
Affinity:Chaoschapter 588: watch your tongue

Swoosh! Boom! Bang!

The attack, seemingly as if it had eyes of its own, started to go after the Early stage Overlord Plane Instructors.

With no way of outrunning them, the Instructors were forced to go head to head against them.

Alice and Reynolds used the opportunity and started to take out the weaker Instructors.

Boom! Bang!

Large explosions rang out in the Mayor's manor, and every single individual around a five hundred meters radius around the manor has either fled for their lives or are powerful enough to survive the aftereffects of the battle.

'Grey, should I?' Void suddenly asked telepathically.

Grey was fighting against four people, but he could still sense the figure that was approaching them. It was none other than the Peak Overlord Plane Elementalist Prince Casper spoke of.

'Try to be as subtle as possible, take it somewhere else. I want to see their reactions when his aura suddenly disappears,' Grey said with an evil chuckle.

They weren't the only ones who sensed the Peak Overlord Plane Elementalist. The Instructors as well as the officials from the Capital were waiting patiently for this person since he was stronger than they were and from the look of things, his appearance will put an end to the battle.

Void nodded before casually walking out of the ruined manor. No one even took note of the small black cat. After all, there was an intense battle ongoing, who would have time to stare at a cute cat?

Unbeknownst to them, this little black cat was about to send them into despair.

"You can sense that right? He's coming for you," Prince Casper said.

He was in the Early stages of the Overlord Plane, and even with his love for battles, he did not get involved in them.

"Heh! If I want you dead, you'll be long dead before he arrives," Grey retorted while dodging the attack of the Late stage Overlord Plane Instructor.

'Damn it, I need to start taking these guys out one by one,' He thought to himself.

Just as he dodged that attack, he was hit by another from one of the Mid stage Overlord Plane Instructors which pushed him back slightly and rocked his innards. Luckily, his physical strength was above normal, so he wasn't too affected by it.

He continued exchanging blows with them while using the inscriptions to distract them some of the time to make sure they didn't get the chance to hit him with a powerful attack.

His wide-range attack had already died down, and Alice and Reynolds were able to actually take out over ten Instructors, within a couple of seconds. Their efficiency was above the roof.

It was quite unexpected that three youngsters who weren't even twenty years of age yet could cause this much damage. Even though they had taken some hits, it hadn't been too effective since the attacks that hit them aren't as powerful as when they were released thanks to Grey's impressive battle awareness.

Whenever he notices that his friends were in a tight spot, he would use his inscriptions to reduce the strength of the attack or even block it for them so they wouldn't take the full brunt of the attack.

It was well known that he was the one doing most of the job here, but without his friends, there is no way he would've been able to fight against everyone here.

Just as the powerful aura was getting closer, it disappeared without a trace.


The Late stage Instructor, as well as everyone except Grey and his friends, exclaimed.

They perfectly sensed the Peak Overlord Plane Elementalist's aura, but it disappeared without a trace all of a sudden.

This came as a huge shock to the group, especially the ones fighting against Grey.

The opportunity Grey had been waiting for finally presented itself, with all four of his opponents in slight disarray, he took the chance.

Just like the Peak Overlord Plane Elementalist, he too vanished without a trace, and before anyone could figure out what was going on, he appeared behind the Late stage Overlord Plane Instructor.

His hands were covered with blue flames, he punched the Instructor's head with all the strength he could muster.

The Instructor sensed it, but it was a little too late. He hurried to move his head to the side, in a last-ditch effort to dodge the attack. Unfortunately, Grey's attack was just too quick.

Bam! Boom!

Grey's fist brushed through the side of the Instructor's head, and just as hope was about to appear in the Instructor's eyes, a large explosion rang out beside him.


The lifeless body of the Instructor fell from the sky, crashing into the ground.

When the others looked at it, their expressions were that of horror, and they couldn't help but exchange glances.

The head of the Late stage Instructor was literally blown off his body. His body was currently headless.

"He killed him, even under the pressure of fighting against three others while also helping out his friends, he still found a way to kill him," Prince Casper muttered in dread.

Staring at Grey, all he could see was a cold and ruthless killer. A young man shouldn't be this powerful, or this ruthless.

Just how many battles has he gone through that turned him into this?

This was the question going through some of the audience's heads.

"Mayor, where did my protector go?" Prince Casper turned to the Mayor, starting to get a little worried for his life.

Since Grey could take out the Late stages Overlord Plane Instructor, it was only a matter of time before he killed off the Mid stage Instructors as well.

Once he was done with that, it was evident that he was the next person in the queue.

"He disappeared, I can't sense him anywhere in the city," The Mayor answered, stumped.

"He's right, that person is not in the city," Old man Gerald added when he saw that Prince Casper was about to ask him.

"What are you all staring at?! Stop them now! Kill them if possible!" Prince Casper turned to the officials, as well as the Mayor.

He also turned to look at old man Gerald.

"Even your father can't order me around, boy. Watch your tongue," Old man Gerald snorted coldly before taking a seat.

He wasn't even interested in watching the battle standing anymore, he wanted to enjoy it.. It's not every day one gets to see a battle of this scale.