
Affinity:Chaoschapter 500: defeating a genius in the geniuses rankings

"Oh, looks like I managed to force you back," Harry said gently.

"Yeah, looks like it," Grey replied with a slight nod.

Given his speed, he didn't think that Harry would've been able to sense him, but when he felt the small flakes of flames touching him, he knew that it was a type of sensory ability.

"Other than those guys in the Second stage, you're the only one who's given me a tough time. I must admit, for someone in the Origin Plane, you're quite powerful," Harry complimented.

He was someone who was ranked in the genius rankings, for someone who was a Plane behind him to fight him to this extent, it showed just how powerful the person was. He didn't think there are any other geniuses that's this monstrous.

"You're not bad yourself, but we should continue, I still have others to fight against," Grey said.

"Confident, the next time my attack hits you, you'll be sent out of the platform," Harry responded.

Buzz! Bang!

Grey stomped on the ground before shooting into the air, floating gently in the sky, he spread out his hands.

"Lightning rain," He muttered, while the lightning attack started, another more powerful attack started to form, "Meteor descent,"

These were attacks that usually covered large areas making it difficult for the opponent to defend against. The lightning rain can incapacitate his opponent with the paralyzing ability, while meteor descent will crush the opponent with its superior strength.

He made sure not to add the earth element, making the attack weaker than when he originally used it with the earth element.

Harry squinted his eyes when he saw the attacks raining down on him, he couldn't help but feel slightly worried. Although these attacks covered large areas, their powers were in no way weak, which was against the norms.

With him standing in the middle, a fire started to spread out, before rising. This wasn't an attack he could evade unless he left the platform, and leaving the platform was the same as admitting defeat.

The fire formed a red screen cube, with him standing in the middle. This was his best bet, defending against it.

While he was inside the cube, he was making a fire arrow, condensing as much firepower as he possibly could, not forgetting to conceal the aura from Grey. His current plan was simple, even if he was going to lose, he wanted to make sure Grey wouldn't go unscathed.

Crash! Buzz! Bang!

Grey's attacks came crashing down on the fire screen, with cracks soon starting to spread from the first few attacks.

Harry didn't glance at the fire screen that was cracking, focusing his attention on the single arrow in front of him. The aura coming out of the fire arrow was more than any of the attacks he had released so far.

It didn't take long before the screen fell apart, leaving Harry at the mercy of Grey's attacks. It was at the same time that he released the arrow that he had infused with so much essence.

The speed of the arrow was alarming, blasting towards Grey.

Grey and Harry's attacks got to their opponent at the same time.

Harry coated himself with flames, exploded out like a volcano trying to fight against the lightning and fire attack from Grey.

Grey wasn't able to sense the arrow in time, only noticing it when it was already within three feet away from him. His hairs stood on end and without even thinking, he vanished.


The crowd was kept in suspense when they saw Grey's powerful attacks in the sky, they originally thought that Harry had lost, but just when the light screen broke, they saw a red glow shooting quickly towards Grey who didn't notice it on time.

Caught in two minds, some people didn't know if to focus their attention on Harry who was going to defend against a powerful large-scale attack, or Grey who was going to be struck by a single powerful attack he didn't see coming.

Some of the audience even stood on their feet, staring at one individual, Grey.

Their expressions changed because just when they thought the fire arrow had impaled Grey, it shot straight into the sky as if there was no one there.

"He's a Space Elementalist!"

Someone from the crowd exclaimed while pointing at Grey who was currently somewhere else. If one looked closely, one will notice a slight pale blue light around him.

"What?! All these while he wasn't even using all his elements?" Someone else asked in shock.

"Yes, just how powerful is he?"

This was the question running through the heads of every single individual in the crowd. It's general knowledge that Space Elementalists are the most difficult to deal with, especially someone like Grey who had other destructive elements.

If he had used his space element from the start, then Harry wouldn't have lasted this long.

The crowd wasn't the only ones who were shocked. Those sitting in the special area, except for the lady who knew he also had the space element, as well as the group from the Gayle family.

"He has four elements, with the space element being one of them. It will be difficult for someone in the First or Second stage of the Overlord Plane to deal with him. As long as he sees the attack on time, he can almost always evade it, not just that, but he could also attack from unpredictable angles now. I wonder why he hasn't shown the space element all this while?" The Faction Leader commented.

"Isn't it simple? No one has been able to make him use it," The lady said mockingly.

The Faction Leader couldn't refute her words since they were right. If not for Harry's deadly sneak attack, then Grey wouldn't have shown the space element, keeping it until it was time to use it. A fighter shouldn't show all his cards from the start, and Grey was living with that code, perfectly.


With Grey escaping his attack, everyone turned to look at Harry who was still covered by the huge explosion.