
Affinity:Chaoschapter 620: a famous expert from three hundred years ago

Chapter 620 - A Famous Expert From Three Hundred Years Ago

"If you put it that way, yeah," Grey replied straightforwardly.

"You also threatened to cripple all of us," Jason added.

"All on the premise that he persists in his needless chase," Grey responded, his expression was the same, calm and collected.

Jason looked at him, a little taken aback by his coolheadedness even when facing him.

Klaus and the others approached the trio, all staring vigilantly at Jason. Alice in particular had an extremely furious expression, recalling how the Fifth Prince almost married her sister.

"It's been a while, how have you been?" Jason paid no heed to the stares he got from the youngsters as he turned to Delia with a warm smile.

"I've been alright," Delia replied while moving to Blake's side.

"We're not enemies, it's only a misunderstanding that will be settled shortly. If you four had come with the people sent over to the Capital in the first place, none of this would've happened," Jason turned to the youngsters who were staring at him disapprovingly.

"Given how those people came for us, I don't think the Emperor is quite welcoming towards us. From what I've heard recently, he's even trying to extract our cores," Klaus said coldly.

"All false, we only want to know whose side you're on. We have no interest in what you obtained, it's your fortuitous encounter anyway. If it was meant for someone else, then you four wouldn't have obtained it," Jason said gently.

His voice was soothing to hear, and the group almost dropped their guard against him.

'He has a way with words,' Grey thought internally as he decided to shut out whatever Jason was saying.

"I apologize for the way my father handled things, it must have startled you four," Jason continued speaking after a moment of silence.

"Enough, Jason, stop sugarcoating the Emperor's selfish desire," Blake injected before Jason could continue speaking.

He knew this friend of his. Jason was a cunning person who could easily deceive people that something was blue when everyone could clearly see that it was white.

Jason's way with words has been something he had since young, this made him the Emperor's favorite son, and also stamped his place as the Crowned Prince. It's common knowledge that even the Second Prince who was also fighting for the throne knew he stood little chance of winning against this blessed brother of his.

Jason stopped speaking and smiled in response to Blake's words.

He soon turned his attention to the battle that was ongoing.

"Hmm, what is that thing?" He finally asked.

"A corpse," Everyone replied simultaneously.

Jason gazed at them, almost wanting to scream 'Of course I know it's a corpse!'.

"What I mean is, how is it operating?" He rephrased his question.

"We're just as clueless as you are," Blake replied with a shake of his head.

His expression showed great curiosity. Jason didn't doubt him since this was the first time he was seeing or even hearing of a corpse being able to fight.

"Fascinating," He muttered as he looked at the corpse that was being suppressed by the two men who came with him.

Blake and the others exchanged glances, there was no way to were going to tell Jason about necromancers.

It didn't take long before the corpse was completely suppressed by the duo fighting against it. One of the men was a Fire Elementalist, while the other was a Lightning Elementalist. Individually, they could take down the corpse, together, it didn't even last three minutes before it was unable to move.

Both men returned with knitted brows.

Jason couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

"That thing looks exactly like a famous expert who died three hundred years ago," The Fire Elementalist replied.

"It doesn't just look like him, it can also use his signature moves. I managed to trade blows with this person once, and I'm certain that thing is him. The strength might be a little lacking compared to when he was alive, but at least ninety percent sure that he's the same as this thing," The Lightning Elementalist said.

When Jason heard of this, he gasped in surprise. If this was a powerful expert who died three hundred years ago, how was he revived?

They were still in the middle of trying to figure out how it was possible when an explosion caught their attention.


The Principal's figure retreated quickly as three corpses chased after him.

He was currently in a sorry state, and his previous appearance had been destroyed by the continuous attacks of the corpses.

Jason and the two men were stunned when they saw three more corpses. The two Sage Plane experts were particularly speechless as their bodies trembled.

Grey and the others noticed their reaction, and they were able to deduce that they might have some kind of relationship with one of the corpses.

"Mas… master," The Fire Elementalist called out with a croaked voice.

"I'll kill you!" The Lightning Elementalist's reaction was different from that of the Fire Elementalist.

Contrary to the pained expression on the face of the Fire Elementalist, he was completely overwhelmed with anger. Lightning even started to dance around his body.

Grey and the others retreated from the area, not wanting to get entangled in the brawl of an enraged Sage Plane expert.

The Fire Elementalist charged towards one of the corpses, while the Lightning Elementalist went after another.

The Lightning Elementalist drew a brilliant arc in the sky as he flew straight at the corpse.

Crackle! Bang!

A large lightning bolt struck the corpse from the sky, sending it straight to the ground.

Buzz! Boom!

The Lightning Elementalist attacked with a ball of lightning which exploded as it made contact with the corpse. Small lightning snakes exploded out of the lightning ball as they wrapped around the body of the corpse.

The corpse was still in the middle of chasing after the Principal, so it never saw the Lightning Elementalist's attack coming until it was too late.

One has to know that even for a Sage Plane Elementalist, if ambushed by someone of the same Plane, the chances of being killed were extremely high, especially since the corpse had no consciousness, so it couldn't react accordingly to the situation.