
Affinity:Chaoschapter 901: let's go break up a marriage

Grey left the Faction immediately after they finished speaking. Since it was in two days, and Klaus was in another Region, he had to head over to assist him.

His plan of visiting Kyle had been placed on hold and he would only meet him when he was done with Klaus' issue.

If things go well, Klaus would get a new enemy who would want to kill him, but he will be able to keep the girl he likes. Actually, thinking about Klaus' playboy nature, Grey had to ask him multiple times if he were serious. It would be embarrassing if after doing all this, Klaus and the girl end up separating after some months.

Klaus reassured him that this was the one, he couldn't say no to his friend's plea for help, but he warned him on behalf of the girl, if he breaks up with her, he would beat the crap out of him, and he meant every word.

Klaus told him he didn't have any plans of leaving her, and of course, he wouldn't get married now as well. There were still things he had to do, but he liked the girl and since she also didn't want to get married to the young man, and liked him as well, he didn't mind breaking up the supposed marriage.

'I hope I don't regret this.' These were Grey's final words before leaving the Faction.

Grey used up tons of essence stones since he was in a hurry, and after almost two days of continuous teleportation, he got to where Klaus told him they would meet.

Arriving early, he decided to do a background check on the young lady Klaus was in love with, and also the family of the young man.

With the reputation of the two families, it didn't take long for him to hear a thing or two about them.

The name of the young lady was Jehanne, she's the last daughter of the Braun Family Head, one of the most reputable families in this City. The young man she was getting married off to was called Gregory, and he was twenty-six with two wives. He was in the Sage Plane and wasn't a part of any Faction. His Family wasn't a top-tier Family, but it was above the Braun Family.

He developed an interest in Jehanne after seeing her some years back, and now that she was around nineteen years old, he wanted to marry her.

When the Braun Family heard of his interest, although they didn't like his conduct, it was still a good idea to them since it would help their Family grow further. A connection with the Robertson Family would be beneficial to both families.

With each other's help, they could grow further.

The story of Jehanne circulated as well, but it wasn't really dominant. People didn't even take it seriously.

Later that night, Klaus contacted him, telling him of his arrival.

Grey left the tavern he was staying at and went over to meet up with Klaus and the Elder from the Moonlight Faction.

"Why didn't you ask the others to come as well?" Grey asked when the duo met.

The Elder who came with him was one of the few Elders who went to the competition, seeing Grey, she couldn't help but take a deep glance at him. She was stunned when she sensed his cultivation stage.

'The Third stage of the Sage Plane already? He's even faster than him.' Her eyes darted to look at Klaus who was in the Second stage of the Sage Plane.

One thing worth mentioning was that at the time Grey competed against the Syphilis Faction, Klaus broke through to the Sage Plane some time after that.

Grey was still at the Peak of the Overlord Plane when Klaus broke through to the Sage Plane, but now, Grey was in the Third stage while Klaus was in the Second.

She already thought Klaus' growth was unprecedented, looking at Grey she didn't know what to say. Grey was simply flying, and to think it was harder to advance every Plane, these guys were making it look like child's play.

Grey bowed to her as a sign of respect and she nodded.

"I must say, I'm pretty impressed you managed to get an Elder to follow you over such a matter." Grey was impressed by Klaus' ability to convince an Elder to come with him.

"You have no idea what I'll have to face after this." Klaus gave a wry laugh.

Grey could see a bit of pain in his eyes. It was as if he would suffer for this.

"That's your problem. What now?" Grey didn't bother to ask.

Knowing Klaus, he didn't want to ask any further since Klaus might trick him.

The Elder watched the two youngsters talk before leaving them alone. She had a few friends around, so she decided to entertain herself there, she'll keep an eye on them just to ensure they were safe.

Grey was someone she wouldn't want anything to happen to, even if he wasn't part of her Faction, she wouldn't want anything to happen to him.

Klaus' adventures were fun to listen to, as always.

Grey was still in awe of Klaus' luck. He tends to find the best things without even trying.

Take for instance, during one of his travels, he saw a rare plant that could make a healing tonic, one of the best healing tonics in the world. How did he find it? He went to take a leak.

This was one of the most absurd stories Grey had heard. It was almost unbelievable.

A rare plant that always grows in the most dangerous places, and takes multiple rare circumstances, yet Klaus found it because he went to take a leak.

"Are you even human?" Grey couldn't help but ask.

"You really shouldn't be the one to say that." Klaus laughed as they went into a tavern for some drinks.

Time went by and before the duo knew it, it was already daybreak.

"Let's go break up a marriage." Klaus said as the sun rose.