
Affinity:Chaoschapter 820: not to be bullied

The group stared at Grey menacingly, waiting for him to move aside so they could extract the core of the snake.

Grey naturally had no plans of letting others steal his things, especially people like this who feel they can bully others with their numbers.

"Move." The young lady said, her expression turning cold.

"You're not getting this, I'll advise you to leave at once. I can tell you already have enough cores to get a good position when you join the Faction." Grey said, not budging even by a little.

Even people at the Peak of the Overlord Plane couldn't threaten him, much less this group who only had four people in the Ninth stage.

"I guess you'll be getting eliminated then." The young lady said and prepared to attack.

"Heh! With the likes of you? I doubt that." Grey smirked and his figure vanished.

"He's a Space Elementalist, be careful everyone." Someone from the group yelled.

They were currently all standing close to each other, preparing to attack Grey, when he vanished, they all took a defensive stance, waiting for him to appear.

Grey's figure appeared in the midst of four of the ten people in the group, and the second he appeared, he used his gravitational force field. Being unaware of this, the four youths fell face first on the ground.

Grey didn't hold back and straight up attacked them with a powerful move.

The other six people were stunned, still confused as to why the four youths fell on the ground when Grey appeared.


Grey's attack exploded out, and a bright light soon followed after. All four youths used their talismans to escape what would've been a fatal attack for them. Luckily, they were able to move even in the gravitational force field.

Grey hadn't gotten to the level where he could make those in the Late stages of the Overlord Plane become immobile, what he could do was to slow down their speed.

"Lucky." Grey clicked his tongue before turning to the other six, he tilted his head to the side to get a good view of their faces.

"Wha… what just happened?" A young lady among the remaining six asked, confused.

"He took out four of them simultaneously, and you guys are next." Kieth said coldly.

He was currently standing on the other side of the group, prepared to attack the moment Grey moves.

After using the gravitational force field in the presence of the others, it would be difficult for him to use it to catch them off guard immediately, so Grey didn't plan on using it now.

"You are going to pay for this." The young lady who was the leader of the group said slowly and coldly.

One of the people eliminated was a close friend of hers, so she would never forgive Grey for this.

"I'm only doing to you what you wanted to do to me. I see no wrong in that." Grey stated and attacked ruthlessly.

Keith, seeing this, attacked as well. He had been raring to go for a long time now, so when this chance came, he attacked excitedly. Grey had been the one doing all the fighting, so he was getting a little bored of only watching.

The group of six were taken aback, they were the ones who had more numbers, yet Grey and Keith were the ones who took the initiative in attacking. This was one of the weirdest things they had experienced.

They attacked as well. Keith fought against two while Grey was fighting against the other four. Keith's opponents were in the Eighth and Seventh stage respectively. Grey had two people in the Ninth stage, and the other two were in the Seventh stage.

Of the four people he eliminated during the first attack, two were in the Ninth stage, while the other two were in the Seventh stage.

A few minutes after the start of the battle, the group realized something horrible, Grey was not someone they could mess with. Unfortunately, it was too late for them.

"Hey, why don't we just end this amicably and leave?" One of the young men in the group asked.

Grey's strength was terrifying, it scared them. At this moment, they knew the chances of them being eliminated was very high. Grey wasn't giving them any chance to even escape. One has to know that he was fighting against four people, and he still had the upper hand. After going through a tough battle against such a powerful snake as well.

Grey didn't even bother to listen to the pleas of the young man, and continued his attack on them. As time went on, he was forced to use his talisman.

With the young man gone, the pressure on the others increased. Grey's strength was above theirs, but what made him this horrifying was his versatility. Having more elements made him a complete fighter. Adding his physique to it made things worse for others.

They could barely keep up with his speed, yet he's even faster if he used his physical body enhanced with his elements.

Ten minutes later.

Only the young lady who was the leader of the group was left. Keith had also dealt with his opponents. Although he was fighting against two people, he was able to deal with them. Grey taking out most of their companions gave him a helping hand since it distracted them for him to take the advantage.

"Why are you so powerful?" The young lady asked with gritted teeth.

"Because I don't want to be bullied by the likes of you." Grey said and opened his palm which had a fireball on it. He sent it her way and she was covered by a bright light after using the talisman.

She was already at the end of the trial, but making the mistake of attacking Grey cost her a spot in the Faction.

Keith looked at the freakish Grey, even though he knew he would be victorious, he still found it amazing. Grey was too powerful to still be in the Overlord Plane.