
Affinity:Chaoschapter 786: increase in physical strength

Chapter 786 - Increase In Physical Strength

Grey knocked out the horned man before he continued the journey. He was not stupid enough to let the man travel with him. Even if the man was under his constant supervision, he didn't know if there was a way they could communicate with others without him knowing.

They could easily ambush him, and that would be deadly, even for someone like him. Void was his greatest help here, and he couldn't afford to let Void absorb the treasure since he would sleep after absorbing it. That would leave only him here, which would be very dangerous for him.

He didn't know if the restrictions of this realm would stop him from using the talismans he got from his Teacher, so the best plan was to avoid encirclement as much as possible.

Three days later.

Grey had surprisingly encountered some humans, and their condition was a little saddening, well, to others. He wasn't too bothered with them. Just like what the chubby horned man said, almost all the humans he saw had lost their cultivation, and they were all used as slaves. There were even a few that were being killed by kids.

The few that still had their cultivation were all dumped in the arena for a battle against beasts. Winning meant that they could keep their lives.

In these three days, Grey had infiltrated four cities, since he was stronger than almost everyone there, it was impossible for them to sense him. He studied how they lived and what they did. One of the things that piqued his interest was a training mechanism they had in a room. It enhanced the gravity in the room.

When he tried to remove it, he realized it was part of the ground. It also alerted people around.

"I wonder how those guys are doing?" Void asked as they chewed on the flesh of meat.

They were currently eating a new delicacy Grey learned in this realm. Surprisingly, the food here was top-notch. He kidnapped the best cook in all the cities he visited and learned from them. He killed them afterward since he couldn't afford to give away his position.

When he sent the first meal to his Teacher, the feedback he got was somewhat funny since his Teacher said he should prepare only this type of meal for him. According to him, this was the best thing he had tasted in his life, and he had tasted a whole lot of food.

Grey informed him about his current location, and his Teacher surprisingly only spoke about food. Only telling him to take care of himself after receiving the second round of food.

"Which of them?" Grey asked.

"The ones we came in here with." Void replied.

"They should be okay I guess. I noticed some unrest in the last city we entered, if I'm correct, it should be their doing. They should be searching for the Capital, just like us." Grey said his thoughts.

"Hmm, maybe." Void said before emptying the content in his bowl into his mouth.

Grey didn't say anything and finished his meal as well. In the space of three days, his physical body had improved to the Fifth stage of the Overlord Plane. The speed of his growth was insane.

He was also very close to comprehending the gravitational field. His earth elemental grade had increased to the blue grade, after years of staying stagnant in the purple grade.

'This place is great!' He thought internally after sensing his growth in only three days.

He continued his training while Void slept. In the blink of an eye, three more days went by.

Grey was hiding behind a tree as he stared at the city gate. This city was larger than the previous ones he had seen, and the gravitational force here was way higher than it was in the other cities.

'The Capital.' Void said telepathically.

Grey nodded before looking in the other direction. He squinted his eyes as he could see some familiar faces.

A cart was heading out, in it was a cage that had tens of people inside. The group of geniuses he encountered in the first town he sensed the attack of the horned people were here.

'Oh, to think they weren't killed. How lucky.' He said to himself before hiding in the bushes.

The cart was being escorted by six horned men in the Ninth stage of the Overlord Plane, while there were five Seventh, and Sixth stage Overlord Plane horned men. Altogether, there were twenty people, but the others were of no importance to Grey.

'You finally want to save some people?' Void couldn't help but ask.

'They're lucky their orbs hadn't been extracted yet, or I would've left them alone. Going back to the Aurora Continent without their cultivation base would only send them into depression, wishing for nothing else but death.' Grey explained.

Void nodded in understanding. These geniuses were already at the top, if they were reduced to normal people, then they might lose their minds. Of course some would be grateful that they kept their lives.

Grey followed the cart for some time, and after almost five hours, he deemed it was time for him to attack. This place was far enough, so they wouldn't be able to call for reinforcement.

Just as he was about to step out, he sensed something odd and stopped. Inside the cage was another familiar face. It was one of the geniuses he met at the gorge, and the young lady was preparing an attack.

He paused and decided to wait by the side. Watching what would happen was the best thing to do, for now.


A loud explosion rang out, but it wasn't from the cage. But from the side of the cart.

The cart fell on its side, and the young lady managed to keep everyone from injuries since she was already prepared for it.

The horned men never expected an attack, so they were thrown off guard. After this attack, five youths jumped out from the woods by the side and attacked.

Grey recalled one of them as the young man who seemed to be the leader of the group.