
Affinity:Chaoschapter 794: white desert

Grey and Void camped outside the place for some time while Void told Grey what he knew of the place. From what he was able to sense, there were about twenty Peak Overlord Plane experts in the place. Not just that, but the gravity there was almost four times what it was outside. This was done probably to ward off intruders, and also as a surveillance system.

Void didn't really know too much about it.

"It will be hard, but it's not impossible. If I use my Fusion State, I can take on a few and also escape unscathed. However, that will give my trump card away." Grey contemplated after Void filled him in on the information of the place.

"Why don't I go alone, grab what I can then leave?" Void suggested.

"Hmm, that's not a bad idea, but I would like to see the facility there. Maybe there might be something I can learn from them." Grey replied.

Grey didn't mind learning from even an ant, so it was not a surprise that he wanted to learn a thing or two from this race. He had studied some of the techniques of necromancers, although he hasn't been able to go deep since there are things that he would need to know.

Some hours later, they finally came up with a plan. Void would go in and cause a ruckus. Once he has attracted the attention of those inside, Grey would then go in and try to see what he could find.

After coming to a conclusion, they acted on their plan immediately.

Void went in, and within a few seconds, the sounds of explosions started ringing from the ground.

Grey waited for Void's order before going in. A minute later, Void told him he could go in.

Grey vanished from his spot and appeared inside the tunnel underground. The place was brightly lit with luminous stones embedded on the walls. He followed the path Void directed and he soon appeared in an empty space. There were multiple horned men there, and inside some large tubes, there were some horned youths who seemed to be sleeping.

'So this is how they put the orbs in them.' He thought as he looked at what was happening.

He didn't stay there for long since he had other things to do.

Moving through the tunnel quickly, he avoided all the horned men he encountered. Luckily, they were all around the Origin Plane, so none of them could sense him. Void had successfully dragged away all the Overlord Plane horned experts there.

Grey didn't put his full trust in this since the horned people could leave some people behind. In fact, this was well within his expectations.

He moved through the corridors quickly, spreading out his spiritual senses to cover as much as he could. Wherever he sensed any abnormalities, he would go in to investigate it.

Time slowly went by, and in five minutes, other than the orbs extracted from humans, some humans who were captured, and the horned youths he saw who were in the middle of assimilating with the orbs, he hadn't found anything of interest to him.

He soon got to the deepest part of the underground organization, and he noticed the gravity there was increasingly getting stronger.

'Something must definitely be here.' His eyes sparkled as he rushed down.

He increased his cautiousness to the peak since he knew this would be the most guarded place in the entire underground.

Before he traveled within twenty meters, he noticed a change, and his expression couldn't help but change.

"We've been waiting for you."

Grey heard a voice and quickly retreated. When he saw the people in front of him, his pupils shrunk.


A few hours back.

After Grey brought out the horned man to question him about the white desert and left. Two figures appeared on the spot Grey and Void were hiding.

The two figures had the same appearance as that of the horned man Grey brought out from questioning. The only difference was that they had different horn colors.

"Brother was here." One of the figures said.

"Hmm, he left a secret message. Looks like he was captured." The other figure replied.

One of the two figures had blue horns, while the other one had black horns.

"A Space Elementalist has him." The figure with black horns said.

"Tricky. Can you track him?" The one with blue horns asked.

The figure with black horns closed his eyes for a few seconds, and after opening his eyes, he looked in the direction Grey and Void headed.

"If we had come a little later, then I wouldn't have been able to find him." The one with black horns replied with a smile.

"You were the one who said we should wait a little longer." The one with blue horns couldn't help but complain.

"Coming too soon will put brother in danger. Don't worry, if my guess is correct, then they should be headed towards the white desert." The black-horned man said.

"Alright. But we should be sure of this before we make our move." The blue-horned man nodded.

He didn't doubt his brother since they had gone on countless missions together.

"I wonder if it's one of those humans who sneaked in, or maybe it's one of our people." The black-horned man said with a chuckle.

"We'll find out soon enough." The blue-horned man said before the duo vanished.

They tracked Grey and Void, without the knowledge of the duo. They didn't get close to them since they didn't want to alert them. Even though this meant that they wouldn't know if the person or people they were chasing was human or not.

After three days, they finally confirmed that the people they were chasing were heading to the white desert. They immediately removed humans from their suspect list since there was no way they would be able to know of this. According to what they know, the humans hadn't been there for long.

They went ahead of Grey and Void and entered the white desert, preparing for the people coming.