
Affinity:Chaoschapter 913: it phased through?

Grey stood on the platform, still as calm and poised as when he first stepped on the platform. It was as if he hadn't gone through any battles yet and was waiting for his first fight.

When the four geniuses at the Fifth stage of the Sage Plane stepped onto the platform, they looked at Grey, a bit of awe was evident in their eyes, but more hate.

Grey was a genius that invoked awe from other geniuses, they didn't even have the guts to be jealous of him, he was just too far ahead of them.

From his battles so far, a one-on-one battle against either of these geniuses would most definitely result in a victory for him, this was something that everyone there knew, including the geniuses that were facing him right now.

They didn't dare to underestimate him, so they planned to attack together. Not wanting to give Grey the chance he wanted to do as he willed.

Of the Four Elementalists, two were Fire Elementalists, a young man, and a young lady. The others were young men, one being a Water Elementalist, while the last was a Dual Elementalist, having the darkness and earth element.

They all attacked simultaneously, sending out multiple attacks at Grey who was standing in the same spot.

Grey, seeing all the attacks coming his way, didn't panic, with a wave of his hand, he used the space element to dispel the attacks coming his way.

Given the strength of each attack, it took a lot of effort from Grey's end to dispel them with his space element.

The Water Elementalist sent out ice arrows at Grey, while the Dual Elementalist used the earth element to send Grey into the air by creating a pillar that rose from the ground quickly.

The Fire Elementalists attacked as well. Their sync and coordination were top-notch, and it was applauded by everyone around. If not for the fact that they were fighting against someone who was two stages below them, it would've been a beautiful scene.

Grey, who was mid-air flipped, and with a spin, he covered himself with a fire dome that protected him from all the attacks that were coming his way.

When the fire dome died down, Grey's figure was nowhere to be seen. He was fighting against a group that didn't have a Space Elementalist, if he didn't take advantage of being the only Space Elementalist on the platform, then he must be insane.

The Four Elementalists were alert as they looked around in search of Grey.

Even though they were not Space Elementalists, they could still sense the ripples in space, so they could easily track Grey down whenever he came out of the spatial tunnel, as long as they focused.

Unfortunately, Grey didn't plan on giving them an easy time.

Two inscriptions appeared mid-air and attacked.

While they were busy dealing with the attacks, he appeared close to where the Dual Elementalist was standing and attacked.

Whenever he fought against multiple opponents, he preferred taking out the person he felt was the most threat.

The Dual Elementalist employed the darkness element to attack Grey when he sensed him.

Grey used the lightning element to counter before drawing closer to the Dual Elementalist who was on a retreat, trying to keep a good distance away from Grey.

From Grey's previous battles, he knew Grey was very dangerous once he gets too close, so he didn't want to repeat the same mistake others did.

The young lady who was a Fire Elementalist managed to free herself from the assault of the inscriptions within a short time and attacked Grey who was trying to shorten the gap between himself and the Dual Elementalist.

Grey was forced to block the attack which was coming his way. The other Fire Elementalist attacked as well, forcing Grey to dodge to the side, further increasing the space between him and the Dual Elementalist who used the chance to also attack him with a large boulder that fell from the sky.

Grey used a fire blade to slice the boulder into two, before disappearing, when he reappeared, he was not too far from the Water Elementalist. He unleashed his gravitational force field which slowed down the reaction of the Water Elementalist.

Even though they were warned against this move, and they had been preparing to neutralize the attack, it was still very difficult for the Water Elementalist since Grey made sure he used the smallest area possible, that way the strength of the gravitational force was increased by a lot.

After doing this, Grey attacked the Water Elementalist.

Just as his attack was about to hit, the Fire Elementalist who was a young man attacked, trying to stop him.

Grey's figure seemed to blink and it was as if the attack phased through him.

When those from the stands saw this, they opened their mouths in shock.

The old experts from the two Families all looked at Grey as if he was a monster. The skill he just utilized was one of the hardest moves a Space Elementalist could utilize. Grey was still so young, yet he was already able to use it so well.

The skill involved entering and coming out of space almost instantaneously, however, there would be a small gap so the attack that was sent his way would pass through. First off, it was very dangerous because if timed wrong, the Space Elementalist might actually appear in the middle of the attack, defenseless.

That was far worse compared to taking the attack head-on.

After doing this, while the entire place was still in shock, those on the platform included, Grey continued toward the Water Elementalist. A large hammer made from the earth element appeared and he used it to smash the Water Elementalist from the side.

The Water Elementalist was sent flying, Grey moved along as well. With his body covered with red lightning, his speed almost doubled and he shot after the young man who was hit.

He wanted to make sure he took him out.