
Affinity:Chaoschapter 929: trouble brewing

Grey and Void continued arguing before Conor returned a few minutes later, he had a little disappointed look on his face.

"Anything the matter?" Grey asked when he saw his expression.

"Oh, it's nothing. I wanted to introduce you to my Uncle and Aunty, but they're not at home at the moment." Conor explained.

"Okay." Grey nodded.

He guessed the Uncle Conor was speaking about was most likely the peerless expert who rose to fame some decades ago. As much as he would like to see such a powerful expert, it didn't really mean much if he didn't see them.

There was always another time to see him.

"I'll see him some other time." Grey said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess." Conor nodded.

They spoke for a little longer before Grey opted to leave early. Unlike Kyle, he wasn't really too close to Conor, the main reason he came here was out of curiosity. Although he didn't feel he was from this Family, there was no harm in coming here to find out. Now that he didn't find anything relating to him, there was no use staying further.

Void wanted to stay a little longer, but he naturally didn't agree to it. Given Void's personality, he would most definitely cause him some troubles.

Eldris, who was regarded as the next Family Head didn't seem to like him, if he were to cause any troubles here, he was sure Eldris wouldn't let it go.

Conor wanted to stall him for a little longer, but Grey told him he had some important things to take care of.

The next day after Grey left.

Conor was sitting casually in the garden when he saw his Uncle's figure. The number one person in the Dawson Family, Lucas Dawson.

He looked at the figure walking casually into the compound. At first, he wanted to approach him, but then he paused. After some time, he walked up to him.

"Uncle…" He called out.

"Yes." Lucas turned to Conor.

"There's something I've been wanting to ask you." Conor finally summoned the courage to ask him the question that had been bugging him since he saw Grey.

"Oh, what's that?" Lucas asked.

He didn't have the air of a peerless expert, rather, he seemed like a normal person one would see around. In fact, most people didn't know him if he didn't introduce himself. Only those who had seen him knows who he is. He had never been the proud type, nor did he throw his weight around.

"There's this friend I made some months back. He seems to have some resemblance to you and Aunt Martha." Conor replied.

"Oh, a boy?" Lucas raised his brow, his interest piqued.

"Yes." Conor nodded.

"What might his name be?" Lucas asked calmly.

"Grey Dawson." Conor replied.

When he spoke the name, he looked at Lucas' facial expression to see if there was any change, however, his facial expression was the same as when they started talking.

"Oh, he's also from a Dawson Family, how interesting." Lucas replied with a soft smile.

"Do you by chance know him?" Conor asked. From Lucas' reply, he felt there was no connection with them, but he still asked anyway since it had been at the back of his mind for so long.

"Yes." Lucas nodded.

Conor was stunned when he heard this. Hearing Lucas affirm it was a little shocking, he originally thought maybe they weren't related, especially after Lucas acted like he didn't know who Grey was.

"Don't tell me that he's…"

"My son? Yes, actually, a few of the older guys know of him. Don't speak about him, okay? His identity is to be kept a secret." Lucas interrupted Conor.

"That's how it is. Okay Uncle, I only wanted to clear my doubts." Conor nodded, he knew his Uncle had a reason for hiding Grey's identity.

However, he didn't really see any reason why he was doing so.

Grey was currently one of the hottest prospects in the entire Continent that he knew of, if they took him into the Dawson Family, it would be beneficial to both Grey and the Family.

For one, they could help protect Grey from possible enemies, while Grey on the other hand will have a great place for cultivation and grow faster. It was a win-win scenario for them.

Lucas looked at Conor for some time before disappearing into the compound.

In his room.

"Grey's here, did you know about it?" Lucas asked Martha who was lying close to him.

"Yes, Dean told me about it." Martha replied with a faint but sad smile on her face.

"Are we really making the best decision for him?" Lucas asked, a little sad.

"He's already grown this much on his own. Even if we go and get him now, he still wouldn't stay with us. He's a grown boy now, I'm just sad we didn't get to watch him grow because of you and your stupid family disputes." Martha said, slightly annoyed.

"It's best he doesn't get involved in all this struggle. You already know what it cost me, I don't want him to go through the same thing." Lucas wore a downcast expression.

Coming from a big Family brought about a few responsibilities, as well as a lot of enemies, both internal and external. The ones they got to more worried about were those who were in the Family, close to them.

When Lucas was younger, he was almost assassinated by a Family member, this was one of the reasons he decided to leave the Family and hide in the Azure Continent to live a peaceful life with his family.

Things naturally didn't go as planned and he had to return here after his location was exposed when he came in search of a way to cure Grey after his birth.

"For someone so strong, you don't seem confident enough when it gets to do with your family. With us by his side, who would dare to cause him any trouble?" Martha asked, a fiery expression on her face.

"There are a few who can. Let's just leave him alone for some time. I'll personally go out and bring him back once I've taken care of a few things." Lucas promised.

"How long will that take?" Martha asked.

"Not long. At most a year." Lucas replied confidently.

"I expect to see him within the next year, you better not break your promise." Martha said, a little threatening.

"Of course I won't." Lucas wiped off the invisible sweat on his face.

He knew her personality all too well, so he knew not to go back on his promise, if not, he'll suffer.

While Lucas and Martha were speaking on how to bring Grey back to the Dawson Family, Grey was already almost out of the Region.

He brought the map he had with him to look at the best route to take. If he wanted to get to the Middle Continent fast, then he had to go through five Regions, one of them in particular was quite dangerous at this moment.

Just like the Region the Dawson Family was situated in, this Region was also in a state of war, and compared to the Dawson Family, it wasn't as peaceful. Battles were ongoing in different parts of the Region, and innocent bystanders had been accidentally caught up in it.

'Going around would take at least one or two months. But going through will be faster, however, it holds the highest risk.' Grey and Void slowly accessed their options.

'We should go through it, there might be some useful things we could find. Besides, we can also fish in troubled waters.' Void replied.

'You never want a peaceful journey.' Grey shook his head with a chuckle.

'Peace is no fun.' Void replied, to the amusement of Grey.

Grey decided to go with Void's suggestion. They still had some time before they got to that Region, so maybe he could change his mind before they got there. As long as he saw that it was too dangerous to go through the Region, he would not go through it.

They soon started their journey.

While Grey was on his journey, his friends were all training, trying to boost their strength.

In the Pyrmond Faction.

Things were starting to heat up. The news of Grey killing the duo had spread out.

In the Faction Leaders private cave.

"You kept this hidden?" An Elder looked at the Faction Leader coldly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The Faction Leader looked at them with a calm expression.

"Grey, he killed Nathan and Foudre." The Elder spoke up.

He was a relative of Foudre, and wanted to find out why Foudre hasn't come out of the Lutra realm after so long. After investigating, he found out that he was dead.

He heard of Grey's dispute with Eva, and from what some of the youths said, they overheard him speaking of taking revenge on Nathan and Foudre. Now, both of them were nowhere to be seen.