
Affinity:Chaoschapter 436: just like throwing a stone

Thirty minutes later.

A few kilometers away from where Grey left the lizard.

Grey could be seen sitting on top of a rock that was close to a river. His eyes were closed as he tried his best to replenish his space essence which was almost completely depleted when he was escaping from the lizard.

'Why are the beasts this far out?' He thought while trying to stabilize himself.

Even when he was running here, he still sensed three beasts that were in the Overlord Plane. Luckily, he managed to escape before they attacked him.

He knew something huge must be going on in the deeper parts of the forest given how even the Overlord Plane beasts are coming to the outer parts of it. Although he hadn't encountered anyone that was at the very peak of the Early stages, or in the Mid stages of the Overlord Plane, he knew if he were to continue heading deeper, he would see them in no time.

From the device the last time he checked, if he followed Ellis, then he would be going deep into the forest.

'Just how powerful is he?' He asked himself.

Ellis seemed to be in his early twenties, yet he was already this powerful. For him to freely fly deep into the forest is a testament to his confidence in himself.

Grey couldn't help but think about how things were in the continent Ellis came from. Thinking about it, he thought of his parents again. If they were from that continent, then there's a chance that they were powerful. Even Ellis was this strong, then they too should be at least as strong as Ellis, right?

But on second thought, he couldn't be certain since even in a superior place like that continent, there must be people who couldn't really cultivate properly, hence stagnating. What if his parents were one of those people? It made sense since they came to this small place and didn't even tell him about that other continent since they were ashamed.

Multiple thoughts were running through Grey's head as he continued replenishing his space essence, as well as his wind and lightning essence. Physically, he was tired since he sprinted for minutes nonstop. Had it not been for his regular training in the trial land, then he wouldn't have been able to escape from that lizard.

Grey decided to focus on replenishing his essence. He also took out one of those vials which contained the healing tonic they extracted from the blooming viper and drank it.

Despite the fact that he could heal himself without it, it would take some time before he recovers fully. In a place like this, especially given the current circumstances, it wasn't wise to take such risks.

One hour later.

'Wow! The essence here is better than it is outside. Why is that?' Grey exclaimed internally.

If he were to be outside the Magical Beasts' forest, it would take longer for him to replenish the essence he lost during the escape. But here, it took around one hour or so.

While Grey was marveling at the mystery of the Magical Beasts' forest, something was staring at him from deep in the water, waiting for the right time to pounce on the unsuspecting Grey.

It slowly swam from the depths of the water, edging closer to Grey by the second.

Grey suddenly felt a pair of eyes glued to him, but he didn't know where the sensation was coming from. He looked at the forest curiously, but he couldn't find what was staring at him.

"Hmm, strange," He muttered.

He stood up and moved closer to the river, looking at the other side of it.


The creature sprang out from the river at breakneck speed, spreading its gigantic jaws as it tried to bite the head of Grey.

Grey reacted by taking a step forward instead of backing away. He bent down as he took the step, making sure to dodge the jaws of the beast.

His simple movement placed him under the creature which had over half its body mid-air.

Grey looked at the stomach of the creature, his eyes trailing to the other half that was on its way from springing out of the water. It was surprisingly a crocodile. He didn't know which element it was attributed to since it hadn't attacked with an element yet.

After missing its target, the crocodile continued going forward, its body fully leaving the water.


It landed heavily on the ground a few meters away before turning around hastily, facing Grey face to face.


This was the first thing that rang in Grey's head.

The crocodile before him was over nine meters long, and the size of its head was insane. Even Grey felt a little chill from it. If he were bitten by that head, he would be cut in half, no doubt about that. Luckily, the crocodile was at the Peak of the Origin Plane, and it had not yet broken through to the Overlord Plane.

"Get back into the water, no need to die unnecessarily," Grey said before moving to the side.

He didn't have the time to fight with this crocodile. He was planning on leaving this place since there's a chance that the disturbance might attract other beasts. An Overlord Plane beast is something he didn't wish to encounter presently.

The crocodile opened its mouth and sprayed out a stream of water towards him. Grey shook his head before disappearing from sight.

He soon appeared behind the crocodile, holding onto the tail, he began spinning, taking the crocodile with him.

The nine meters long crocodile was lifted off the ground by Grey easily while it was still spraying out water. After going three full circles, Grey let go of the crocodile.

It went in the direction of the river, due to the force of the throw, it skipped on the surface of the water six times, before crashing on the other side of the river.

The river was around twenty-six to thirty meters wide, yet Grey threw the crocodile to the other side, well, with the help of the water.