general from the city stood in front of Grey.

He would naturally not allow such acts of bullying. The only reason the general had the chance to even think of attacking Grey was because he exploded out with his full strength, taking the general from the city unaware.