
Affinity:Chaoschapter 642: just what i was waiting for

Chapter 642 - Just What I Was Waiting For

"This is not our problem," Augustus Gale, the Emperor of the Qilin Empire said calmly.

He had the same thoughts as the old men, only, in the scenario he planned out in his mind, he didn't add the part where he would be sacrificed if Chris decided to pursue the matter. And he didn't think Chris would since all he said was that they should let go of kids, if not for the old men from the other empires wanting to see if they could defeat him, then he would've let them go.

"Hmph! Do you think he can defeat us? Hehe, you don't know what's good for you." The old men snorted before looking at the other two empires, "You all saw the reaction of the Qilin Empire, once we're done with this fool, then we can team up once again to deal with them,"

The Sage Plane experts from the other empires exchanged glances, they could all tell that the old man from the Azure Empire wanted to use this opportunity to deal with the Qilin Empire, but to be honest, they found the behavior of the Qilin Empire shameless, so they nodded in agreement.

Chris, who was encircled, sneered when he saw this, and a soft smile crept into his face, he quickly hid the smile. A plan was seemingly brewing in his head.

Swoosh! Bang!

The group started their attack on him. Chris being a Light Elementalist could already be called too fast, adding his wind element as well, it was impossible for these attacks to touch him.

He disappeared with the breeze, appearing thousands of meters away within a second. His current speed was even more terrifying than when Grey uses the Great Void technique. Of course, it's only because Grey has a lower mastery, as well as being on a lower Plane. If they were on the same Plane, it would be a totally different story.

Chris continued dodging the attacks of the group while using his fire element to send out attacks.

Being attacked from different angles made things a little difficult for him, but he still managed to completely dodge all the attacks sent his way.

Oliver stared at the figure of Chris, and couldn't help but find something amiss. Chris has always been an aggressive person when battling, the only reason he would focus more on dodging is either because he was not strong enough to defeat his opponent, or he was conjuring up a plan to handle them.

In the eyes of the Qilin Empire and the other three empires though, Chris' current action meant that he didn't have the strength to fight against all of them. This meant that he was powerful enough to defeat one or two people, but once the number increased to over twenty, he was hopeless. But they didn't find it odd though, after all, who could fight against over twenty opponents in the same Plane with only a small difference in stage.

Augustus Gale turned to look in the direction of the three old men and noticed the expression of the two old men changed. They were most likely thinking of what to do. Initially, with the way Chris appeared, it looked like he wouldn't have a problem with defeating all of them, but now, things didn't look too good for him. He might be fast, but he wouldn't be able to dodge all the attacks forever. The moment he's hit by one, more would follow.

"If we stand idly and watch, then once they kill him, they will have every reason to gang up on us. However, if we decide to join the battle now, we might draw hatred from that guy, but since we're on our turf, we could still find a way to negotiate with those old guys." The twin brother of the previous Emperor said slowly.

"My thoughts as well. Looks like this guy was only putting on 'false bravado'. Let's watch a little longer," The twin who was an Emperor replied to his brother's statement.

Swoosh! Boom! Bang!

The attacks continued raining on Chris, and after being able to dodge for a minute or so, an attack finally landed on his back, sending him crashing into the ground.


A dust cloud rose into the sky from where he landed.

When the dust settled, Chris could be seen standing upright, but a large crater was on the ground, and the trees around a six hundred meters radius of where he landed had been blown away by the impact of the crash.

Grey and his friends were stunned by what they witnessed, not expecting Chris who they highly respected to be in such a state after a small bout. He hadn't even been given the chance to take out a single individual, being bombarded from all sides.

Chris didn't show any panicked expressions, he dust himself and took flight once again. Charging into battle with a confident face.

"We can't sit still any longer. If they kill him on his own, then we'll be in a ton of trouble." Augustus' father said to the twins.

They nodded as well before calling on some of the other Sage Plane Elementalists.

The Sage Plane experts currently fighting against Chris were already more than twenty, thirty-five to be precise. With the addition of over ten more from the Qilin Empire, Chris' defeat looked to be around the corner.

While battling with his opponents, Chris saw the group from the Qilin Empire rushing into battle from the corner of his eyes, and a grin formed on his face. But since he was currently moving at a speed impossible to track for the others, they couldn't see his expression.

'Just what I was waiting for. To think they didn't even wait for long,' He thought to himself.

With his speed, even if he couldn't dodge all the attacks, he wouldn't have a problem with dodging most of them, while blocking the rest with his powerful attacks. But he didn't do that immediately.

"Chris, surrender yourself now, and we will be lenient with you, if not, then you'll die here and now!" The father of Augustus yelled as they came into the battlefield.