
Affinity:Chaoschapter 812: parting gift

Gil and the group were able to easily subdue all the horned men in that area. Given their large numbers, it wasn't a surprise that they did.

Even the Peak Overlord Plane Elementalists who were the most difficult to deal with had been defeated.

"You all should start going, there should be people on the other side of the portal to protect you. But be prepared for anything just in case." The leader of the group said to the people they rescued.

To be safe, he sent one Peak Overlord Plane Elementalist to lead the way.

"Connor, are we going to have to wait for him?" One of the ladies in the group asked the leader of the group.

Connor looked at her, "Of course. Without his help, we wouldn't have been able to easily rescue these people, nor would we have been able to get to this place. Besides, he's not here because he's trying to ensure we don't face any issues when leaving."

When they were fighting against the Peak Overlord Plane horned men, they suddenly realized that had their numbers been many, then they wouldn't have been able to even breach this place, much less escape. These horned men at the Peak of the Overlord Plane were very difficult to deal with, even for them. They couldn't help but wonder how Grey had been dealing with them for the past two days.

"I know, I just wanted to confirm if we have to wait for him, even if more experts come." The young lady said.

"Hmm, we'll have to wait till then, but for now, we're waiting. With his speed, he would get here in a few minutes." Connor replied before sitting down.

The people they rescued were already gradually using the portal and teleporting to the Aurora Continent. It would take a while before they left since the people numbered in hundreds. They couldn't flood the portal since there was the fear that it might collapse.

On Grey's end.

Grey was still fighting with the old men as he ran through the city, ensuring that he was not caught in an encirclement. If he allowed that to happen, then he would have to suffer from being hit. No matter how powerful his body was, it was not indestructible, so he would feel pain when hit.

Five more Peak Overlord Plane horned men had joined in on the battle, each on the same level as the old man. With the speed of the first old man, he was able to catch up to him for some time, giving the others the chance to get close to him and attack.

'Void, aren't you done yet?' Grey could barely hold on against these men.

Even after using multiple horns, they were still able to not only catch up, but they attacked in a well-coordinated manner, giving him almost zero chances of dodging.

'More are coming, but I will get it soon, don't worry. Just hang on a little longer.' Void's voice resounded in his head.

'Damn it!' Grey couldn't help but complain.


He slammed into the ground after receiving a blow from one of the old men. He tried entangling them in a close ranged battle, but their physical prowess was above any of the horned men he had fought against before.

After standing up from the rubble, he turned around and fled in the other direction.

"You think we would let you leave?" One of the old men sneered and raised his hand, pointing at Grey.

As Grey was fleeing, he felt his body suddenly start to become heavier.

"Crap! What the hell is this?" He was shocked. His speed was reduced by almost twenty percent. In a chase like this, twenty percent was a lot.

He could barely escape from them in the first place, with his body becoming heavier, it would make things even more difficult.

The old man laughed when he saw this. When he punched Grey a few moments ago, he marked him. This mark enabled him to increase the weight of whatever it was on.

Just when they thought they finally had Grey, a strange black cat appeared on his shoulder.

'I'm done.'

Grey's figure blurred and he vanished without a trace.

"It's that skill again, he shouldn't be able…" The red horned man was on the verge of speaking when he saw the formation they created had a crack on it.

"He passed through it, just like that?" He was dumbfounded.

The space tunnel Grey created was something that they couldn't counter since it was completely different from other space tunnels.

"That direction… The portal!" One of the old men looked in the direction where the crack appeared, and without even having to think about it, they knew his destination.

"Come on!" The old man said to the others and rushed in that direction.

A few minutes later.

The old horned men appeared at the place where the portal was located, and to their anguish, all the horned men that they left there were dead, and their horns had been removed. Grey was the only one who understood the chemistry of their horns, so he was definitely the one who took them. They've also seen him use it multiple times.

"How could he take care of them in such a short time?" One of the men asked as he looked around.

The portal was currently shaking, clearly on the verge of collapsing.

"He baited us, this wasn't something he did alone. Looks like the reason they attacked the city from the start was never because they wanted the humans, they only wanted to draw us out. With the portal they used already destroyed, this was their only hope of leaving." One of the old men replied.

Not all of them knew about the appearance of another portal. The horned man clenched his fists in anger.

While they were talking, he heard two pieces of news that sent him into rage. The white desert had been infiltrated, and the next batch of geniuses who were being groomed were all killed. Even the cores that were kept in the storage were destroyed.

Not just that, but the palace was also infiltrated and a large black beast not only killed three of the top experts in the kingdom, but he also stole the treasure they acquired not too long ago.