
Affinity:Chaoschapter 922: he'll win

Everyone stared at the lonely figure standing victorious on the platform, his opponent lying on the ground, defeated.

Grey's figure was etched into everyone's memory at this moment, to most of them, this was a figure that would go on to become extremely famous in the future as long as he didn't meet an untimely death.

Luthera and Klaus were all smiles as they watched Grey stand alone on the platform. It was a good sight for them since it meant that they still had hope of canceling the marriage and being together.

No one knows what the future holds for the duo, but at the moment, they knew that they wanted each other.

The Elder presiding over the battle walked over to the platform, he gave Grey a deep long-lasting glance before taking a look at Tyris, he shook his head, still in shock at the result of the battle, before announcing the winner of the round.

In two rounds fought, Gregory won one, and Klaus won one, which meant that they were tied, which means they would have to go for a third round.

According to what was said from the start, Lothar would be the one to set up the rule for the last battle. From how things were from the start, it was known that Lothar wasn't against his daughter getting married to Gregory, if not he wouldn't have agreed to the marriage proposal at first.

The crowd was still in a state of shock after Grey won, so they didn't notice when he walked off the platform, heading over to where Klaus and Luthera were seated.

"You did good, buddy." Klaus hugged him, he was extremely grateful to Grey.

"Don't screw up." Grey didn't say much, but his intention was clear, Klaus had to win this.

If Klaus doesn't win, they already have another plan in store. Escape with the bride.

Even though it would be difficult, Grey made sure his countermeasures had a high chance of working. The only thing was that he didn't really know the exact strength of someone above the Elemental Venerable Plane, so there was that.

If things went according to his plan, they could escape. But he knew all too well that things don't always go to plan.

Klaus nodded before walking over to the platform, Gregory was already standing on the platform, waiting for him.

"Thank you." Luthera thanked Grey for his help.

"It's nothing much, he'll do the same for me." Grey replied with a soft smile.

Luthera nodded, grateful for the fact that Klaus, despite his somewhat hateful mouth, managed to make such a great friend. From what Klaus told her about his friends, she knew they were close, seeing Grey go to such lengths for Klaus already proved that he wasn't lying when he said his friends would go to any length to help him.

Grey and Luthera turned their attention to the platform, waiting for Lothar to give the stipulations for the last round.

Klaus looked at Gregory, a grin evident on his face. To be honest, he didn't think Gregory would use such a stipulation for his round, he guessed it, but he didn't really think it would happen.

"A shame, I thought you'd fight as well, after all, you're one of your Family's geniuses, aren't you?" He mocked with a smile.

Now that Grey won, he wanted to rub it in Gregory's face.

Gregory snorted coldly, he still felt annoyed by the fact that he caused such a humiliation to his Family. Of course, it wasn't his fault since no one knew Grey was actually this powerful, but it was still partly his fault since he agreed to Grey boosting his strength with a special technique.

If Grey didn't boost his strength, then Tyris would've won the battle, but after Grey increased his strength, Tyris stood little chance against him. What was worse was that even when Tyris increased his strength, he still wasn't able to beat Grey, a somewhat shameful thing given he was a genius.

"Don't get cocky, it's not like you've won." Gregory said coldly.

"Actually, I have. My mission today was to humiliate you, and I think I did that. You barely managed to defeat me, even though you're three stages above me." Klaus said with a smug smile.

Gregory's eyes twitched when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth in anger. He hated to admit it, but Klaus was right. Being three stages above him meant that he should've won the battle quite easily, but he didn't.

While the duo were still exchanging words, with Klaus annoying him even more, Lothar finally stepped on the platform.

He looked at both Klaus and Gregory, to be honest, he knew Klaus would be the one who could take good care of his daughter, but for the benefit of the Family, he accepted the proposal of the Robertson Family.

"Since it's a tie, I'll state my stipulations now. You two have one shot at this." Lothar said as his expression turned serious while looking at the duo.

Klaus' playful expression died as he looked at Lothar, waiting for what he wanted to say.

"You'll both attack each other, with only one attack, you have thirty seconds to use whatever you can to increase your strength, except external items. The winner will be decided after the attack." Lothar said slowly.

When the crowd heard his words, they looked at Klaus with a sad look. It was almost evident that Lothar was favoring Gregory.

The duo had already fought before and the one who was stronger was already known by all. Klaus might be more talented, but he still wasn't on Gregory's level. If Grey was the one placed in this situation, he would win it, no doubt. Klaus on the other hand had a very slim chance of winning this.

Grey stared at Klaus, then at Gregory.

"Congratulations, he'll win." He said to Luthera who had her hands clenched, infuriated by her father's words.

"Huh?" She was a little confused.

"He will win." Grey said with confidence.

"You believe so?" Luthera asked, still unsure.

"I know so." Grey's reply was swift, he didn't even think about it. He was very certain that Klaus would be victorious in this round.