
Affinity:Chaoschapter 814: golden fur panther

Grey followed the crowd as they entered the Faction ground. After entering, he felt just how thick the elemental essence here was. Cultivating in a place like this would boost his speed. With the increase of his elemental grades, he would need a lot of essence to break through.

The men in front of them led them to a place that led to a forest. This place was fenced round, and a powerful array was surrounding it.

'This is probably where they keep the beasts.' Grey thought as he looked at the place.

After they got to the place, the gate was opened and each person was allowed inside, a talisman was given to them. The men also told them of the rules once again. They didn't forget to advise them to use the talisman whenever they sensed a threat since there are beasts in the place that had abilities to kill some of them with a single blow.

It soon got to Grey's turn and he was given the talisman. After taking the talisman, he stepped into the forest.

From the moment he stepped into the place, he heard the roars of beasts coming from deep in the forest. He also sensed the powerful auras of the beasts, however, none of them exceeded the Overlord Plane, so he didn't feel too bothered.

All he had to do was to survive for seven days in a place where only Overlord Plane magical beasts occupied, he had no problems with staying there for a year, much less seven days.

'What do we do first?' Void asked.

'We'll scout the place for now.' Grey said as he walked into the forest.

Some of the youths who came inside were creating groups with people they were familiar with. There were also some people who formed a group even though they were not familiar with each other. Most of the people who decided to move alone were either in the Ninth stage of the Overlord Plane or at the Peak.

Grey and a few others in the Seventh stage were the ones who didn't join a group, deciding to move on their own.

Time passed by quickly and before they knew it, a day had passed.

Grey was still moving around, the place was quite big, and since he wasn't in any hurry, he took his time. He had avoided all the beasts in his path. As things stand, he was probably the only one who hadn't engaged any beast in a battle since entering the place.

While moving, he encountered a young man who was at the Peak of the Overlord Plane fighting against a beast in the Ninth stage of the Overlord Plane.

'Let's watch.' Void suggested, he was bored of just moving, so seeing someone fighting against a beast, he wanted to at least use it as a means of entertainment.

'Hmm, okay.' Grey nodded.

He knew his presence would alert the young man, so he tried to ensure that he stayed unnoticed.

The young man was a Dual Elementalist, having the fire and water elements. It was a powerful combination, and the young man was good at using the two elements.

Grey watched the young man slowly gain the edge in the battle. After almost five minutes of gruesome battle, the young man was able to finally kill the beast. He extracted the core and kept it in his storage ring.

The body of the beast wasn't too important to him, so he left it lying and continued on his path.

Just as he was about to leave, a large panther jumped out from the side, with golden fur. The panther charged at the young man.

The young man didn't notice the panther early, so he was hit by the first strike of the panther even though he tried dodging. Luckily, he only got a scratch.

The young man looked at the panther and his pupils dilated when he saw the color of the panther. This panther was already at the Peak of the Overlord Plane, but that was not worried the young man, what he was scared of was the specie of the panther. Golden fur panthers are regarded among the top-leveled cats, having a very high bloodline. Their strength was also something to take note of.

A Golden fur panther can easily defeat a normal panther on the same stage as itself. Presently, this panther was not something this young man could deal with on his own.

Without delay, the young man sent out an attack and ran in the other direction. The panther spat out a golden light that destroyed the attack the young man sent his way and rushed after him.

Around the body of the panther was a golden hue that made it move faster than normal.

'A beast with a high bloodline, nice.' Grey commented and rushed after the panther.

Other than Dragons and Griffins, this was probably the magical beast with the highest bloodline he had encountered. He wasn't adding Void to this category since Void was a little different.

The panther quickly caught up to the young man and started attacking it. From its eyes, Grey discerned that its intelligence was nothing like other magical beasts. This was a trait common in beasts with high bloodlines, they all had improved intelligence which helped them in surviving.

The panther was able to hurt the young man within two minutes of attacking. The young man was frightened, and he was already thinking of using the talisman to escape.

The only reason he was waiting was because he didn't want to give up so easily, but if he sees there was no hope of escaping from this beast, then he would use it.

Grey's figure flashed and he appeared in front of the panther. With a fireball, he forced it back.

His appearance startled the panther, but it didn't worry when it sensed Grey's strength. To it, Grey was another victim it would kill in no time.

The young man heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Grey and quickly rushed forward.

"We can fight it together." He offered.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine on my own. You can heal up on the side." Grey turned to look at the young man, but he quickly gazed back at the panther.