
Affinity:Chaoschapter 911: dimensional slash

The Earth Elementalist crashed into the incoming Wind Elementalist who was unable to avoid him.

With both figures down, Grey acted out quickly.

The young ladies managed to step out of the spatial tunnel and blocked the attacks of the inscriptions. They knew if they continued dodging, then they would be giving Grey the freedom he wanted to win the battle easily.

When they stepped out, Grey just got to where the Wind and Earth Elementalist were lying.

The young lady who had the lightning element attacked, but Grey didn't feel bothered by it. His inscriptions shot out an attack that blocked the attack of the young lady.

He kicked forward, trying to eliminate the duo on the ground with a single attack. The Earth Elementalist acted quickly and an arm made from earth appeared and blocked the attack by opening its palm.

Grey didn't fuss over this as he continued his assault, a lightning bolt fell from the sky, trying to hit Grey. He dodged to the left, and threw a fireball, mixed with lightning at the Earth Elementalist who had gotten up.

The Earth Elementalist blocked it, but he was forced back by the impact.

The Wind Elementalist had gotten to his feet, but Grey managed to close the gap and unleashed his gravitational force field. He reduced the distance it could cover and the effects of it increased.

The Wind Elementalist tried to create some distance between them, but the gravitational force field impeded his movement speed and he was slower than usual.

Just as Grey's attack was about to connect with him, he felt his hair standing on edge. Without even thinking too much, he vanished.

A spear made of black shot past where Grey was previously standing.

Grey looked at the spear after appearing and noticed it had spatial fluctuations. The spear was helped by the space element, this was why he didn't sense it quickly.

He looked back and saw the young lady who had both the space and darkness element smirk. She was the only Darkness Elementalist on the platform.

Grey shook his head before accessing his options once again. Originally, he wanted to eliminate the others, leaving only the Space Elementalists, but they were too much of a problem, so now, he wanted to change his focus to them.

The two inscriptions he created had been destroyed by the duo as well. Now he understood why they were able to attack him.

He rushed over, still acting as if he wanted to take out the Earth Elementalist.

When the Earth Elementalist saw him coming, he prepared to defend against him.

Grey glanced at the two Space Elementalists and noticed they were standing around three meters from each other. After making a rough calculation, he was certain that even if they could react, he would have enough time to take out one of them.

Coming to such a conclusion, he took action immediately. Just as he sent an attack the way of the Earth Elementalist, the Wind Elementalist attacked him, sending multiple wind arrows his way. Each arrow had a small twister at the tip, making them very dangerous if they got to hit a person unguarded.

The arrow was about to hit Grey when his figure suddenly blinked and changed in an instant.

He appeared where one of the Dual Elementalist was previously standing and attacked immediately. An earth pillar rose from where the other Dual Elementalist was standing, raising her into the air. She was met with Grey's lightning attack that sent her flying out of the platform.

At the same time this was happening, the other Dual Elementalist was hit by the Wind Elementalist's arrows and screamed in pain since she didn't try to block the attack in any way.

She didn't expect it in the first place.

Grey moved out quickly, since she was injured, this was his chance to take her out of the battle.

When he appeared beside her, she threw a lightning orb at him, but he evaded it easily and grabbed her hand, but she disappeared into the void.

Grey smirked and a black sword appeared in his hand, he swung it, and a tear appeared in space, forcing the young lady out of the spatial tunnel she just entered.

She couldn't continue through it since it had been cut in two.

This was a new technique Grey learned some time ago. It was a combination of the darkness and space element, he called it, 'Dimensional Slash'.

It was still in the early stages, but he knew it would become a powerful move in the future once he had perfected it.

The Dual Elementalist appeared before him once again, and he attacked, this time, a little more freely.

The Wind and Earth Elementalists were unable to react quickly due to Grey's switch skill, and were caught off-guard when Grey not only sent out the first Dual Elementalist, but when the Wind Elementalist's attack hit the second Dual Elementalist.

Grey forcing her out of space was even more shocking. Before they could react, Grey had used the earth element to create a pole that he swung at the defenseless Dual Elementalist who was still stunned by the sudden spatial tear in the tunnel.

The pole hit her cleanly and she was sent crashing out of the platform. She landed some meters away from the other Dual Elementalist Grey sent flying the other time.

In the space of a few seconds, Grey had turned the entire outcome of the battle once again. His victory was already confirmed against the remaining two people. If he defeats them, then he would've defeated a total of ten people from the seventeen people present in the camp of the Robertson Family, even if he were to lose later, this feat alone was worth remembering.

Most geniuses would've failed, especially with the two Space Elementalists, but Grey managed to skillfully eliminate them.

After removing the Space Elementalists, Grey placed his focus on the duo on the platform. It was easy to say they were not his match from the start.

Within a few minutes, he eliminated both of them.