
Affinity:Chaoschapter 769: a fallout ?

Chapter 769 - A Fallout ?

They were all given a two hours break before the start of the final battle.

"You two better not disgrace me." Reynolds said.

"You're saying that to us? Even without Grey I can take them on my own, much less now that I know I have him by my side. Unlike you who was beaten up, I don't think I'll ever get into a situation like that." Klaus snickered.

Reynolds wanted to speak but he gave up in frustration. Klaus had been using this to hold him down whenever they argued since the start of this round. Since Klaus hadn't really taken a good beating, he had the upper hand.

"Hey, bud, why don't you let them beat him up for a while. Just for a small while, that's all I'm asking for." Reynolds whispered to Grey.

Klaus and the others heard him clearly and Alice couldn't help but laugh.

"I heard you. But did I tell anyone to beat you up? No! You went there to get beat up on your own. Hehe, genius." Klaus continued mocking.

"Don't worry, I'll beat him up myself." Grey said with a soft smile.

"Hehe, you think you're my opponent? I can beat you with my eyes closed. Even in your dreams, I can still beat you up." Klaus bragged.

"Don't forget, I'm now in the Eighth stage and you're still in the Seventh stage, show me some respect." He added.

"I really want to beat you up even more now." Grey said slowly.

"You, my friend, don't stand a chance against me." Klaus poked Grey on the shoulder.

Before the group knew it, the two hours they were given elapsed in the blink of an eye. Klaus and Reynolds spent the entire time bickering, while Grey was unfortunately dragged into it by Klaus who said even if he was crippled, he would still beat Grey up.

While the duo walked toward the platform, Klaus leaned closer to Grey and whispered.

"Hey bud, you know I'm joking right. Don't forget the days you just joined the Academy, I was the one who protected you from those bad guys who wanted to bully you." Klaus said.

"Which bad guys?" Grey couldn't help but ask.

"Of course you wouldn't know of them, that's because I took them out before they could even get close to you. I was protecting you from the shadows so that you can grow strong and protect me in the future." Klaus continued cooking up things he knew never happened.

He naturally knew Grey wouldn't buy it in the first place.

"Alright, look here, young man, no matter what you do, keep my face out when you want to fight against me. Okay?" Klaus finally accepted his fate of being beaten up by Grey.

"Noted, any other special requests?" Grey asked.

"Can you forfeit the fight once we've eliminated them?" Klaus asked with a smile.

Grey looked at him with an odd expression.

"What? I said I should try, who knows, maybe you will let me win since I'm such a great guy." Klaus defended himself when he saw Grey's expression.

They soon stepped onto the platform and their opponents were already there. It was just like the case of Alice and Reynolds, it was two against three. The three teamed up, even though they were aware that they stood no chance against Grey and Klaus.

Both Grey and Klaus had fought in a three-way battle and won comfortably. Klaus' battle might be a fluke since he used trickery, but he won nonetheless. Grey's battle was more convincing.

However, even if two of them held Grey back, the last person wouldn't necessarily be able to defeat Klaus. Klaus had shown his strength since the start of the competition, and it was evident that he was no pushover. Other than Grey, there were very few people here who could trouble him. And those people weren't part of the competition.

The trio stared at the duo, their gazes were fixated on Grey in particular.

Klaus, seeing this couldn't help but cough out softly to draw their attention. It worked as expected, and he got them looking at him for a while.

Whenever they looked at Grey, he would make another sound to draw their attention once again.

Grey almost facepalmed as he saw this. Klaus was just a typical crazy person. In fact, a crazy person might not be as bad as he was.

The man in charge of the battle stepped forward and after confirming if all five participants were ready, he called for the start of the battle.

Grey and Klaus didn't make any moves after the man called for the start of the battle, rather, they watched their opponents.

"I advise you to make your move first, it wouldn't be good if I grab all the spotlight, again." Klaus said to Grey.

"What are you even saying?" Grey rolled his eyes.

"I'm saying you should show some of your moves so that people will at least know you're powerful. I don't want you to say I hoarded the spotlight." Klaus spoke confidently.

The trio looked at the duo in confusion, they initially thought Klaus was speaking to them, only to realize he was arguing with Grey.

"What's going on?" One of the young ladies asked, a little confused.

"I think they're having a fallout." The young man said.

"Do you think they're playing around?" The other lady asked.

"Let's continue watching." The young man wasn't in a hurry. He was currently thinking of how they would eliminate Klaus first, then Grey would have to face three of them alone.

Just as they were still contemplating if Klaus and Grey were truly having a fallout, Grey sent Klaus flying in their direction.

Klaus landed in front of them and cleaned his body.

"Fine, we'll beat you up together." Klaus said in annoyance and turned to the dumbstruck trio.

"Don't even think you three can fight him alone. I've been friends with him for some time now, I know some of his secrets, so what do you say we beat him up together?" Klaus started to rile up the trio.

"Really?" The young man asked, he was still very cautious of Klaus.

Klaus was standing around five meters away from them.

"Of course, he's very annoying." Klaus said as he walked closer to the group.

"In fact, I know a skill of his that once he's within ten meters of you, you're done." Klaus said in a matter of fact manner.

"Please tell us." The young man said.

Klaus was currently standing around two meters away from them.

"Tell? Why don't you see for yourself." Klaus chuckled, "Bye."


As soon as Klaus finished his statement, his figure changed to that of Grey's.