
Affinity:Chaoschapter 782: portal to another realm

Chapter 782 - Portal To Another Realm

The group of youths stared at Grey, studying him for a while. When they realized he was in a lower stage, they were taken aback since he managed to get here with such a stage.

"How did you get here?" The young man leading the group asked coolly.

Grey looked at them for a few seconds before telling them about the strange occurrence and how he saw some of the horned men and followed them here.

The group looked at him, they naturally didn't believe him, but they couldn't say he was lying either. They knew how difficult it was to fight against these horned people, getting information from them was even harder. But with their strength, they were able to do so in the end.

'Maybe he encountered those in lower stages.'

They concluded internally.

"You shouldn't advance any further. From here on out, things will start to get dangerous." The young man leading the group of six advised.

"Thanks for your concern, but I think I can manage." Grey replied with a calm expression.

The young man looked at him for a few seconds, before nodding, "Alright, but try not to get in our way."

Grey nodded before heading in the other direction. He sensed the pride of a genius in everyone in the group, but unlike most of the people he encountered, their pride was ingrained in them, not something forced. They didn't need to show off to others or undermine people just to feel at the top. They already knew they were at the top, so what was the use of trying to get people to know or see that.

After Grey left. The group of six exchanged glances.

"Doesn't he look a little like that man?" One of the ladies in the group asked.

"Oh, you thought the same as well?" The young man leading the group asked.

"Yes." The young lady nodded.

"We should complete this mission and head back soon. It's only a small resemblance, we can't assume things." Another young man said. His eyes were colder compared to the others.

"We know, Gil, but we just couldn't help ourselves from speaking about it." The young lady who spoke the first time said.

After they finished speaking, they continued their journey.

Grey took another path because of the group, so his trip became a little longer than his usual expectations, but he could tell he was getting closer. The reason for this was that the horned people he was seeing now were all around the Early stages of the Overlord Plane. Not just that, but he could sense a heaviness in the surrounding as well.

'It's just like the formation they made.' He thought to himself.

With the faintness of the force field, once it gets to a certain level, then he would find it difficult to use his elements.

'This is going to be very dangerous.' He said to Void.

'Coat yourself with the darkness element, it can help for now. But I don't think it would help once you get to a region where the strength of the force field increases to the level of the one they made when you fought against them.' Void replied.

Grey nodded and did as Void advised. He realized the pressure from the force field reduced significantly.

He gave Void a thumbs up before removing it. This was a rare opportunity for him to train his physical body, why would he waste it?

When Void saw this, he shook his head. He knew the reason Grey was doing this was to enhance his physical strength.

'Such a weird person.' He thought internally.

Grey was not bothered with what Void was thinking. Now, taking out these people were starting to become hard. Due to the force field, any spatial disturbance was easily noticed, even by those with low space sensitivity.

If Grey tried to sneak up on them, they would sense him. Void, however, had no such fears. He had the legendary black elemental grade, so his space control was way ahead of Grey's. He focused on taking out the scouts, while Grey focused on training his physical body.

Time went by, and in three more hours, the duo got to the middle, and before them was a spiraling portal.

'This should be the passage to their realm. The most difficult part of our challenge.' Grey said to Void.

The place was guarded by ten Peak Overlord Plane Elementalists. This showed how important it was.

'We should watch for now.' Grey said.

Void had no issues with Grey's decision. Grey sat down and started training his physical body with the pressure he was feeling from the powerful force field. In a place like this, he would advance by leaps and bounds. He could already notice the increase in his physical strength.

Void shut his eyes and started cultivating. Grey had always viewed Void's method of cultivation with envy. Unlike others, Void actually used sleep as a method of cultivation.

Humans couldn't take this risk because of the fear of their elemental essence passing through the wrong channels and causing severe damages. But Void didn't seem to have such fears as he slept away.

Two hours later.

Grey was still cultivating when he heard a noise. Opening his eyes, he looked in the direction of the portal and saw a group of horned men walking over with large cages that were floating behind them.

There were over ten people in each cage. What surprised Grey was the familiar face he saw in them.

'Aren't those the guys we saw in the first town?' He asked Void.

He still recalled the face of the man who acted arrogantly just because he was from a Faction. He never thought the group would be caught by the people they seemingly thought they were hunting.

'That arrogant guy on a bird?' Void asked to confirm.

Grey pointed at the cage holding the group.

'It's truly him. What a shame, his arrogance couldn't help him in the battle.' Void mocked.

Grey chuckled when he heard this. The young man tried to look down on Grey when they last saw, never in his life would he think that he would be the one in a cage, while Grey would be watching from the side.