
Affinity:Chaoschapter 590: maniac on the battlefield

Grey didn't stop after killing the Wind Elementalist, he immediately gave chase. The last Instructor was an Earth Elementalist, and he was a little slower when compared to the other two, this was the main reason Grey left him for last.

With the Mayor stunned, and the two Mid stage Overlord Plane Elementalists amongst the officials who still hadn't joined in the battle, this was his best chance of removing the last guy from the picture.

Unfortunately, the Mayor didn't remain stunned for too long. After seeing Grey going after the last Instructor, he quickly charged forward, sending out attacks.

He was a Lightning Elementalist, so he was a tad faster than Grey in regards to speed. Of course, if Grey went full Space Elementalist, there was no way the Mayor would catch up to him.

Grey dodged the Mayor's attacks, but was forced to slow down when he realized what the officials were planning to do. Instead of them joining the battle against him, they all rushed towards Alice and Reynolds.

Alice and Reynolds were already in a precarious situation trying to defend against over ten Instructors. And since they weren't Inscribers like Grey, they aren't as powerful in a large fight if alone. Of course they were still slowly killing an Instructor from time to time, and Grey's inscriptions have been of great help. However, things took a turn when the officials started their assault on the duo.

One of the Mid stage Overlord Plane officials joined the other three Mid stage Overlord Plane Instructors in trying to take out the Elemental Warrior.

They could forcibly destroy it, but only if they were powerful enough. With the Elemental Warrior fighting against four people, it started to receive more damages.

In the space of a single minute, its left arm was ripped apart by an attack.

Reynolds and Alice were already bleeding as well.

Void was not in the area, so there was no way he could help.

Grey forgot about the injured Instructor and changed his direction.

When the Mayor saw where he was headed, he quickly followed.

The Earth Elementalist who was escaping soon noticed what was happening behind him, and stopped.


The Mayor attacked Grey with a lightning bolt.

"You think I will let you help your friends? You must be joking," He laughed as he continued attacking, halting Grey's movement.

"Get out of my way," Grey said calmly as he dodged the attacks.

Although he was in a hurry to help his friends, he knew they wouldn't be killed or captured so easily by this group. Even if they were largely outnumbered, they still had a trick or two hidden in their sleeves.

Old man Gerald watched with interest, musing over what Grey's decision would be. Of course he knew that there was a way for Grey to get there quicker.

He had been observing the battle closely, mostly watching Grey's movements. And from what he had seen, there's a special method Grey uses in moving. It was like he would disappear, and appear wherever he wished.

'If I'm not wrong, that's what he used to come into my office. Such a strange kid,' He said to himself.


An explosion suddenly occurred in the area where four Mid stages Overlord Plane Elementalists were fighting against the Elemental Warrior.

What accompanied the explosion, was the shrill screams of all four Elementalists, before they died down.

Everyone's attention was brought there, and to the horror of most of them, the four Elementalists were dead, and the Elemental Warrior was nowhere to be seen.

One of the people who witnessed what happened was the Earth Elementalist Grey was trying to kill. After noticing that Grey had stopped chasing him, he wanted to make Grey regret what he had been doing so he decided to join in on the battle against the Elemental warrior, he was about to get there when it suddenly exploded. Watching his fellow Instructors being killed so brutally, he couldn't help but curse aloud.

"You maniac! You self-destructed the Elemental Warrior. How can you do such a vile thing?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs while staring daggers at Reynolds.

"Hahaha, you're lucky you didn't get close. A shame, if I had known, I would've waited for a few more seconds before doing it," Reynolds laughed with blood running from the side of his mouth.

The self-destruct of the Elemental Warrior naturally had its effect on him, a powerful one. But he didn't care, as long as he was able to take out those people, he was satisfied.

The greatest disadvantage is that it would take him a few days before he could summon it again.

Alice looked at Reynolds and couldn't help but shake her head, "You're too rash when making decisions,"

"Haha, that's why I'm unpredictable!" Reynolds laughed out loud.

His present appearance made him look even more like a psychopath. To be honest, he was having a blast. This was the most fun he had experienced since the group came out of the trial land, and he wanted to take full advantage of it.

Of course he also did it as a means to stop the group they were fighting against. First of all, the death of four Mid stage Overlord Plane Elementalists would affect their resolve. Not just that, but they also have to be wary of the possibility of Reynolds being able to summon the Elemental Warrior again and repeating the same action.

Old man Gerald was laughing at the top of his lungs, enjoying what he was watching so far.

"Haha, this group is something else. I should invite them for tea once they've settled their problems with the Emperor," He smacked his leg while laughing.

Diluc soon returned to his side, "They are safe in the manor,"

"Okay. You should sit and watch the battle, it's been something else," Old man Gerald said, still keeping his focus on the battle.

Diluc looked around, and the condition of the Mayor's manor which had been leveled to the ground, as well as the way some of the corpses were shocked him. He couldn't help taking another look at Grey.

He couldn't believe this was the same boy he had to protect from Donald Reiss.

"At this rate, he shouldn't have any problems with beating you up," He said to Donald who was still present there.

Donald raised his head to look at Grey, unsure of his present emotions.