
Affinity:Chaoschapter 446: i messed up!

Ellis soon returned to the mansion, he almost fell from the sky when he saw Grey sneakily trying to check out the array.

"Stop!" He yelled.

Grey stumbled when he heard Ellis' voice, "You scared me. There's no need to scream or to be afraid. I made a teleportation array some months back, I'm just trying to see how this one was made,"

"Wait, you made a teleportation array on your own without any prior knowledge of it?" Ellis asked, dumbstruck.

"Pretty much. Although I've seen something like this in the trial land, I didn't really get to study how the array worked, so it was extremely difficult for me to make it," Grey replied.

Ellis was awed by Grey's ability in arrays. Even if Grey wasn't a genius as an Elementalist, he would surely excel with the help of his array skills. It was difficult to find true prodigies in array making or any other arts.

"Just don't mess with it, okay?" Ellis said.

Grey nodded before following behind Ellis as he walked into the mansion.

After getting into the mansion, Ellis walked straight to the middle of the mansion, he took out some essence stones, tossing them at eight different positions. An array lit up below him, giving off a strong spatial undulation.

"The continent is divided into five, the Northern continent, Eastern continent, Western continent, Southwest continent, and the Middle continent. When you come there, head straight to the Southern continent, you will be able to find me there. On getting there, search for the O'Brien family. Although the continent is large, you shouldn't have any problems with locating the O'Brien family," Ellis explained as the spatial undulations got stronger.

"From what I can tell, you can't predict which continent you will appear in after using it. No matter what happens, if you appear on the Eastern continent, never speak of the O'Brien family there." He warned.

"You know what, just don't speak of the O'Brien family in any other continent other than the Southern continent, alright?" He added.

Grey looked at Ellis weirdly, from the warnings, he could tell that the O'Brien family seems to have enemies all over the continent. He couldn't help but think of what might happen to him if he goes to the Southern continent.

What if people tried to kill him because he was friends with someone from the O'Brien family?

"No need to make that face, no one will kill you. You're a little more fortunate than I am, I think," Ellis said when he saw Grey's expression.

"What?" Grey asked, he didn't understand what Ellis meant by his statement.

"It's nothing, you'll understand after coming. Goodbye for now. I don't think the orb will work after I leave due to the distance, but I'll keep this wooden plaque of yours so you can track me with it. You wouldn't even need to search for the O'Brien family, all you need to do is find me," Ellis dodged Grey's question while cursing at himself for almost spilling the beans.

Luckily, he noticed quickly, stopping himself in time.

Grey looked at him, but since he didn't want to say anything, he didn't bother too much about it.

The array light continued increasing before Ellis soon disappeared into the bright light. After almost a minute, the light died down.

Grey looked at the array with a contemplative expression, he noticed the time it took for the array to start was longer than expected.

'Maybe distance plays a big role in the time it takes before teleporting an individual,' He thought.

With Ellis gone, he looked around the mansion. With nothing to do, he decided to explore the place. Who knows, maybe he might find something here.

Twenty minutes later.

Grey stepped out of the building, just as he expected, there was nothing in the building. However, he found out that the teleportation array was somehow built with the aid of the building. He still didn't know why it was done that way.

He left the building before his expression changed.

"Oh crap! Why didn't I tell him to take me back before leaving?" He complained.

This was the area occupied by the beasts in the Mid stages of the Overlord Plane. It would be extremely difficult to escape from one in the Early stages of the Overlord Plane, much less one in the Mid stages.

'Shit! I messed up, I messed up real bad,' He thought with a long face.

This was the third day he was spending in the Magical Beasts' forest, and he couldn't help but say although it had been eventful, he had almost died countless times. What was worse was that he was currently in an area that might make that happen sooner than he would like.

He wanted a challenge, but this place was too much for him. He would prefer being in the side that only had beasts in the Early stages of the Overlord Plane since the pressure they would place him in while fighting against them would help him grow faster.

With no other option, Grey first started to study the array around the building. Although Ellis warned him not to, he couldn't stop himself. He wanted to take a peek at it before he started his long, dangerous journey back to the outer perimeters of the forest.


Three days later.


An explosion rang out, but there was no movement after the explosion.

A six meters long Wolf walked out from the side, inspecting the place of the explosion. After looking at it properly, it left the area.

One hour later.

The rumbles in the place where the explosion occurred shook before the head of a human popped out.

The head belonged to none other than Grey. Since leaving the mansion three days ago, he had almost died twelve times. That was an average of almost dying four times a day. And this day wasn't even over yet, so there's a chance that he might face more life-threatening dangers before the day ends.

'I really messed up! Damn Ellis! Why was he in such a hurry to leave?!'