
Affinity:Chaoschapter 907: my round, my rules

Grey raised his brow when he heard this. He didn't believe Gregory would want to start the next round almost immediately, he didn't even want to give Klaus the chance of resting.

Klaus looked at Grey and let out a self-deprecating laugh.

"Go ahead, speak." He said with difficulty.

Gregory chuckled when he saw Klaus in this condition, he was vexed that it took him so long and he had to exert almost all his strength to take out Klaus, but he was satisfied when he saw Klaus' present look.

'He's already beaten, why don't I beat up his friend as well.' He thought internally as he looked at Grey with an evil smile.

"Since I've already beaten you to such a state, why don't we allow others to fight the last battle? The geniuses from my camp, against those from yours." He said with a sly grin.

When the crowd heard his terms, they turned to take a look at the Robertson Family camp, and after a rough count, there were seventeen geniuses in the Sage Plane. One of them was in the Seventh stage of the Sage Plane.

The crowd couldn't help but suck in a deep breath. Gregory's stipulation wasn't giving Klaus any way out, what was worse was that he was dragging Grey with him.

Klaus and Grey exchanged glances, and with a nod from Grey, he calmed down significantly. Since Grey nodded, it meant that he had confidence in defeating these people, no matter their numbers.

Klaus knew of Grey's ability with multiple opponents, but he was still a little afraid, hence he turned to look at Grey.

"I have only one person, isn't it a bit unfair to fight against so many people from your side?" Klaus tried to get Gregory to reduce the numbers.

"My round, my rules." Gregory didn't leave any leeway for Klaus to get away.

Klaus gritted his teeth before nodding, "Fine."

"Grey, it's all up to you know. I'm sorry I placed all my worries on your head." Klaus said with a forced smile.

"Don't worry, rest up, there's still the third round." Grey said softly.

When the top experts overheard Grey's words, they were stunned. The confidence in his words was evident. The fact that he said there's still the third round meant that he felt he could win this round.

Gregory laughed when he heard Grey's words, "Haha, confident fool. You're even more arrogant than that bastard."

"Since I'm fighting so many people alone, can I use a special technique that improves strength?" Grey asked.

Gregory thought about it for less than a second before nodding, "You can."

Even if Grey exhausted his core, he didn't feel that he would be able to bring out strength above the Fifth stage of the Sage Plane. Against his brother who was in the Seventh stage, Grey was as good as defeated.

"Thank you." Grey said before standing in the spot Klaus stood.

When Klaus left the platform, Luthera approached him.

"Why are you taking such risks?" She asked softly, her voice cracked from trying to keep in her tears.

"I can't let you get married to such a moron. Don't worry, we'll be fine." Klaus consoled her with a smile.

Luthera looked at him, she saw a confident smile on his face, one that she had seen way too often.

She didn't know if he was trying to console her, but she decided to have confidence in him.

"I truth you." She said with a smile.

Grey was more focused on the battle at hand, so he didn't have the time to look at Klaus and Luthera.

When Gregory stepped off the platform, only two people from the Robertson Family climbed on.

They were both in the Second stage of the Sage Plane.

Gregory wanted to object, but his father's stern glance warded him off. His father was embarrassed that his family would have to send out so many young geniuses to fight against one, so he decided to send two of lower cultivation stages. This would make it seem like he was trying to go easy on Grey, while also making sure they would get the victory. Killing two birds with one stone.

Grey looked at the duo in front of him, he moved his head to the side to look behind them, seemingly waiting for more of them to step forward. To his surprise, only two of them were out.

His actions didn't escape the eyes of the experts in the area.

"Is he waiting for the others to come out as well?" Luthera asked Klaus when she saw this.

She was also in the Sage Plane, the First stage.

"He can beat them all, and I'm not joking when I say this." Klaus said with utmost confidence.

"Huh?" A confused expression appeared on Luthera's face.

One person beating so many geniuses, alone. It was hard to believe.

"What are you looking for?" The duo standing on the platform asked Grey.

"Nothing, come, I want to deal with you two quick, I have places to be." Grey invited the duo to attack.

They exchanged glances and attacked.

Grey was looking down on them, and they were going to make him regret his actions.

The duo were Water Elementalists. With a wave of their hands, a jetstream of water shot at Grey, being enforced by two people, its power was above the Third stage of the Sage Plane.

Grey raised a single finger and a small blue fireball appeared on it, he sent it into the jetstream of water coming his way. When the fireball connected to the stream, it heated it up and before everyone's shocked eyes, the stream dried up before it got to him.

What was more amazing was that the fireball didn't stop after this, it continued in the duo's direction.

The duo were shocked, but they reacted accordingly, creating an ice wall before them. They were boosting the strength of each other, so the defensive power was more than when they used it separately.

Grey's little fireball touched it and the eyes of everyone in the place almost popped out.