
Affinity:Chaoschapter 919: battling with tyris

"Is he really going to succeed?" Luthera held onto Klaus' hand, nervous from the fact that Grey had fought off everyone, with the exception of Tyris.

After Klaus lost, and they all heard Gregory's request, she gave up all hope. The fact that Klaus didn't allow Grey to join him when Gregory asked him annoyed her a little. She felt if Grey was with him during that battle, they would've won the first round.

If they won the first round, then they would've been able to put the pressure on those from the Robertson Family. However, Klaus let his pride get the better of him and he didn't allow Grey to fight, opting to fight alone.

After he lost, he placed so much pressure on Grey's shoulder, and now Grey has to fight off against so many people alone. When Klaus told her that Grey would be successful, she didn't think much of it since she didn't believe it. She just felt Klaus was saying that to make her feel better.

Grey went on to win his first battle quite easily, to her surprise, the second and third as well. After he defeated the duo in the Sixth stage of the Sage Plane, she started to see some glimpses of light. Maybe Klaus wasn't wrong from the start and truly believed his friend will be able to defeat them on his own.

Now that he was about to fight against Tyris who was the greatest genius in the Robertson Family under the Elemental Venerable Plane, she didn't feel as pressured as before. In fact, she was excited, waiting to see the reactions on the faces of those from the Robertson Family when Grey beat up Tyris.

Klaus looked at her with a smile, "I told you didn't I? He will defeat them all. He's Grey, and I can't put my life in his hands, he will never disappoint me."

"But honestly though, is he really human? I find that hard to accept." Luthera couldn't help but say.

"Haha, I said that the first time he started to show this monstrous ability of his." Klaus laughed when he heard her question.

Everyone close to Grey always felt like this, so it was quite normal.

Tyris didn't wait to get the nod from the Head of the Robertson Family as he stood up and walked over to the platform alone. His figure was quite big. He was around twenty-six years old.

When he stepped on the platform, his eyes didn't leave Grey for one bit. Looking into the eyes of the youth who had seemingly demolished the pride of his Family, he couldn't keep calm.

Tyris was a pure Earth Elementalist, and he used his earth element from the start of the battle. He covered himself with earth armor before charging at Grey who was prepared for his fight against him.

Grey knew from the start that he was not his match with his current strength, but he wanted to see how far he could go against someone in the Seventh stage of the Sage Plane without boosting his strength.

When he tried to block Tyris' attack, he was stunned when he was pushed back.

From the very first attack, the difference in strength was clear for all to see. The two of them were not on equal footing.

Grey's battle with the duo in the Sixth stage already showed that in terms of attack power, he was behind them, however, he made up for that with his versatility.

Even when his strength wasn't on the same level as the duo, he managed to fight them off with his brain and experience.

Tyris had the advantage, and after pushing Grey back, he continued his attack with a large earth hammer.

Grey dodged the attack, but the impact of the attack after slamming into the platform sent off a vibration across the entire platform.

Grey, who was hiding in his spatial tunnel was forced out, crashing into the ground.

Tyris continued his attack, not giving him any chance. He wanted to dominate Grey in his victory and return the glory of the Robertson Family in grand style. Yes, defeating Grey wasn't any major achievement for him, but it would help his Family, so he had to do it.

Klaus and Luthera watched on, a little worried. To be honest, they had every reason to. Tyris was dominating Grey, not even giving him the chance to even attack. Since Tyris stepped on the platform, Grey hadn't been able to send out one attack.

The battle continued, and in one minute, Tyris completely dominated Grey.

Grey tried to use his inscriptions, but Tyris found a way to almost extinguish them almost instantaneously. His domain didn't do much work against Tyris.

After some time, he decided to use the fire domain. It was stronger and might be his only hope of defeating Tyris at the moment.

When the opportunity presented itself, the platform was soon covered with a sea of blue flames.

Tyris never expected this, and the heat from the flame was above Grey's previous attacks.

"Huh? He has another domain?"

This was his first reaction, and when he studied it properly, he knew he was right. Grey had a second domain.

The entire crowd was thrown into an uproar when they saw this. Even some Multi Elementalists at the Elemental Venerable Plane didn't have two domains, yet, Grey already had two, and he was still in the Sage Plane.

No doubt he was the greatest genius they had seen or even heard of.

Lothar was once again thrown off his feet. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. A genius in the Sage Plane having two domains already. It was a piece of shocking news for them.

Luthera looked at it in awe. Klaus already told her of this, but she still found it shocking when she saw it. This was not something she could believe, even when seeing it with her two eyes.

The Head of the Robertson Family felt his head ache, Grey was just too much. At this point, he didn't feel too relaxed. There's a big chance that Grey might be able to create another miracle once again. Just seeing him use two domains in one day was a miracle on its own, if he managed to defeat Tyris, it wouldn't be too shocking.

Tyris' earth armor started to show signs of breaking off for the first time since he stepped on the platform. He couldn't believe Grey was actually able to use two domains.

He reinforced his armor and attacked Grey.

Grey, with the help of his fire domain, started to attack. For the first time, he had a short period where he attacked Tyris without fear.

Tyris' earth armor soon fell apart after Grey sent a fireball slamming into it.

When the earth armor fell to the ground, Tyris felt the full brunt of the heat.

Without hesitation, he used an earth technique that not only covered where he was standing but the entire platform. The effect of Grey's domain was almost completely put to an end.

The power difference between the duo was massive, so even if Grey had a domain, he could still use his pure overpowering strength to stop it.

When Grey saw this, he couldn't help but shake his head. With his current strength, he was not a match for a genius in the Seventh stage of the Sage Plane. One like Tyris was even harder to fight against since he had a terrifying defense.

When Tyris put a stop to his fire domain, he looked at Grey with an apprehensive look, he wasn't afraid, but he didn't dare to be careless any longer. If not for his ability, he would've lost the battle in a matter of seconds after dominating it for so long.

His offense increased in intensity and he started to show why he was one of the strongest among his peers.

Grey found it hard to defend when fighting against him and was bashed from left to right. However, he didn't give up. He still had a trump card to use, to boost his strength.

Luckily, before the battles started, he asked Gregory if he could use a special technique to boost his strength, and Gregory nodded.

Seeing that things were going out of hand, Luthera couldn't help but look at Klaus who was gritting his teeth. She could see anger in his eyes.

"Tell him to give up, it's okay." She encouraged.

"I'm not upset that he's being beaten up, I'm upset that the moron hasn't used his trump card to end this battle." Klaus said angrily.

"Eh?" Luthera was taken aback by Klaus' statement.

"He can boost his strength, he asked Gregory about it before. I'm annoyed he hadn't used it till now. Such a moron." Klaus complained as he watched Grey get beat up.

Honestly, he was annoyed that Grey had to go through this, but what made him more annoyed was the fact that he wasn't the one beating Grey up.