
Affinity:Chaoschapter 434: changes in the magical beasts' fores

The next day.

Ellis was still out searching for the bamboo forest which had the liquid that Grey wanted. Unfortunately, even after searching the entire night, he still hasn't been able to locate it.

He had seen two bamboo forests during this time, but none of them had what Grey wanted.

Grey on the other hand decided it was best for him to continue exploring the Magical Beasts' forest on his own. He specifically chose the direction Ellis was heading, that way if Ellis were to find the place, he wouldn't have any problems with quickly getting to him.


'I think it'll be best if I were to break through to the Ninth stage while I'm here. The essence here is slowly increasing the further I head in, albeit the change is very small.' Grey thought while raising his left hand in the air.

Since leaving the trial land, he couldn't really say that he had focused on cultivating. What he mainly did was either improving his knowledge in arrays or trying to comprehend a new element. His cultivation stage only increased after he comprehended a new element.

Then there was the time he acquired that small ball or red lightning. After he left the Chimera forest, he hasn't really tried to use the red lightning. He still found it odd that he could wield two different types of lightning.

Although both lightning generally has the same characteristics, there are some changes.

'Will I be able to wield a different color of flame later on?' He thought to himself.

This wouldn't be impossible since he could presently wield two types of lightning.

He threw the thought to the back of his mind, for now, he wanted to focus on how to get stronger.

Once he gets to the Ninth stage of the Origin Plane, he would have a difficult task ahead of him, getting to the Overlord Plane. If breaking through to the Origin Plane was difficult, then breaking through to the Overlord Plane was at least fifteen times harder.

An Elementalist would have to change their elemental beads into origin beads. This is what gives them unimaginable control over their elements. An Overlord Plane Lightning Elementalist could easily step into a thunderstorm, controlling part of it, as they grow stronger, their control increases.


Grey was barely able to move freely in the direction he wanted because he noticed the further he headed into the Magical Beasts' forest, the higher the Overlord Plane magical beasts he encountered. Luckily, he had the space element, so evading their senses wasn't too difficult.

Although, he wasn't as confident in the space element as he previously did after his encounter with the captain of that group he fought. Since there are people who are sensitive to the space element, then there would also be beasts who would be sensitive to it.

On thinking about beasts, he recalled how all the bunnies from that garden were able to hide from Void's attacks even though he was using the space element.

It didn't take long for Grey's fear to materialize into reality when he was noticed by an Overlord Plane beast.

Boom! Bang!

"Crap! It'll be difficult to escape if it doesn't stop," Grey complained after barely dodging an attack.

He had refilled the essence needed for the blue vest to work, so it helped him block the aftereffect of the attacks that the beast sent towards him.


The lizard-like beast pounced on Grey. Its speed was not something someone in the Origin Plane could deal with, even with Grey's incredible speed, it was still impossible for him to escape from it. The space element was the only thing that was keeping Grey alive.

Now he knew the difference between an Overlord Plane Elementalist who just broke through and one that has been in the Plane for a long time. This lizard was still in the early stages of the Overlord Plane, yet it wouldn't have any problems with killing that young man Grey fought against who just broke through to the Overlord Plane back at the Chimera forest.


The lizard sent out a fire attack, while swinging it's tail in Grey's direction.

Grey blinked and disappeared from the attack was going to hit, appearing almost ten meters away from where the lizard attacked.

"Huh? Damn it!"

Grey's pupils dilated when he saw the lizard appearing within a few meters away from him.

It swung its tail towards him, with no other option, he hastily set up three defensive walls, each made of three elements, the fire, water, and earth element. He also went on to create an earth armor around him just for a little more safety.

Bam! Bang!

The lizard's tail didn't meet any resistance with the first wall which was made of ice, then the one made from fire. It also didn't meet too much of a resistance with the earth wall as well.


Grey was sent flying when the tail made contact with his body which was covered in earth armor, as well as the blue vest's protection.

Crash! Bang!

He crashed into the ground, sliding into the ground for almost twenty meters, before slamming into a six meters thick boulder.


Cracks appeared from where Grey's body crashed with the boulder, before running to the other side of the boulder. It was soon divided into two separate parts.

Grey hastily stood up from the rumble, his earth armor cracked on almost every possible place, while the light the blue vest was giving off was starting to fade.

"What's happening, why are the beasts this far out?" He mumbled to himself.

Overlord Plane beasts weren't supposed to be in this area, yet, not only are they in the area but there are seemingly countless Overlord Plane beasts. Even while trying to evade them, he was still noticed by this giant lizard which had legs that were longer than how the legs of a lizard should be.

The lizard charged towards him once again, it clearly wanted to kill Grey for stepping into its territory.