
Affinity:Chaoschapter 490: strange technique

The two old men looked at each other and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. If this was what the lady wanted, then they wouldn't need to worry about losing anything from the mansion since Clara would easily defeat Grey.

They suddenly concluded that the lady was probably trying to train Grey, and since they weren't from here, she didn't know where to get opponents on his stage. And she might be a little overconfident in him.

The old man in blue stepped forward, "Since they're going to spar, why don't we give them a good platform?"

"You can do as you please," The lady waved.

The old man nodded, before waving his hand which caused an ice platform to rise from the ground with Grey and Clara standing in the middle. Around the ice platform was a pool of water that ran around its edge.

Grey lightly tapped on the ice platform and couldn't help but nod his head. The thickness of the ice was amazing, not just that, but the color of the ice was almost completely blue. According to what he knew, the bluer the ice, the stronger it was.

Clara took a step forward, "Since this is against your will, I won't kill you. But, don't expect to leave this platform conscious,"

Grey didn't reply, he wasn't the type who spoke much during battles.

Clara pointed at Grey, and ice spears appeared from every angle, shooting in his direction.

'Oh, a Water Elementalist. What a crafty old man, creating an ice platform is giving his granddaughter a good advantage.' Grey thought when he realized that Clara was a Water Elementalist.

A fire sphere appeared around Grey, easily melting all the ice spears. Even though he was weaker, his fire element was something that could make him fight across stages, even if he didn't have any other elements, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

Clara snorted, before sending out bubbles. The bubbles started moving from her side of the platform to Grey's side.

Grey looked at the bubbles cautiously, this was the first time he was seeing an attack like this.

Without delay, he quickly sent out a fireball in a direction.


As soon as the fireball came in contact with the bubbles, it exploded out, but the explosion was soon suppressed by a cold chill that came out of the destroyed bubbles.

Grey's expression changed slightly, the reason for this was that the bubbles were starting to cover a large part of the platform.

His only chance of destroying them before they got to him was using a large-scale attack that would cover at least half of the platform. If he used 'meteor descent', then he didn't have a problem with covering the entire platform.

'Hmm, I'll use that,' He concluded.

A large area of effect technique he learned while in the Lunar Academy soon came to mind, lightning rain.

With a few hand seals, a small storm cloud appeared above the platform. Unlike the usual silver color of lightning, what the people saw were red streaks of lightning dancing across the cloud.

Red lightning soon came crashing down on the platform.

Clara created an ice shield above her that protected her from the lightning.


"Oh, he did say his fire and lightning elements were special. It's rare seeing someone with two special elements," The lady muttered, surprised by Grey's blue flames and red lightning.

She wasn't the only one who found it shocking, only, compared to the others she was calm since Grey spoke of it before.

The group from the mansion suddenly was dumbfounded by this discovery. If one had a special element, they would be regarded highly since they would have an advantage over Elementalists with the same element, but for a single person to have two was simply unheard of.

The old men reevaluated Grey, they knew this wasn't going to be as easy as they initially thought. Even without Grey's special elements, just the small exchange he had with Clara has shown everyone that he wasn't someone she could beat easily.


Clara pushed forward while still being protected by the ice shield. With a wave, she released a sea of water in the platform, except for where she was standing.

As long as Grey was standing on the water, then he would be affected by the lightning.

Grey naturally realized what she wanted to do, and couldn't help but smile. He tapped his feet on the ground, and to the shock of Clara, the water turned into ice.

"A Multi Elementalist," Clara said softly.

"Hmph! It still wouldn't change the outcome of this battle," She added.

She raised her hand, and three large broadswords made of ice appeared, attacking Grey from three sides.

Grey was forced to move back, before unleashing a series of lightning and fire attacks. The lightning rain had stopped since he couldn't continuously give it essence.

They soon started exchanging a series of attacks, each blocking and countering their opponent.

Boom! Bam! Crack!

Both Grey and Clara attacked with their most powerful attacks, destroying each other's defenses while pushing their opponents back.

Grey having multiple elements alternated between them, but he wasn't able to overpower Clara.

He estimated her strength and concluded she was stronger than the young lady he fought from the Abyss Faction.

As the battle progressed, Clara soon started to gain the upper hand, her attacks getting more powerful. Not only did the strength of her attacks increase, but the speed also shot up significantly.

Grey focused on evading and blocking since he didn't even have the time to counterattack.


The old men smiled when they saw this.

"Clara is finally taking him seriously," The old man in blue said with a smile.

"Yeah, and with that technique, since she's constantly on the attack, her attack speed and power will continue increasing as long as the boy doesn't break the chain," The middle-aged man who looked like the old man in blue commented.

The lady was watching the battle seriously, she couldn't say she hasn't been impressed with Grey's performance so far. And she knew he still hadn't shown his full strength.