
Affinity:Chaoschapter 764: repeating her words

Chapter 764 Repeating Her Words

Boom! Bang!

The young lady managed to open a hole in the ice Klaus was hiding in and sent him crashing out of it.

Klaus slammed into the ground of the platform, but the water armor he made at the start of the battle became useful. With its flexibility, it was able to take over eighty percent of the impact.

Klaus also used it to get back on his feet in a matter of milliseconds. He didn't want the young lady to get the advantage of being able to attack him while he was on the ground.

He could tell that he had already infuriated her to the level she wanted him dead, but he didn't care. According to an old saying, "All's fair in love and war".

The young lady was already angered from the start of the battle, the longer the fight lasted, the more infuriated she became.

"Your mouth should be cut off!" The young lady screamed in agony and attacked with brutality that showed she wanted Klaus dead.

"I already told you to stop speaking too much, see now, you're bleeding and I haven't even tried to attack you yet." Klaus pointed at the lips of the young lady which already had blood on it.

The young lady bit her lips in annoyance and accidentally injured them. Klaus picked this and used it against her.

The young lady was on the verge of going mad.

The man in charge of the platform was lost. He didn't know what to do. If the battle continued in this manner, the young lady might lose her sanity.

This was the first time he was witnessing a battle like this. He couldn't say it was against the rules since all Klaus did was talk. But to him, Klaus' mouth was even more dangerous than his elemental attacks.

"You see, he's evil." Reynolds laughed as he said to Kyle.

Kyle felt a little fear as he watched Klaus send the young lady into a frenzy with a few words. Even with his calm attitude, he was a hundred percent certain that he would try to kill Klaus if he was on the platform fighting against him right now.

The Elders from the Factions looked at each other, amused. They couldn't say they found Klaus' tactic underhanded. In a real battle, a plan like this could help a person escape certain death. Of course you would get an enemy of a lifetime, but it didn't matter. In this case, Klaus knew he was at a disadvantage from the start, so he prepared his defensive measures and started to rile the young lady up.

The young lady would certainly slip up at this rate, and Klaus would take full advantage of it to defeat his opponent. The young lady didn't know how to control her emotions, and Klaus was taking full advantage of that.

If Klaus tried this against someone like Grey who rarely showed his emotions, it would most likely fail, but against people who find it difficult to control their emotions, they would fall for this most of the time.

The Elder or the Faction the young lady joined took note of this and was prepared to recommend a special training for her that would help her keep her emotions in check.

Klaus was slowly getting the chance he was waiting for. The young lady had been able to block most of his fatal attacks, but a few had made contact. Presently, there was ice on some parts of the young lady's body.

The ice was unable to cover her entire body because she used the darkness element to corrode them. If not for the fact that it was made from the heavy water, it would've already been completely destroyed by now.

Klaus continued his words as he didn't want the young lady to gain the advantage again.

As time went on, the young lady started to make more and more mistakes. Klaus didn't let the chances go as he attacked with every opportunity he got.

Three minutes later, the young lady was lying on the ground, exhausted and almost completely frozen by deep blue ice.

Klaus walked up to her and said, "I told you this would happen."

He turned around and walked away from the platform, however, just as he was about to leave the platform he paused and turned to look at the young lady.

"You're not my opponent." He repeated the same words the young lady said to him at the start of the battle. The difference was that the battle had ended, and he was the victorious one.

The man in charge of the platform stepped forward to remove the ice, and just like Klaus' previous opponents, the young lady was almost freezing inside and was suffering from a severe cold.

"Such a dirty move." Reynolds said as Klaus returned.

"All's fair in love and war. I saw a chance and took it." Klaus didn't feel annoyed by Reynolds' statement.

"How did you know she would react that way?" Kyle asked.

"Oh, from the way she spoke the first time she stepped on the platform, I knew she was proud. So I took a gamble, guess I was lucky." Klaus replied.

"Hmm, the only issue is that although your strategy gave you the victory, it also took too long." Grey joined in on the conversation.

"Yeah, but you already saw how things were, I can't beat her without advancing to the next stage." Klaus sighed, "I'll think of what to do if I am one of the people in the three-way battle for the last spot in the top ten."

Grey nodded and they watched the other battles that took place. Klaus was the fifth person that battled, and he currently had the longest battle, lasting over ten minutes. In these ten minutes, he mostly defended while the young lady attacked.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining seven battles were completed and the last three people were identified. Klaus was unfortunately part of the trio involved in the three-way battle.

"Such a bad day." Klaus sighed in dejection.